
Doe Boii

Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
D-town (DALLAS), Texas
Alright, so here is a big part in why I don't get too many girls. Where i live guys are fighting all the time, and if you don't fight then your considered a "punk" or "scary". Now, I don't like fighting because i'm short (5 foot 2) and skinny (90-100 lbs) and i'm 15 yrs old in the 9th grade w/ some pretty big dudes. Even the girls where im at fight, and they love to have a man who fights alot or established himself as a fighter, because if they have a problem with some dude they man can knock him out. This just doesn't work for me because im frail

What are some things i can do to still pull girls who like a man that fights alot?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Can't say I can help you from experience. The only thing I can think is something Mystery did in the book 'The Game'. He was doing his DHV magic stuff and when an ex-soldier tried to AMOG him he threatened to use magic to kill him. Chances are thats not gonna work for you lol.

You could always just build yourself up and ally yourself with some big dudes. Being short won't be too much of a problem if you build yourself up, it'll do wonders for your game aswell as fighting.

Doe Boii

Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
D-town (DALLAS), Texas
but i dont know any good exercise regimes and im too lazy too stick with them, i always quit or just stop doing it. I dont have money for gyms, all i can do is push ups and sit ups. would this build any muscle on me?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Thats all I do, sit-ups and pushups. And occasionally use my guitars as weights to lift lol. It's better than nothing. Oh and about being too lazy... STOP BEING LAZY.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
LOL... What the hell is going on in the world these days!!! Idk what to to get stronger?? Yea eat McDonalds and workout. Lift heavy.
If not then why dont you move into civilized HS, were guys dont bang each other heads off..


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
If you feel too lazy to work out, it might just be that you are tired. I typically have problems sleeping, and rarely sleep more than 6.25 hrs /night, and I find that if I get at least 7 hrs of sleep or more I feel better during the day and working out feels like something I deserve to do, rather than it feeling like a chore when I am tired.

As far as what you can do, do plenty of push ups and sit ups. Also get a pull up bar. They aren't expensive and they are easy to use. You should also try to run or jog each day, to get your heart beating faster. Try at least 2 miles a day to start.

Doe Boii

Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
D-town (DALLAS), Texas
well i can get up and get active it's just that when i try to, i plan up my own little work out schedule and it never seems like enough and feels like im getting nothing accomplished. i dont acquire any extra muscle or nothin so it feels like wasted time. what would be a good schedule to follow to see change?


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
From personal experience dude, fighting just isn't worth it. Win or lose, there's no satisfaction, and win or lose, you'll probably still get in trouble. So some advice, if you're going to fight, it would be wise not to do it on school grounds, especially if your school has a lot of cameras(And snitches). The bigger man is the person who backs out of the fight, rather than provokes it.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
I am a big dude and some people that hang aroung with me say that they feel safe around me. If you are short you still can go to the gym and get some muscle. GOOD LUCK.


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
I understand your desire not to fight but if you have to. Find a good gym that can train you mainly in martial arts eat more protein gain more muscle. 2 If you can't train in martial train yourself and eat a lot I figure you are young so you still got some growing to do. 3. If none of those things are for you go for the other guys nuts. Nothing fancy somehow you just got to hit/kick/bite him in the nuts. Some people say oh that's wrong but I declare that in a fight nothing is wrong you must do everthing in your power to win. BTW you will see a lot of girl fights in your life mainly over guys. I think it's funny because women are just as violent as men.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thunder Bay Ontario
Don't be lazy, You are probably stronger than you think. Either kick the ****er in the nutz, or punch him in the throat, either way he is going down. Instant win, BUT careful with the throat too hard and you can kill him lol Wait go for the kidneys :O Anyways as for working out. Drink raw eggs, Pure protien I am about 5'11" and 150 pounds of pure muscle, How I did it. I drink raw eggs every morning (2-3) and or just before I start working out (15 mins before hand) I also get a few weights to train with, push ups, get a brother sister, friend to hold it there, and do some serious push ups, if you can do one handers,. Sit ups same thing applies BUT put the weight on your chest and hold it here, and sit at a 45 degree angle, it strengths the muscles in your stomach, (abs) And once you feel a burning sensation start doing them if you feel tired, get back at 45 and hold it, do not stop. Same thing applies for pushups, hold half way, Take breaks every 30 minutes, or if you can't move or anything take a break, cool off. have a drink/smoke w/e to cool off and go back at it until you can't to the push ups/sit ups without the weights on.

Do this for 2 weeks and have a look at your results.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Doe Boii said:
Alright, so here is a big part in why I don't get too many girls. Where i live guys are fighting all the time, and if you don't fight then your considered a "punk" or "scary". Now, I don't like fighting because i'm short (5 foot 2) and skinny (90-100 lbs) and i'm 15 yrs old in the 9th grade w/ some pretty big dudes. Even the girls where im at fight, and they love to have a man who fights alot or established himself as a fighter, because if they have a problem with some dude they man can knock him out. This just doesn't work for me because im frail

What are some things i can do to still pull girls who like a man that fights alot?
I think people are missing the deep underlying point here, its not about exercise regimes or what to eat, I am assuming here that you feel the need to prove yourself to the ladies. Secondly, a real man would not strike another man, women, child, or animal, unless in self defense. Dont feel the need to conform, that right there shows weakness, show strength and originality by choosing not to fight.

But, whatever, your call dude.

Stacks Of Terror

Don Juan
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Doe Boii said:
Alright, so here is a big part in why I don't get too many girls. Where i live guys are fighting all the time, and if you don't fight then your considered a "punk" or "scary". Now, I don't like fighting because i'm short (5 foot 2) and skinny (90-100 lbs) and i'm 15 yrs old in the 9th grade w/ some pretty big dudes. Even the girls where im at fight, and they love to have a man who fights alot or established himself as a fighter, because if they have a problem with some dude they man can knock him out. This just doesn't work for me because im frail

What are some things i can do to still pull girls who like a man that fights alot?
I feel you son Only thing I can say go to the Y or something