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Don't let another day go by without taking control of your dating life - start now and get ready to experience the success and fulfillment you deserve.

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Fifteen Lessons


Don Juan
May 15, 2014
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One of the most brilliant things ever written! I wish I had read this years ago!


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2017
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what is the purpose of lesson 2? I don't understand, should I sit and talk about emotions and share experience? Or I should take her to do things constantly.

do men fell in love because of talking, then women fell in love because of activities?

Please anyone?


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2017
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it means that friendship does not lead to love. they are completely different things. you dont get a girl romantically interested in you by trying to be her "friend" you do so by being sexual with her.

women are the ones who talk. thats what a girls friends are for. dont BE her girlfriend. be the REASON she needs to get together with her girlfriends to talk.

dont hang out with a girl and do nothing to advance sexually with her
dont talk about feelings or her problems
dont do "favors" for them. especially when they ask.
dont bend over backwards for them in general

do make sexual interest clear
do flirt with her
do touch her in sexual but subtle ways
do let her whimsical ways amuse you
do play with her emotions. make her laugh, make her blush, tease her, offend her. you should be an unpredictable emotional roller coaster shes terrified of but cant get enough of and wont say no to getting on again and again
do try to get what you want from her while being conservative with what she wants from you
do be cool
do escalate
Wow, now I see, thank u very much


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2017
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what is the purpose of lesson 2? I don't understand, should I sit and talk about emotions and share experience? Or I should take her to do things constantly.

do men fell in love because of talking, then women fell in love because of activities?

Please anyone?
Marcus, what Pook teaches is that you should have YOUR life. Things you love to do. Your hobbies, your passions. You should not bend your entire life because of a woman. You are at the control of tour life, besides you WANT a woman, you don't NEED a woman, got it? Live YOUR life, focus on yourself. Be a better man every day. Go get a better body, a better career, more knowledge, improve your social abilities. Go do YOUR hobbies. And, when you like a girl, bring her to YOUR life. If you go just talking to a girl, you are doing not different from a friend of her. You must do something different from a friend. Go sexually, go manly. Touch. Escalate kino. Shake her emotions with you presence and life. don't act needy for too much talkative and friendly. You wanna touch her, kiss her and all the rest, not just "talk" friendly. Be a man. Bring her to YOUR world. Have a life, first. And, read all the Book of Pook. You'll learn much more.


Don Juan
Nov 24, 2017
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Marcus, what Pook teaches is that you should have YOUR life. Things you love to do. Your hobbies, your passions. You should not bend your entire life because of a woman. You are at the control of tour life, besides you WANT a woman, you don't NEED a woman, got it? Live YOUR life, focus on yourself. Be a better man every day. Go get a better body, a better career, more knowledge, improve your social abilities. Go do YOUR hobbies. And, when you like a girl, bring her to YOUR life. If you go just talking to a girl, you are doing not different from a friend of her. You must do something different from a friend. Go sexually, go manly. Touch. Escalate kino. Shake her emotions with you presence and life. don't act needy for too much talkative and friendly. You wanna touch her, kiss her and all the rest, not just "talk" friendly. Be a man. Bring her to YOUR world. Have a life, first. And, read all the Book of Pook. You'll learn much more.
You're awesome, thanks you!


May 3, 2018
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USA, New York
In every lesson I have actually seen myself in them. When I was a nice guy I did everything. I got a flood of memories coming back and they sure are making me tired. Whether good or bad I don't know but it sure did make me think

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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A new member that has actually taken the time to do some research. Cool!
Welcome aboard.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
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Lesson Eight

Now the young man had battle plans galore for the women. “If she does this…” he said, “I will do this.” He memorized the interest signals and was stuffed with philosophies.

Yet, he noticed that guys who did knew nothing of seduction scored left and right. How did they do it?

Also, he faced a big problem. Talking to a woman normally he was fine with. Talking to her with a sexual outcome made him feel guilty and dirty.

He knew being desireless was keeping him from being desperate, but it wasn’t getting him women. In fact, it seemed that those guys desiring the women would have their desire reflected back.

Then it hit him,

“Only the Sexual Ones get the girls.”

“I don’t get it, Pook!”

So Pook took the young man to the workshop of Leonardo da Vinci. The young man sat and watched the Pook stand before a large screen. Like Leonardo’s picture of Man, Pook had one of Woman.

