Fighting 101 (feeling less alpha?)


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
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There have been multiple threads on fighting, how to fight, why fight, blah blah blah.

Anyways the best I know of (as far as STREET FIGHTING goes) is watching of ACTUAL STREET FIGHTS. How do I find street fights to watch? Find videos on the internet. As you watch fight after fight after fight, patterns begin to emerge. You will begin to notice it isnt who can take the most punches, the bigger of the 2, or who has the weapon.

For example: After viewing bumfights 1 & 2 (street fights) they have a video called "scraps" this is all just street fights. (limewire)

I began to notice patterns, for example the most commonly used punch is OBVIOUSLY the right hook.The way to beat this to duck it and counter. The person that wins a 1 on 1 is the person that get hit the least. This may seem obvious to some, but others think that "I can take a punch" so I will win. Not true. Most the time the people that can take the punch end up getting FVCKED UP, because they stay on their feet while taking this hard right hooks to their dome. More patterns emerge.

At this point go out to walmart get a 2 sets of 14 oz boxing gloves ($20 a set) and call your buddies pussies,etc until they fight you. This is the best way to emulate what you have seen. There are other ways to learn. Pay for classes in fighting classes (martial arts,etc..) or just simply go out and get in fights. THough you can be sued or stabbed if you go about this wrong.

Anyways for those that are worried they cant fight and therefore dont feel ALPHA, get some practice. Imagine yourself fighting and what you would do in certain situations. You will get ideas by WATCHING the fights, and then emulating. Once you believe you can whoop someones @ss, your attitude will change, you will become more assertive,etc...... You can simply look to the classic 'Fight Club' for an example of this.

My 2 cents. Anyone have anything that helped them in this department?

hope this helped some1


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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Uh.. The sad thing is I don't see the fineprint.

lol this guy is probally serious.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
Picking a fight is a great way to make yourself look beta. The alpha male wins verbally, not physically.

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
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Real DJs win dance-offs.


Master Don Juan
May 9, 2003
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I used to always resolve altercations with dance-offs. Most of the time my opponent would perish trying to match my moves. Yep, I can dance.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
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hey haters

LATE BREAKING NEWS: Being unable to defend yourself physcially is BETA. Just because some of you dont have the BALLS to stand up for yourself doesnt mean that others dont want to learn. I have seen the questioned asked over and over & people want to know. If you have nothing to provide please leave your ignorance out of this thread. lol

Picking a fight is a great way to make yourself look beta. The alpha male wins verbally, not physically.
Alpha male can win PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY. Dont mean to imply that you should start fights.

Winning a dance off is great, but certain situations call for certain actions, and a dance off will not solve this. You may beat someone with words, but then they will punch you in the face. How will you react?

The fact of the matter is if you want to be a leader, you have to lead physcially and mentally. Anyone who says otherwise doesnt have the physcial ability or is scared. IMO


ps. this is not a joke. lol. look up previous threads.:flowers:
Mar 25, 2006
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Hey, hey, hey!! To the original poster, you said,

"LATE BREAKING NEWS: Being unable to defend yourself physcially is BETA"

Correction. Getting into FIGHTS is BETA. The BEST streetfighter is not the guy who has kicks 100 azzes, but it's the guy who has avoided being in the SITUATION to kick 100 azzes.

Unless you get in a REAL FVCKING FIGHT. Not the lunchroom shyt, where you and a guy are rolling on the floor and in about 30 seconds everybody will break it up.

No. I'm talking about a REAL FVCKING FIGHT, where no one breaks it up! And it's over when somebody is dead or seriously fvcking hurt.

You want to take that chance buddy? No matter how much martial arts or UFC shyt you wanna learn, you could still get fvcked up.

You wanna take that chance? Huh. And correction, WOMEN DON'T LIKE THAT SHYT.

I want you to go here, this is my friend Marc "Animal" MacYoung. He'll tell you the fvcking truth.

Remember in a real fight, it's not over when someone is carried out of the room. It's over when someone is carried out of existence.

