Fighting 101 (feeling less alpha?)


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
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DonJuanForever: Love begets love, hate begets hate, violence begets violence. This is the obvious cycle of life. If you get your azz beat in a club I really doubt you will be cruising the streets looking to stab this person UNLESS there is OTHER reasons which are to numerous to list. Perhaps for you this may just be a paranoia of running into this person again (you are scared) in which case you protect yourself by taking the fight to him where you ahve the advantage of suprise. You sound like you are referring to a "gang mentality" in which case I refer you to another thread.
I am talking about more common circumstances.

Panda 2000: isnt ji-jitsu grapple? I have only seen a little but it seems to require a strong ground game. Though wrestling I think may be a stronger form. Martial Arts teaches you discipline, which street fighting may not. It seems in street fighting quick bursts are essesential and avoiding hits. If you ground game is good enough I would assume it could end quickly with a submission, or a broken arm. A little compound fracture would end anything quickly. lmfao. The bloody nose is nice, it is pretty easy to headbutt someone in the nose that is right in your face. Stunning blinding effect. & of course realizing that the blood on you is your own, for those that are more visual

Teflon_Mcgee: Pepper spray is pretty strong. I saw it drop this one kid real quick, spray was all over the place, gagging (not a strong as cop mace though). That **** made this kids eyes swell up so bad he couldnt see sh1t. THough on the other hand I had a friend that took some acid & flipped out, cops came, hit him with a whole can and he was able to see for a while. cops thought he was on pcp. Mace is good if you get the high strength but if a person is on drugs or has alot of adrenaline you are still going to get attacked. imo

Dont get sued either......

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
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Ju Jitsu features grappling techniques (getting someone on the floor and then taking care of them there either by immobilizing them or, well, hurting them real bad or choking them) and standing techniques like locks and such. But both on the ground and standing it basically relies on you using your body weight, his body weight and the leverage between them to either immobilize your opponent, choke him or get one or several of his limbs into a very painful lock which can then result in a limb breaking or spraining if you apply enough force. Fractures, the bloody nose thing and chokes end things pretty quickly I recon. I like boxing too because it's a good sport and you also get a lot of reflexes and learn to avoid punches.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
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If i have to fight...i just kick em square in the bollocks and then give em a right hook on the way down...they aint gunna come back up for a good 5 minutes probably more...I try and avoid fights though
Mar 25, 2006
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drop says,

"I am talking about more common circumstances."

Common huh, lol. See the thing is, after you learn your ultimate fighting system, I can say that in jit-jitsu, you should kick my azz. In kick boxing, you should kick my azz. Basically the styles you learn, if I fight you in them, you should kick my azz.

Makes sense?

In a street fight, HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT STYLE I AM ABOUT TO USE? In the dojo, you know what style everybody is doing, you get hit with some unexpected shots, but nothing major, plus you have everybody there to break up any serious altercations....and since we are all doing jit-jitsu or kick boxing, I know what to expect for the most part.

WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ON THE STREET? You can kick my azz in the form you study, but in streetfighting, THERE ARE NO FORMS!!

You want to walk around and "bring the fight to me" huh? Lol, well you could, but who says I'm going to fight? What if my boy in the back of the room wants to run up and do it for me? What is I decide not to fight but walk away from you as you stand there talkin all bad azz? Then when you are walkin to your car and the "coast is clear" I blast yo jit-jitsu, kick boxing, board breaking azz in the back and run off.

Not so tough now are you?

If you want to go to the UFC and make money doing it, that's fine. But don't think you just gone walk around and just KICK somebody's azz, at least not mines. And it's always the nerdy guys who look like they WON'T do shyt, that will fvck yo azz up.
Mar 25, 2006
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Prime example, a guy goes to the club with his girl, and some guy is hitting on his girl and the guy says, "Hey buddy, fvck off!" And he punches the guy out, and the bar rejoices, the bouncer kicks the guy out who just got punched, and the guy with his girl feels "smug."

Then him and his girl are walking out, the "smug" guy says "we don't need any protection baby, the bytch won't try nothing with ME! I'll kick his azz again." Then as soon as they get in the car, bullets are shoot through the window and him and his girl are seriously injured.