Pook tapped on the Woman with his pointy stick. “Women,” he said, “are entirely sexual creatures. They do not respond to your intellectualism. They do not respond to your genius. They only respond to sexuality.”

“What do you mean, Pook?”

“Most men are scared of their sexuality! Look at the chumps! They are not men; they are androgynous. They are ape-like.”

The young man wasn’t getting it, so Pook summoned up a Nice Guy and a woman.

“Look!” says Pook. “The woman has invited the Nice Guy to her pleasure palace. She is wearing sexy clothing…” (The young man merely nods and drools.) “She is being a WOMAN!” (The young man nods enthusiastically.) She simply… IS. Now look at the Nice Guy!”

The Nice Guy was very frustrated and looked extraordinarily nervous.

“Why, he is not being male. He is not being what he is. Enough.”

Pook summoned up another example.

“Here, the Nice Guy is leeching off the woman in a pathetic friendship way. Anyway, let us ask the Woman: ‘Does Mr. Nice Guy have a penis?’”

“What!? Mr. Nice Guy!? NO WAY! He could never have a penis!”

But the young man was still confused. “I still don’t get it.”

“What do you want a relationship with a girl to be about?”


“Do you want to talk about DNA or genetics all day?”

The young man laughed. “Of course not!”

“Then stop talking to her about DNA and genetics! Stop talking to her about GEEK things. You do not need another lab partner.”

“I want sex. I want a sexual relationship!”

“Then embrace your own sexuality. Be a guy, talk like a guy, act like a guy. Do action things. It is one thing to talk about things you love, but most guys talk about things just to talk.”

“Sexualize myself, my appearance, and my actions, and the women will naturally follow?”


Lesson Nine

Oh, how he wanted success with women! Why did others do so well and he so poorly? All jocks did was breathe and grunt to get chicks, and he did everything possible with no success. Alas, the pangs of desprised love! She was beautiful, wonderful, but only wanted him as a friend. In fact, every girl he held desirous thoughts about thought of him as only a friend or less.

It was time for change! Information was the key, he knew. He devoured books, articles, anything at all about the nature of women and creating romantic success.

Then he met a Spanish guy named Manual.

Manual said, “Behold, for here is your battleplan:

Psychological Maneuvers! You shall learn Neuro-linguistic programming! Now speak like this: “When you HAVE THAT CONNECTION with someone, that WARM, SAFE, and COMFORTABLE feeling RIGHT THERE, then what sometimes can happen is…” With Manual, women became a sum of psychological instruments to be played to his tune.

Guides! You shall learn and memorize the booklets of Societal Situations with Women.” Now he knew to do this when she did that, to do that when she did this, on and so on. Following Manual’s guides, he met a consistent success.

Ceaseless Information! You shall never have too much information,” commanded Manual. Thus, countless articles, countless posts streamed underneath the young man’s eyes. At the end of the day he was still in front of the computer.

“I love you, Manual!” the young man cried. Any problems, any situations, Manual would always have an answer. He would consult with Manual day and night, memorize Manual’s teachings, and worship Manual.

But, oh oh. Something was not going right. He had burned the mantra in his mind, “Thou shall never stay on the phone longer than twenty minutes,” only to break it… with a startling success! Also ingrained was the mantra, “Thou shall never compromise,” and lo and behold! When he broke this rule, he usually crashed and burned. But this time he achieved high flying success. Soon, the rules that had so framed his courtly actions disintegrated.

“Ahh,” he realized. “These guides and rules were a clutch for my lack of confidence. They do, however, work but are overall limited.” Then he smiled. “The rules and guides are the training wheels, the helper out of the nest.”

No more shall he be completely dictated by that Spanish guy named Manual! He could now fly and soar on his own. So…

Be not contained by formula.

“If the rules and guides were successful, why would he abandon them?”

“Because he realized he was successful not by the rules and guides, but by the approaching and fun mindset the rules and guides demanded.”

The young man, as ever, was confused. So Pook, with his seemingly endless magic abilities, summoned up two men.

“One of these,” said Pook, “is an actor.” And the three watched the actor become Hercules, Henry V, Hamlet, and every hero with a capital H. But in person, this actor transformed into a wimp.