- John


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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I agree that you should be able to physically defend yourself. But i don't see 'going out and getting in fights' as the best way to do this.

Join a rugby/football team and learn to throw your weight around. From my experience, it isn't the guy throwing the most punches who'll win...its the guy that gets the other to the ground. How many right hooks can you serve up before the guy charges your ass into the pavement and unloads on your face?

I suggest getting involved in rugby(my choice), football, or boxing; if you want to learn how to take care of yourself. Martial arts takes YEARS to be effective.

I've seen big guys go down in fights because they just stand there trying to throw punches and let the other guy plow them to the ground. In most streetfights, its about who takes the other guy down so punches aren't really that important if your on the offense(which you should be, even in self defense).

Rugby, football, boxing...


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
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Orange County, Ca
Quiksilver, technically boxing is a martial art. But I see your point. If someone wanted to learn self defence, they should learn a practical martial art and not something from a McDojo.

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
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I'm of the opinion that you should always try to avoid fights but not at the expense of being put down or intimidated by someone. I never initiate any kind of physical violence, but when someone starts pushing you or even hitting you, defending yourself is an absolute must, but it's a last resort.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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grappling is the most effective way to beat a stronger opponent or to beat a good striker.

If you're too poor to afford lessons, get some jujitsu tapes, practice with your friends, and spar


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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There are guys who are into martials arts but are still scare sh*itless when it comes to women or dont know the social game that is played out.
I heard of one story of some SEAL member who could do everything the military tells him to do but when it comes to women he becomes a total AFC wimp .

Its good to know some martials arts (I've been doing it off on on for over a decade) for basic selfdefense. These days you DONT want to have an altercation with someone because too many guys are packing guns now. Avoid if possible.
*One of my friends was gunned down in an altercation years ago.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
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Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
The thing is boxing teaches you to use the techniques faster and easier than any other martial art.

Hell I could tell you somthing useful right now....

Throw your punches straight.

You lose power throwing sloppy hooks like those douchebags in your lunch room street fighting videos.


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Your house!
i carry pepperspray in case i get attacked. it hasn't happened yet, but if it did i would get him in the face with pepperspray and run like a motherfvcker and yell for help if he still chased me.

one time in an aol chatroom some guys were talking about how guys get in fistfights with their friends, and talking about it like its no big deal. i said that if a "friend" of mine ever hit me, i would call the police and press charges, and i would never speak to him/her ever again. i got a lot of sh1t from the guys in the room for that, calling me a pu**y and stuff. but i avoid anything painful as much as humanly possible and that includes fighting.

and if i ever did have a gf/wife, which isn't going to happen because i've given up cause it's much less effort to just pay for sex, and a guy ever goes to attack me or her i'll run and get help but i won't get hurt for any woman so i can prove something to her. that's just stupid male pride interfering with your logic and common sense, which says always look out for #1.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
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You guys are on the right track.

I dont support going out and starting fights, but I do condone self defense.

Half Addict: VERY RARELY do people die from street fights. Most the time once a person is down & stays down the fight is over. You hear stories about people getting shot, stabbed, & killed but these are extreme circumstances, with different CONTROLABLE variables. These people that are getting stabbed or shot by someone usually did something or caused more anger than you get in your everyday street fights. I am talking about 1 on 1. Most 1 on 1 have people watching on both sides so the fight doesnt mean someone getting stomped until they die. Fighters USUALLY see another day. You get more power out of hooks than you do jabs.

Quiksilver you are 100% correct on this issue. You expressed my point better than I could myself. Growing up I wrestled (for a long time (8yrs)) played football (6yrs) & rugby(2yrs) & boxed(1yr). Wrestling is the best. Like you said, if someone squares up to start boxing you or even martial arts fighting stance, you just hit them low and spear them right into the ground, where you are now on top of them, and the advantage is in your favor.

IMO wrestling & learning to throw your body weight around is the best, because you cannot get hit if they have no room to hit you.