1. First off, why bring your chick to a place where you KNOW she'll get hit on? Then get pissed about it?
2. Why, just because you can kick azz in a dojo, why think you can use it on ANYBODY? Why UNDERESTIMATE the guy you are attacking? Martial art boys do this alllll the time.

But majority of the "black belts" they NEVER FIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOJO. You can't call yourself a real fvckin fighter into you've been in real fvcking fights, the 3 minute round shyt is sports, not war and combat where it's not over until one is dead or seriously hurt.

It's like if I got on this site and tried to teach you all how to get women, WITHOUT ACTUALLY GETTING NONE MYSELF. wtf?
But I like you though. Keep learning your ultimate fighting thing, again, use it to make money, outside of the dojo, be peaceful and kind to everybody and avoid fights.

But walk around like Ken Shamrock or some tough guy wit yo chest pokin out, and watch dont' my boys kick yo Ultimate Fighting Championship azz.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
DonJuanForever said:
Prime example, a guy goes to the club with his girl, and some guy is hitting on his girl and the guy says, "Hey buddy, fvck off!" And he punches the guy out, and the bar rejoices, the bouncer kicks the guy out who just got punched, and the guy with his girl feels "smug."

Then him and his girl are walking out, the "smug" guy says "we don't need any protection baby, the bytch won't try nothing with ME! I'll kick his azz again." Then as soon as they get in the car, bullets are shoot through the window and him and his girl are seriously injured.

1. First off, why bring your chick to a place where you KNOW she'll get hit on? Then get pissed about it?
2. Why, just because you can kick azz in a dojo, why think you can use it on ANYBODY? Why UNDERESTIMATE the guy you are attacking? Martial art boys do this alllll the time.

But majority of the "black belts" they NEVER FIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOJO. You can't call yourself a real fvckin fighter into you've been in real fvcking fights, the 3 minute round shyt is sports, not war and combat where it's not over until one is dead or seriously hurt.

It's like if I got on this site and tried to teach you all how to get women, WITHOUT ACTUALLY GETTING NONE MYSELF. wtf?
But I like you though. Keep learning your ultimate fighting thing, again, use it to make money, outside of the dojo, be peaceful and kind to everybody and avoid fights.

But walk around like Ken Shamrock or some tough guy wit yo chest pokin out, and watch dont' my boys kick yo Ultimate Fighting Championship azz.
wow that's contradictory. You're preaching non-violence and yet "your boys" will happily shoot people up. I guess what you're saying is that you should always be the guy carrying a gun?

Besides, what you just posted is OTT bullsh1t that rarely, if ever, happens.
Especially in the UK where practically nobody even owns a gun (another reason why U.S gun laws are fvkked up and lead to huge murder rates).

I agree that you should try your best to avoid a fight and see it as a last resort, but sometimes, and only sometimes, you have to kick some little sh1t's ass.

Maybe some people are happy being beta, happy living a life of mediocrity only to end up dead all the same. But that's just cowardice; to get ahead in life you sometimes have to take risks. That's how it is.

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
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Man, that's gangsta!

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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Actually, HERE'S Fighting 101, gentlemen...

Simply get into a horse stance, clench your fists and scream like you have the worst constipation of your life. Your opponent will think you are about to turn super-saiyan, get scared and run away. End of story.
Mar 25, 2006
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Juan I like you because you are an idiot.

You said,

"Maybe some people are happy being beta, happy living a life of mediocrity only to end up dead all the same. But that's just cowardice; to get ahead in life you sometimes have to take risks. That's how it is."

Look at what you just said. "Being beta," "Living a life of mediocrity" " To get ahead in life"

Look at the title of this thread, it's says, "Feeling Less Alpha."

See the reason 99% OF GUYS get into fights in the FIRST PLACE, is because they are already insecure little shytballs, just "upset" at life, at Nature, at Jay Leno, at Carson Daly, and everything in between, and they want to "get into" martial arts to learn how to fight so that when they decide to TAKE THEIR INSECURITIES OUT ON SOMEBODY...they won't get their azzes beat.