“What happened to the hero!?” wondered the young man.

Then they saw the other man in action.

“He is heroic!” marveled the young man.

“Indeed,” said the Pook. “One is naturally confident, the other is scripted.”

“But what is wrong with the scripted?”

“Nothing! But it is critical to realize the purpose of scripts and guides.”

“Which is what?”

Pook then took the young man to a place that overlooked two crowds of men. One group kept rushing back and forth to the man on the center pedestal, the Spanish guy named Manual. The other group consulted Manual only here and there, but traveled off in blazing new and fresh paths.

“What is the point?”

“It is simple,” Pook declared. “The point of Manual is not to grant you success. If you do, you will forever be under his dictatorship. The entire reason why Manual exists is to not grant you success but illustrate the means of success.”


“Meaning that a few people became successful and formed Manual out from the clay of their knowledge. Manual is their automaton, their robot, to consistently answer newbies’ questions. The end goal in seduction, in success, is to make it natural. When it becomes natural, you have no need for Manual and can handle anything women throw at you.”

“Argh!” the young man pulled his hair. “I used to think women were nice and charming, that only bad boys were the problem! This knowledge is shattering every ideal I held about women.”

Pook nodded. “These are but a few of the Harsh Truths:

Women would rather share a successful man than be attached to a faithful loser.

Many women do not marry for love.

Most divorces end up with the guy cherishing the woman but the woman detesting the man.

Even for long-term marriage, the Don Juan is the way to go.

The ‘innocent, nice girl’ is often the horniest and likely uninnocent.

Many women consider your looks, your career, what you can offer them, before your integrity and character.

Women are more sexual than men can even dream.

Women are not attracted to genius, only strength and imagination

Woman’s sole mission is union, either for pleasure or the fruits of children. She cares nothing for your philosophy and all except to either use it to catch interest in a guy or to enthrone herself.

Women, in sex, desire to be treated as an object and relish it.

Women place value in societal links; how they are thought of. You become her ego.
first two Harsh truths are not true(for me, in my subjective opinion)every other Harsh truth is eerily true or so I imagine(never experienced marriage or divorce so can't speak to those.)

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
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Lesson Thirteen

Alas! Whenever the young man approached a woman, a thousand Don Juan philosophies came to thwart his peace. All these IDEAS clogged his action!

Then he remembered how AWESOME he was with women when he was a little kid. He was always the Don Juan of the sandbox.

He wondered, “Have women really CHANGED?” No, only in his mind. At heart, women are still little girls. So when he saw the luscious babe sitting there, he smiled and saw a bored little girl looking for fun. He would make fun of her, do physical action things with her, take her by the hand to lead her somewhere, and she thought he was the perfect guy.

“I understand now the source of ****y and Funny…” he smiled..

“Charm is treating women like little girls.”

“This is the most sexist thing I have ever heard!”

“You doubtful youth! You are a beanstalk cynic, a crusty philosopher.”

“How can you argue so rudely against me?”

“Look. When we were young, we all desired to grow up. Now, once grown up, we desire to be young again! Being poor, you trade your time and health for money, only to use that money for time and health. We have all passed through the world of a child.”

“Are you saying that I ought to be child-like?”

“Yes! Young kids, lacking the chemical madness curse that puberty brings us, are at PERFECT EASE and treat the sexes appropriately. No young boys will say, ‘Whatever you want to do.’ Young boys RUN AROUND, they do not sit and TALK to the girl all night. Young boys have their cars, their trucks, their dangers and excitements. Now, compare the young boys’ actions to those who are REALLY successful with women.”

The youth was alarmed. “They are identical! I always thought women were IMMATURE for going after these so-called jerks, bad boys, and jocks. I see that in some ways they are immature, but they kept that joy of youth with them whereas I had killed it.”

“Youth, what do you do on a date?”

“Why, I speak to her about philosophy, about literature, about the designs on the universe, about DNA, about world events, about…”

“Stop! I can take no more! Come and drink from this Fountain of Youth.”

The youth did so. All those paper bullets of the brain ceased. “Now all I want to do is do things and not talk. I want to run around. I want to have FUN!”