FatHairyM4F: LOL. that was a good post. I would have to say you are a pvssy also. You wouldnt be my friend. I have actually been in a fight were someone got maced, I had mace all over my hands, and my boy got sprayed right in the

SO what is the best do you guys think as far as money goes? Its got to be to fight with friends until you get used to it. Me and my boys just started boxing recently. One of my boys (250 pds & like an ox) is a pvssy. He would get his ass whooped now, and his been getting "beat" on his whole life. But I ahve started boxing with him to toughen him up, and he is coming along. Everytime he boxes he gets more and more confidence, and realizes that he can hold his own if he has to. This is what I encourage. Not as much the ABILITY to fight, but the CONFIDENCE that you CAN, regardless if it is real confidence or artificial.

A little bit of rambling, but get out there and take some padded blows to your body, it will toughen you up.

lol. As I say with sore ribs.


Mar 25, 2006
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I hate to wish anything on you buddy, but if you don't get some sense, somebody is going to seriously fvck you up.

I don't think you even read my reply.

Violence = more violence, violence DOES NOT = more pvssy, more money, more peace.

When you beat my azz in the club. The next day, I'm going to be riding around looking for your azz, then when I find you, I'm going to kill you. Then go sit in your funeral and cry with your mother about your death.

If you want to do it and go in the UFC fine...but don't do it and go out thinking you gone just whoop everybody azz, lol. Cauz remember, if you knock me out, you gotta knock my 8 boys out, they 18 guns out, they 36 knives out, and the other dudes we cool wit out too.

You still up to the challenge?

Just be peaceful, if you are in a situation where you are about to be killed then use it. But don't walk around like Ken Shamrock because dude, that would get you fvcked up.

But hey, if you want to go to the UFC, they are paying guys like $50,000 a fight or something so go for it!

- John

Panda 2000

Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
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If engaged in a fight, I agree, it's best to use your body weight to subdue your opponent. Ideally, use your own body weight and his body weight against him. Although like I said, it's better not get engaged in a fight at all. There are some things that usually quickly end a fight though, which is best for everyone involved, like striking someone with an open hand directly into the nose. I've seen this happen once, the guy who got one in the nose just put his head down and grabbed his nose while blood started spilling from it like crazy.
Knowing that you can defend yourself though is a big confidence booster and you get nothing but positive things from training martial arts. I've trained Ju Jitsu for a few years and am now training boxing and I'd heartily recommend training martial arts to anyone, the reasons to do so are plentiful.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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While I've had my ass kicked by many brazillian jijitsu guys I would not recommend this as a primary fighting style. The whole idea being that no matter how good you are you can only grapple one man at a time.

If you are figting two guys and you go to the ground it doesn't matter how ***** they are, you are dead. Even if you have one guy in an arm bar (breaking his arm) or fig 4 choke (squeezing his life away), the other as open access to do as he pleases to your body.

Grappling is a great skill but you should always end a fight before it goes to the ground.

Absolutley DO NOT rely on pepper spray. The thing people don't realize is that a.) pepper spray takes SEVERAl minutes to work, and b.) a man with focus will not be stopped by the pain.

I speak from experience having gone through a weapons course that required we be sprayed with a 10% olioresin caspicum (PAINFUL, the spray used by fed, gov, and police orgs.) We were then required to go through an assault course with ALOT of AGRESSION. Some guys were pussies but alot of guys did it like they had not been sprayed. Even after 5-10 minutes when the spray fully takes effect I personally would have been capable of ending a life with my bare hands.

On the same note: of all the pain I've ever experienced being sprayed was one of the worst, most painful experiences EVER. If somebody every threatened my with pepper spray I would be GONE.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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Teflon_Mcgee said:
Absolutley DO NOT rely on pepper spray. The thing people don't realize is that a.) pepper spray takes SEVERAl minutes to work, and b.) a man with focus will not be stopped by the pain.
I believe C.S. base sprays are alot more powerful. (The stuff they use in tear gas.)
Pepper spray is too light and ineffective for someone enraged.