It's like a bully, who is very insecure and a complete azz, he wants to learn how to box, and how to when he wants to take his insecurities out on somebody...HE WON'T GET DEALT WITH.

And bullies ALWAYS fvck with guys they know they can beat.

What I am saying is that to be in a life situation where you have to fight is so fvckin avoidable it doesn't make any sense.

Women don't like guys who fight, because that shows major insecurity.
You didn't accomplish anything by winning a fight, but more importantly you just opened up hell on your life and either that guy or somebody bigger and badder than you is going to take your azz. I said a million times, if you wanna do it, do like Ali did, Tyson did, Ortiz does, do it for CA$$$H.

DO NOT, DO it for self esteem.

Which according to Juan and Only's quotes of "Being beta," "Living a life of mediocrity" " To get ahead in life".....and drop's "Feeling Less Alpha,"
You guys are not trying to learn it because your life is in a dangerous situation and you want to defend yourself, you are trying to learn it so that you can SUCCESSFULLY take your insecurities out on a guy, AND don't want to worry about him kicking your azz.

You guys are soooo not alpha! You don't even know that sexual state gets women to fvck you, you don't even know we are in America and you can become who you want. You don't even LISTEN to some of the advice I give because your heads are soooooo far up your azzes everything I say sounds like shyt.....well, that's because your head is up your azz!!

shytty bastards


The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
DonJuanForever said:
Juan I like you because you are an idiot.

You said,

"Maybe some people are happy being beta, happy living a life of mediocrity only to end up dead all the same. But that's just cowardice; to get ahead in life you sometimes have to take risks. That's how it is."

Look at what you just said. "Being beta," "Living a life of mediocrity" " To get ahead in life"

Look at the title of this thread, it's says, "Feeling Less Alpha."

See the reason 99% OF GUYS get into fights in the FIRST PLACE, is because they are already insecure little shytballs, just "upset" at life, at Nature, at Jay Leno, at Carson Daly, and everything in between, and they want to "get into" martial arts to learn how to fight so that when they decide to TAKE THEIR INSECURITIES OUT ON SOMEBODY...they won't get their azzes beat.

It's like a bully, who is very insecure and a complete azz, he wants to learn how to box, and how to when he wants to take his insecurities out on somebody...HE WON'T GET DEALT WITH.

And bullies ALWAYS fvck with guys they know they can beat.

What I am saying is that to be in a life situation where you have to fight is so fvckin avoidable it doesn't make any sense.

Women don't like guys who fight, because that shows major insecurity.
You didn't accomplish anything by winning a fight, but more importantly you just opened up hell on your life and either that guy or somebody bigger and badder than you is going to take your azz. I said a million times, if you wanna do it, do like Ali did, Tyson did, Ortiz does, do it for CA$$$H.

DO NOT, DO it for self esteem.

Which according to Juan and Only's quotes of "Being beta," "Living a life of mediocrity" " To get ahead in life".....and drop's "Feeling Less Alpha,"
You guys are not trying to learn it because your life is in a dangerous situation and you want to defend yourself, you are trying to learn it so that you can SUCCESSFULLY take your insecurities out on a guy, AND don't want to worry about him kicking your azz.

You guys are soooo not alpha! You don't even know that sexual state gets women to fvck you, you don't even know we are in America and you can become who you want. You don't even LISTEN to some of the advice I give because your heads are soooooo far up your azzes everything I say sounds like shyt.....well, that's because your head is up your azz!!

shytty bastards

and I like you, because your posts never make any fvcking sense.

You were the one saying "your boys" would shoot people up in the street, so don't talk to me about needless violence.

I don't think you should fight for pride, and I never said that. Sometimes people go too far, sometimes people threaten your friends or loved ones, and sometimes they demean you or intrude on your space and belongings in ways which no respectable person should tolerate. You can't back down all your life.

See the reason 99% OF GUYS get into fights in the FIRST PLACE, is because they are already insecure little shytballs, just "upset" at life, at Nature, at Jay Leno, at Carson Daly
You don't understand at all. You should never go out looking for fights and, like I said, it should be your last resort. BUT, if Mr chav-tw@t with trackies and cap walks up, pissed on vodka, pushing people about, threatening everyone and getting in your face for no good reason. That's K.O time.
Mar 25, 2006
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Oh Juan trust me....

say me and my family are chillin at the Chuck E. Cheese and a guy walks up and decides he's going to just kick my azz......



