Field Report: When suicide comes to mind too often during one only night!


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duamutef
I should assume I cannot intrude in a group then? My friend, there are very few girls that go alone in such places. I should stay alone too? Or maybe you're suggesting that I should check her interest level with eye-contact before even thinking about starting an approach?

Do not just deplore what I've did, try to propose a solution too.

For example, how do you approach groups? ^_^

Thank you in advance for your support!
You should only take a seat with a group if you are invited to do so. Otherwise it is intruding. If you know someone in the group sometimes joining without asking is alright...but it depends on the situation.

I'm a woman, so I don't ever approach the opposite sex. It's the man's job to pursue me and it's my job to make the ones I want to be pursued by want to pursue me.

Oh...and you'll have more luck making cold approaches anywhere but a bar. Women know that most guys at bars who approach are trying to pick them up. Their guard is way, way up. If you're going out to approach women you should do it anywhere but a bar.


Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Originally posted by The_Shezzler
SHE dosnt - SHE gets approached and YOU stand at the back and watch people do it.

Your attempt at belittling people with words far out of reach of most peoples lexicon is very very sad. Why bother writing witty pieces of mumbo-jumbo to try and make people look silly - your only making yourself look silly.

We are here to improve, not be insulted by an internet troll from Italy who has nothing better to do with his time.

Go watch Juventus play or do something else constructive please - let me read Tylers archive in peace.

Sarge On...
You immature child, I already asked you to stay out of this thread. I don't think you're very useful. If my words are out of your reach, you're just an ignorant and it's not my fault, but yours. I hate soccer, by the way. And do not play the fool: your time is not too valuable too. You really cannot succeed in impressing me. And do what you will, I doubt I'm deranging your agenda, you little brat.

I'll ignore you from now on. So before answering, take note I'm not giving a fvck about your opinions anymore, kind of haughty hypocrite.


you are right about the bar scene... it's far too depressing! ^_^

I won't try it in the future, at least not so desperately and with such a clingy attitude.

By the way I enrolled into an arab course that's currently being held inside my university... I've met a lot of 'unsuspecting' girls there. I also flirted a bit with a very nice latina girl... I think I may try my way with her. She laughed the whole time she was with me and said I'm quite fun, and nice. But I don't want to indulge to delusional thinking too soon, I don't want to suffer again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Dude stop being so aggressive to other posters. It's not their fault you didn't score.

The replies here are aiming to help you. Don't shoot them down.

Perhaps learning some basic social skills might help you with your game.



Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Originally posted by Q-Unit
Dude stop being so aggressive to other posters. It's not their fault you didn't score.

The replies here are aiming to help you. Don't shoot them down.

Perhaps learning some basic social skills might help you with your game.

Aggressive? Who, me? ;)

Basic social skills? ^_^

Wyldfire, if you are still here, please try and explain me how I could approach someone that I like without seeming pushy or clingy. Oh, yeah, and without being Brad Pitt too. :D

The question above is also for anyone willing to help me. Thank you!

(Please don't send me to the DJ bible, Wyld. You're a woman, you should know it better than us! ^_^)


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duamutef
Aggressive? Who, me? ;)

Basic social skills? ^_^

Wyldfire, if you are still here, please try and explain me how I could approach someone that I like without seeming pushy or clingy. Oh, yeah, and without being Brad Pitt too. :D

The question above is also for anyone willing to help me. Thank you!

(Please don't send me to the DJ bible, Wyld. You're a woman, you should know it better than us! ^_^)
Ask the latina girl out. Worst that will happen is she'll say no for one reason or another. That happens and is part of life...but it's not the end of the world.

If you're in school that's a good place to start because you have something in common right off the bat...both students.

Basically, if you focus on yourself and being the best you can be and just put yourself out there and get to know a lot of people (male and female) in a casual way without coming on so strong the available and interested women will find you. If you are approaching women with a set goal they can smell it a mile away. Pretty women get hit on constantly. It gets really old. Men that really stand out make more of an impression. But if you're standing out for trying too hard that's the kiss of death. Don't try so hard, work on yourself in any way you can and stay positive. Be someone others enjoy being around and just put yourself out there in a way that doesn't screech "I need a date, etc."


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Guys...he's just sarcastic. Most importantly...he's willing to recognize the mistakes he's made and is open to suggestions and input. If you just insult him to try to boost yourself up what kind of reaction do you expect? Of course he's going to be sarcastic to you. He's just deflecting your attempts to chip away at his ego. This is a support site for you all to help each other. It would be so nice to see less of the puffery and posturing and more productive posting.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by The_Shezzler
Take Notes Dummytef

Sarge On...
I was speaking to all of you guys. You are all guilty of ragging on each other needlessly. You can give advice and take advice politely. You are all here for the same ripping each other apart is really quite pointless. In the end it hurts those who do the ripping, too.

