I just got back from Toyko (I live in Japan) and I had a very successful night. When I entered the club the amount of women in the club was insane. The female to male ratio was probably like 7:3. Anyways, I noticed at least 3 women eye-balling me as if they wanted to rape me on the spot. Now like 3 years ago I probably would have acted upon that immediately, but I didn't because I'm more patient and calm with my game(thanx this website). Just because a woman looks you in the eye doesn't mean you have to approach
immediately, just make sure you keep a mental note of her so you can leave your options open. Now, if you get too drunk in the club and try to hit on woman, you will get dismissed immediately. Getting too drunk will ruin ALL your game, and women know this. However it did take me like 2 drinks to loosen up and start talking to women because I'm naturally a bit shy. All the women I was talking to noticed I was tad bit shy, but they were attracted to it because they saw me as a challenge. One girl (I'll get to her later)told me she thought that I was teasing her and that it turned her on.
When talking to a girl in a club, you have to dance at least 2 songs with her. This makes her more comfortable with you. Make sure other girls see you dancing with your girl because the other girls in turn will want you. You have to seem genuinely happy and upbeat when your in the club because other girls will start to feel your positive vibes and they start getting attracted to you.
Now the girl I took home was half mexican and half japanese and she had really large breasts.

I asked her why are you going home with a complete stranger and that she should go home because she doesn't really know me. I purposely asked her this question knowing full well she was going to stay with me anyway. Plus I already knew what she was gonna say(thanx to sosuave again). She said that she didn't know why she was attracted to me(but I knew)

and that she thought I was cute. She's the one I mentioned earlier about me teasing her by the way. We ended up showering and taking a bath together, and after we were done I told her good night when we were both naked on the bed WITHOUT making a move.(this drove her COMPLETELY INSANE and she loved it) But.....I didn't have any rubbers so I didn't hit it. lol. No biggie, I'll see her again in a couple weeks, she was pretty cool so I'll probably kick it with her again in the near future. If anyone has any questions about pulling girls from clubs and what to do when your both in the hotel room and want to advance to the next level, please ask me because Im getting very seasoned and proficient at this type of stuff.