Gotcha didn't I?

See kickboxing, jit-jitsu, boxing, they don't teach you moves to stop the fight in 10 seconds or less......a fighting style that does is what you should learn.

NOOOWW, as I said, if you want to learn boxing, jit-jitsu, or Kurt Angle type wrestling shyt, then do it and stay dedicated and I look forward to seeing you on UFC because I fvckin love the UFC.

But, don't do that shyt in a real streetfight.

You want to end the fight as soon as possible and get out of the situation.
Now, if you are at the family panic and drunk Uncle Charlie just needs to be calmed down, okay, perhaps some holds would be caused for, not to take Uncle Charlie's pride or self-esteem, just to let him see that he's making a fool out of himself and to calm down.

Combat teaches you that too. That's what I study, combat. Moves that STOP THE FIGHT. That's why I said, DON'T FIGHT. And plus, you wanna break out your moves....who's to say I will ALLOW IT.

Juan says, that sometimes you have to defend yourself, and you're damn right! But how do you know I haven't been studying that shyt too? The thing is, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT IN A REAL STREET FIGHT.

Why put yourself in a situation where you don't know what will happen? So end it by STOPPING THE OPPONENT, and walking off while he's stopped.

Do you understand me my little "no-pvssy-getting" friend?

:rockon: Rock Out Man!!!
Mar 25, 2006
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Oh Juan.....
"if Mr chav-tw@t with trackies and cap walks up pissed on vodka, pushing people about, threatening everyone and getting in your face for no good reason. That's K.O time."

And who's going to K.O. him, you? How? Using your UNBEATABLE ULTIMATE FIGHTING SYSTEM THAT YOU PAY $40 a month for at the dojo?

How about, you laugh at him and walk off? If you DON'T HAVE THE SAME INSECURITIES HE HAS, he really won't fvck with you.

See, non-verbal communication my friend. I've talked with a lot of black belts ,and they say they don't GET IN FIGHTS NO MORE, they say because before they were people fvcked with that they are not, people back off.

Lol, on my Juan, I'll be reading about you in the papers.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
DonJuanForever said:
Oh Juan trust me....

say me and my family are chillin at the Chuck E. Cheese and a guy walks up and decides he's going to just kick my azz......



Gotcha didn't I?

See kickboxing, jit-jitsu, boxing, they don't teach you moves to stop the fight in 10 seconds or less......a fighting style that does is what you should learn.

NOOOWW, as I said, if you want to learn boxing, jit-jitsu, or Kurt Angle type wrestling shyt, then do it and stay dedicated and I look forward to seeing you on UFC because I fvckin love the UFC.

But, don't do that shyt in a real streetfight.

You want to end the fight as soon as possible and get out of the situation.
Now, if you are at the family panic and drunk Uncle Charlie just needs to be calmed down, okay, perhaps some holds would be caused for, not to take Uncle Charlie's pride or self-esteem, just to let him see that he's making a fool out of himself and to calm down.

Combat teaches you that too. That's what I study, combat. Moves that STOP THE FIGHT. That's why I said, DON'T FIGHT. And plus, you wanna break out your moves....who's to say I will ALLOW IT.

Juan says, that sometimes you have to defend yourself, and you're damn right! But how do you know I haven't been studying that shyt too? The thing is, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT IN A REAL STREET FIGHT.

Why put yourself in a situation where you don't know what will happen? So end it by STOPPING THE OPPONENT, and walking off while he's stopped.

Do you understand me my little "no-pvssy-getting" friend?

:rockon: Rock Out Man!!!
You missunderstand. I never said you should rely on Martial arts - in fact, most of that crap is utterly useless in a real fight.

Just gives people a sense of over-confidence, which usually ends with them getting the sh1t beaten out of 'em.

Where did I say you should try to learn martial arts??? I didn't

A straight, hard punch to the chin will serve you well.