This is supposed to be a site for MEN, not little boys. All the sophomoric nonsense needs to cease.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Shez...don't get your knickers in a twist.

Yeah, he kinda lashed out in a sarcastic way...towards myself included. I let is slide (pretty unusual for me) because he took responsibility for his mistakes and has the right attitude about self improvement. He's open to the input. A bunch of guys jumpd on him, too...and take it from the most flamed poster here (me!)...if you're fielding a bunch of digs you sometimes mistake innocent comments for more digs because you're in that frame of mind.

Here we have a new poster who is being real about who he is and what is going on when he tries things. We need more of that. Perhaps the two of you can start over and give each other the benefit of the doubt that you're both alright guys.

In other nice or I'm gonna stick you both in opposite corners! :D


Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Lovely speech, Wyldfire... ^_^

Thank you for placing things in perspective. I'm always sarcastic, so do not worry. It's like a second nature for me. But I can work on it and become more sweet, that is not a problem. Everybody changes, it happens everyday.

Little lesson:

Dua mu teph, ancient egyptian:

'The one who compliments the origin of life'

It has a pair of meanings:

A) I love my mother, therefore I love all loving and caring women in general.

B) I'm a pvssy supporter! ^_^

:flowers: <--- look at them, they're better than Shezzler's (Duamutef proceeds to suck his thumb and cries like a baby)


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duamutef
Lovely speech, Wyldfire... ^_^

Thank you for placing things in perspective. I'm always sarcastic, so do not worry. It's like a second nature for me. But I can work on it and become more sweet, that is not a problem. Everybody changes, it happens everyday.

Little lesson:

Dua mu teph, ancient egyptian:

'The one who compliments the origin of life'

It has a pair of meanings:

A) I love my mother, therefore I love all loving and caring women in general.

B) I'm a pvssy supporter! ^_^

:flowers: <--- look at them, they're better than Shezzler's (Duamutef proceeds to suck his thumb and cries like a baby)
Rule number one...

Do NOT flirt with Wyldfire. She is just one of "the guys"...and old enough to be your mother.


Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Originally posted by Wyldfire
Rule number one...

Do NOT flirt with Wyldfire. She is just one of "the guys"...and old enough to be your mother.
Rule number two: note that Duamutef lives in Turin, that's located in Piedmont, the Italian region under the Western Alpine Arch. We're gonna host this winter olympics (I'll be a steward there... I hope that will allow me to do some major sarging!) - by the way, what I was saying was that my dyck is not long enough to reach you in the United States, so stay sure I won't try flirting with you, mummy (not the egyptian mummy, but 'mother' ^_^)

It's true that I love my mother, but please do not be delusional! ;)

Eh eh eh... voi ragazzi mi fare uscire di testa!


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
The_Shezzler would out-sarge you Duamutef... That makes him your master. You will respect your master or your master will take you out of the field with the other Duamutef's and make you cook for him.

Some of us have failed worse than you Duamutef... Even your master... The_Shezzler, has failed. I've failed.

Let me tell you my story of failure.

The first time I went to a club... I went with my friend, Chris. The club was almost dead (we got there early). There were about 15 women and 3 guys. One of the three guys worked at the club. The other two were us. I still froze up. Chris and I sat on the sidelines while the guy who worked there was gaining social proof with every single woman in the club. He'd try to motivate us to get up and dance or something. But we just sat there and blamed it on the club being so dead. He called up his friend, Scott. Scott got there and didn't do much either. He spent most of his time trying to motivate us. He did a few approaches but he ALWAYS got shot down. Scott came off as desperate.

Finally, a girl that I went to school with came to the club and saw me sitting there. She sat there and talked to me. She tried to get me up to dance but I didn't want to embarass myself. Scott approached her right in front of me and got her to grind on him on the dance floor (his first successful approach of the night. Using Chris and I as his social proof to talk to her). And than when he came back he looked at me and said to her, "I don't even know why he's here. This just isn't his kind of scene". Ouch.

At this time, the girls drunk overweight friend was grinding with Chris. I was the only one NOT getting any. Luckely, I was with Chris. So, when the fat chick invited all of us back to her dorm I was still allowed to go just because I was with Chris. We were at their dorm for an hour. They had a gay friend with him. When I noticed the fat chick moving her foot along Chris's crotch I suggested to Chris that we leave (not out of jealousy. I wanted him to get laid, but he didn't want his first time to be with a drunken fat chick). Another reason I suggested we leave however was because the gay friend was hitting on me.

By the end of the night... Chris would have ended up with the drunk fat chick. Scott would have ended up with nothing (he got quiet at the dorm). And I would have ended up with a gay guy. Luckely we all ended up with nothing. Well, except the drunk chick had chris's cell phone number and im sure she used it.