“And women go CRAZY over these types of guys. Some people are so scared of growing older that they become extremely aged in their youthful flesh. Now you will be the envy of every philosopher, scholar, thinker, and deep analyzer. You will be in the world they have no access to. Nothing has changed. The attitude you had towards girls when you were in the sandbox is EXACTLY the attitude you need now. So think young and LIVE.”

Lesson Fourteen

The young man had one problem left. He would be very successful with women, from one night stands, from casual dating, from relationships, and so on. Yet, every now and then, he got that feeling of something BURSTING through his chest like a creature popping out from Alien.

The woman would talk to him, “Blah blah blah.” He felt it inside, a very sweet but gooeish feeling. She would go on, “Blah yappity blah blah” and he felt the sickly warm feeling spread throughout his body. What was happening to him? “Yappity yap blah blah, yapitty, blah yap!” the girl continued as he felt the FEELINGS spread throughout his body, paralyzing him, like a poison. “Yah blah blah yah,” she went on, oblivious as he was collapsing from this sickness.

The next day, he had this OVERWHELIMG urge to send her flowers, chocolate, and bad poetry. It was too much, and he gave in, and saying, “You are my life. I love nothing else so well as you. I will do ANYTHING for you.”

Then she said, “I think we should just be friends…”

Oh, that AFC disease rose up again in him! How does one smash it forever? He smiled, and realized:

Always have a back-up chick!

“But Pook! Perhaps this guy was falling in love!”

“No. It was a False Love. Come and see.”

Pook led the youth inside Every Man’s Heart. Inside the cavernous room, each surrounding wall depicted television screens with a graphic.

“What is this place?”

“Every guy has a passion about different things. On that wall is his ‘car’ passion. We see many screens of different cars, all ones he loves. On that other wall there is his ‘food’ passion. We see screens of all his favorite foods. And if you come along here, you’ll find the Ambition Wall where screens show all the things he wants to do. Now look at the Women Wall.”

“Pook! There is only one picture on it!”

“Yes. Nature has designed us to love in a marriage way when there is only one picture on that wall.”

“I can understand that. But where is the problem?”

“The problem is that he is not married or engaged to her! So he is acting married to her when really they are ‘dating’ or ‘just friends’.”

“Oh dear…”

“Yes. When a guy decides to go dating and dates only ONE chick at a time, only one picture will appear on the wall. When there is only one, he is designed to think of her in a marriage way. So he starts becoming AFC with this girl he just talked to.”

“So say if a guy is socially unskilled and has only one friend that is a girl, only that girl’s picture will appear on the wall? And because of that, he will ‘fall in love’ with his friend?”

“Exactly! If there is only one f*ckbuddy, he will eventually want to ‘date’ the girl, want to become exclusive with her, and turn into a total AFC.”

“But if he has a back-up chick…”

“…then another girl is on the wall as well. He can’t act ‘married’ if there is more than one girl up there. Thus, he stops becoming a ‘latent AFC’.”

“But what if he has his interest in other things? Shouldn’t he date only one girl then?”

“No. Either go for MANY or go for NONE. If you go for ONE you will become an AFC. Most guys are too LAZY or too SCARED to go for multiple girls. So they remain AFCs and forever remain in the vicious cycle.”
there's got to be another way to keep the afc away rather than 'having many over having one'
Can't all those pictures be on the SAME wall? meh to sharing a man to other women.
Excellent lessons from Pook.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
One thing, though:

What exactly do you mean by this? Are you saying the former traits are a higher priority than the latter? Or that those are the initial things that draw a woman to a man, and the latter is what keeps her interested? Because, from what I've experienced (mostly second-hand), character (and its many facets) get a guy further than money and looks.
not higher priority but the second thing you wrote....that they are the initial things. Involuntarily done. Refexively done.

You're right, character and integrity do take a guy further than LMS.

(replying to the Past...too funny)


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2017
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I wonder where is da Pook in all this corona environment. I guess he vanished for ten years now. But his posts still amazing. I hope newcomers can make good use of all his nice posts. I made it.


Jan 17, 2020
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Absolutely incredible post, I'm going to have to read this several times for it to truly sink in before I apply it to my dating life


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
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Pook's thread is 80% of this site IMO. If someone could only read one thread on this site, this should be it.


New Member
May 16, 2020
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Dang. We still have people reading this in 2021, and I am one of them! We will rise kings! IA