Edit: I saw your latest post and I THINK MARTIAL ARTS TECHNIQUES ARE BULL****. ok?
Mar 25, 2006
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Oh see, I know I'm supposed to say, "Hell yeah, knock him out." But you see, when you get to 22-23, you kinda of learn some shyt.....

And fighting is very stupid. And going back to my COMBAT training, why not just hold him down until security comes, COMBAT teaches you how to STOP THE DRUNK GUY. Martial arts DOES NOT.

Go to this site,
This is MY Combat trainer....go here and learn the truth my little "no-pvssy-getting" friend.

And oh yeah

Rock ON!!!!!!!

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
it makes me wonder whether you even read my posts. I never said anything about martial arts.

you are putting words in my fvcking mouth.
Mar 25, 2006
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Juan you said,

"A straight, hard punch to the chin will serve you well."
"but sometimes, and only sometimes, you have to kick some little sh1t's ass."

I mean damn, so now you can ALL OF A SUDDEN beat someone's azz you walks up to you WITHOUT ANY FVCKIN STRATEGY?

I mean the martial arts shyt svcks, but you have no fvckin strategy, lol? You say, lol, sometimes you have to kick some little shyts azz, and what are you a natural? To a drunk bar fighter who's been fighting in bars all his life, you, WHO HAVEN'T FOUGHT IN YEARS/PROBABLY EVER, you're going to kick his azz?

Lol, look...Justin Timberlake is bringin Sexy Back, just help him bring it back and leave bubba alone alright.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
yeah I am. And i'm not going to tackle some guy who looks like a hard-core street fighter ffs, let's be sensible.

A drunken 18 y/o isn't the same thing.

You are a retard out to flame people, and i have had enough of this argument. I saw your battle with delta the other day, and lemme tell you that it's just pathetic.

You've taken this waay past the original point i was trying to argue. You try to beat your opponents by pointless personal attacks and by putting works in their mouths. grow up.
Mar 25, 2006
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Oh Juan get serious....

"You are a retard out to flame people, and i have had enough of this argument. You try to beat your opponents by pointless personal attacks and by putting works in their mouths."

First off you started it calling me a retard in this thread, go and scroll back and see. And I don't need to put words in your mouth to make you sound, your language is enough buddy.

And Delta started it in the "attraction" thread saying that I "didn't understand english" when I said attraction is a choice, and it is.

Don't start saying I am trying to put you down, hell I wish the site was better and had more in depth discussions.

But since me and skip seem to be the only ones around here who actually approach women, I guess we can't all share our experiences.


The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
Attraction isn't a choice. Your problem was that you didn't and don't understand the context of the question.

Answer me this: Can you look at a woman and make yourself attracted to her, there and then?

And I thought I told you to grow up. I approach women all the time, actually i'd say I'm one of the most social people I know.

Skip's not quite as retarded as you, but he does lie, and he does talk a fair amount of sh1t.

Plus, I don't even know what you're disagreeing with me about in terms of fighting. what exactly have I said that you don't agree with?

You just argue for the sake of it, and you need to get a life.
Mar 25, 2006
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Juan first of all,
"I don't even know what you're disagreeing with me about in terms of fighting. what exactly have I said that you don't agree with?"

You fvckin started it! You grow up! I stated my opinion on this thread, this is a DISCUSSION, meaning, I don't have to agree with the original poster. You replied first calling me retarded, so hell yeah I'm going to respond to you, don't call me out if you don't want me to call you out on your bullshyt.

"Can you look at a woman and make yourself attracted to her, there and then?"

I've already said idiot, that the shyt is pre-programmed, from your youth. I'm not even getting back into that, who gives a fvck what attraction is, just get laid.

"And I thought I told you to grow up."

Lol, okay?

And you get up here and claim to be able to knock the experienced drunk bar fighter out with a straight punch, YET..having no fvckin real street fighting experience?

Then you begin calling me retarded in THIS THREAD and the other one, because I "disagree"?

I don't even fvckin know you, you came to me talkin shyt, so yeah, I'm going to put your little soft azz back in your place.

Now again, Justin Timberlake is bringin Sexy Back, help him out.