The next time I went to the club it was with Chris again. That night ended up with my ex-girlfriend and I arguing and an after party that I'd like to forget. But on a good note, it was the first time I got on the dance floor. But it took going on the floor as a group to get me on the floor.

The third time I went to a different club. Alone. I left after 15 minutes because I realized that I wasn't going to get the balls to approach anyone without a friends support.

The 4th club appearance, I ran into some old friends from school. They were actually successful with getting women so my social proof rose that night and I ended up approaching women. No successful closes. Although my friends got a few women to approach me. :)

The 5th club appearance was my break through. I ran into a co-worker and it turned out that he had VIP social proof. I ended up being VIP that night because I was with him. He was also a natural with women because of his abercrombie and fitch model like looks. He ended up getting laid (as usual). I left with my first number close.

My co-worker and I talked the next day at work about the night before and made plans to go to the club again. My 6th club appearance I finally had some confidence. I got laid on my 7th club appearance and after my 7th appearance my success just kept rising. There are still a few nights where I go home with nothing. But the point is.. It took me 7 appearances at the club to finally start getting full success.

So don't let it bother you too much.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
Big Ole apple
Hey good job.

You went out and approached. You got rejected, but hey. It happens to the best of us. I get rejected, the best PUAs get rejected, we all get rejected.

The point is you kept getting up. Not only that, notice you now have an interesting story to tell, one of the only long field reports that I could actually read entirely.
Just keep it up, you're a good example to sosuave of persistance and dealing w/ rejection!
Just try to avoid guys. Some men tend to be territorial, in bars everyone just loves starting fights...... just avoid them altogether. Bring a Wingman w/ you for social proof.

I thought people in Italy were nice.....:(


Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Originally posted by thederekeffect1
The_Shezzler would out-sarge you Duamutef... That makes him your master. You will respect your master or your master will take you out of the field with the other Duamutef's and make you cook for him.
Kinda funny. I've never seen an aerospace engineer cooking for someone. Except for the Columbia's crew. But that was your national firework for July the 4th, wasn't it? ^_^

Sorry for the lame joke... but my degree thesis is all about the Shuttle's new, revolutionary thermal-resistant materials, so I could not resist.

Derekeffect, DJ_in_making, thanks! I really appreciate your words. I feel my confidence is going back to its normal level... ^_^

What you call 'social proof' is what I need to develop, you're absolutely right about that. That's why I think it's a question of time. My web of friends and acquaintances needs to grow, therefore making me able to speak with people without sounding like a desperate and clingy chump which comes out of nowhere. You got it right, pal.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duamutef
Kinda funny. I've never seen an aerospace engineer cooking for someone. Except for the Columbia's crew. But that was your national firework for July the 4th, wasn't it? ^_^

Sorry for the lame joke... but my degree thesis is all about the Shuttle's new, revolutionary thermal-resistant materials, so I could not resist.

Derekeffect, DJ_in_making, thanks! I really appreciate your words. I feel my confidence is going back to its normal level... ^_^

What you call 'social proof' is what I need to develop, you're absolutely right about that. That's why I think it's a question of time. My web of friends and acquaintances needs to grow, therefore making me able to speak with people without sounding like a desperate and clingy chump which comes out of nowhere. You got it right, pal.
My sister heads up one of the instruments on Cassinni. Aerospace is her field and she cooks all the time. Your chosen field is one known for being filled with geeky men and not a whole lot of women. You're going to have to make extra effort to get yourself out there in a variety of groups and types of people to be truly well rounded. It'll also help you interact on a more casual level with women.


Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
Turin, Italy
Originally posted by Wyldfire
My sister heads up one of the instruments on Cassinni. Aerospace is her field and she cooks all the time. Your chosen field is one known for being filled with geeky men and not a whole lot of women. You're going to have to make extra effort to get yourself out there in a variety of groups and types of people to be truly well rounded. It'll also help you interact on a more casual level with women.
Huygens-Cassini probe? Your sister is a genius, shake her hand for me, Wyld! Not many geeky man into my class, apart from two or three nerds. Only five girls over ninety students. Obviously enough, I'm a good friend of anyone of them... (hee hee)

That's true about the extra effort, you're right. That's why I try and have many hobbies, from foreign languages to teaching how to compose music... ^_^

I'm a lame cook, Wyld. That's why me and my little brother (he's studying to become an interior designer) shared our chores in this way: he does the cooking (he's so good at it, you would never imagine how!) and I do the dishwashing, ironing and all the shopping. My back aches all time and I'm starting to turn into a rural housekeeper. Soon enough I shouldl start having periods... :D

By the way, aerospace engineers rock! We get airplanes to fly! Don't tell anyone, but after all my courses I'll be damned if I understood how they truly do this. It's kind of a miracle, if you ask me! ^_^


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2004
Reaction score
Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? just because shezzlers has been here long doent make it ok for him to be a ****. Your advice is good but when you and throw it away with that stupid comment.

Originally posted by Morphiex
ifu dont give a **** about your looks then why u posting ur picture at hotornot , you do care about your looks , but u rather just say it because they dont like my looks thats why they dont like me ,you prolly think my personality is just great its just that everyone else are shallow.....

come one man , everyone cares about how they look , until they meet the one then they start giving **** about how they look cuz they already snagged the one they want..then they sometimes loose them...

btw male looks arent that important to girls , yeah itd be alot easier if u are good looking but its not impossible if u are below average.... everyone has the means to atleast become good looking , i can turn anyone into a good looking person , ive seen many girls like hb4 - 5 and such wich if i could just say do this and that were this and that and shell prolly become a hb 8 , but they prolly get offended and so i leave it alone.....

if u think ur looks are holding u back , then change em ...... if u think ur looks arent a problem then keep it like it is and change your attitude , going around and expecting to get shot down , is just a negative attitude wich gives you only negative results, you gotta change your attitude against women aswell.... yeah i know there are alot of bitc\hes out there , but that doesnt mean that there arent any decent chicks left.... if u wanna play the bitc\hes , brake down theyre bi\tch shields before u try to hit on em ,,, just read the bible itl tell you all about bitc\hes and b-shields and how to handle them.....

And dont go around bitc\hing about posts made by longtime members like the shezzler... he has earned the right to say sh\it to anyone here on this forum.....

but seriusly about your attitude , its not gonna help you in any way , going around expecting to be shot down , considering all people to be shallow and dumb , well its not an healthy attitude against the world....

and read the bible..................



Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duamutef
Huygens-Cassini probe? Your sister is a genius, shake her hand for me, Wyld! Not many geeky man into my class, apart from two or three nerds. Only five girls over ninety students. Obviously enough, I'm a good friend of anyone of them... (hee hee)

That's true about the extra effort, you're right. That's why I try and have many hobbies, from foreign languages to teaching how to compose music... ^_^

I'm a lame cook, Wyld. That's why me and my little brother (he's studying to become an interior designer) shared our chores in this way: he does the cooking (he's so good at it, you would never imagine how!) and I do the dishwashing, ironing and all the shopping. My back aches all time and I'm starting to turn into a rural housekeeper. Soon enough I shouldl start having periods... :D

By the way, aerospace engineers rock! We get airplanes to fly! Don't tell anyone, but after all my courses I'll be damned if I understood how they truly do this. It's kind of a miracle, if you ask me! ^_^
Yep, that's the one. She specializes in Infrared Imaging. She was a member of the NIMS team with Galileo, too. She and her team actually found and named a new asteroid a few years back. She also had the cover of Astronomy magazine once in an article she co-wrote. She was also part of the education team and went around to schools all over the country. That, in conjunction with all the worldwide travel she does. She's working out of Goddard now, but used to be at JPL. How long have you got to finish school? If you're close to finishing I could ask her where you should start out in your job search. She supervises and hires and fires members of her team, so if you're going to graduate soon and there are any openings I can ask her to take a look at your resume. She's a bit of a hard ass and demands that people work hard and do their best...but she's very appreciative of those who deserve it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by thebsharp
Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? just because shezzlers has been here long doent make it ok for him to be a ****. Your advice is good but when you and throw it away with that stupid comment.
woah dude ligthen up.... it was meant to be a bad joke but it was clearly misunderstood.... should have added =P at the end......

of course you shouldnt take **** from anyone , but bitc\hing about it wont help anyone either......

and to the topic starter here , dont go around and flame the posters trying to help you , if u just dont find the info i gave u useful , oki for me... its your life , but dont have to ***** about it afterwards , i was just trying to help you ..... guess im a fool for trying to do that.....

but i hope u get what u want ..... whatever that is.....

peace =)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Cry me a river.....


Stop :cry:

So you got rejected boo hoo.

I’ll give you props for trying but come on
Originally posted by Duamutef
:D Field Report: When suicide comes to mind too often during one only night!

It would be one thing if you came on here asking for advice after a horrible situation but to post with the title like that and crying is pointless.

How do you expect for people to even take you seriously?

So you got rejected, live and learn baby live and learn.

Pick yourself up and whip off the dust.

Feeling sorry for yourself won’t help your problem.

Learn from you mistakes and tighten up your game and try again, WILL.

There is way more to life then just sarging.

Finish what your trying to become and live your life instead of sweating over the small things in life.