Field Report!!to share


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Ok i went to the supermarket and mall no luck.

So i got frustrated and lay low for a while(AFC).

Ok i work as a cashier now and one HB was by herself. So i realized i have to do something to improve myself.

COnversation(she went into my register)
ME: Hi! pause for a moment ....... its pretty busy today
HB: yeah it is
ME: thats a nice necklace you are wearing
HB: ohh thank you.... I got it for my birthday.

luckily my register broke down...... so i have to call My manager .....
while the manager was fixing it she try to make a joke out of me. HB: ohh i think you broke it.
ME: (confuse what to say and smiling at her) so i said : nah it happens a lot.

after the transanction: (silence) trying to print her reciept.

ME: i am very sorry about that (looking at her eye)
HB:(smiling) no problem (shes looking at me in the eye)

My mistake: I didnt get her name. Fock (NAME< NAME NAME!!!)
did i miss something important? rather than getting her name.

I did this into 2 HB and it works well (converstion is awesome)
and i got 1 rejection (conversation) she was like rude. probably PMS. hehehe.....

I am going to do this..... just conversation phase.
and when i am comfortable with it.
I will try to ask for there phone#.

(customer thinks i am a manager lol cuz i dress good and tall or i dunno)

the store:
there's a lot of girls in there that shop..... (they are in my age group and older 2-4 years old. i can see it in there ID if they pay by credit lol. i am just bored so i am trying to look for there birth date lol.

PS: i got this one co-worker that i have a crush on. but i am scared to ask her out. Because people say dont date a coworker cuz it will make you quit. ohh well i would not ask her.....but if she gives me a very strong signal that she really wants me ohh hell yeah i will ask her out. i going to think shes my backup. and also she's always on the phone i dunno maybe BF or Friend or something else. and its turns me off.

what u guys think?


New Member
Mar 5, 2003
Reaction score
Asheboro NC
well about the whole co-worker thing, my dad once told me never dip your pen in the company ink well. I made the mistake of dipping my pen and all in all i had to move to NC to get completely out of the situation.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Friendly conversation doesn't hurt. It gives you more practice for cold pick ups.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Dude - Can't you get fired for hitting on tne customers? I see why you take advantage of it but is this peofessional? I guess its' cool until you hit on a feminist nazi and she goes complain to the manager.

When your cash register broke and she commented... you should have made a comeback statement, such as...The cash registers broke but I'm about if a treat you to taco bell tonight? (smiling a grinning like a fiend when asking this).

You should have a hundred pick up lines ready - you know their coming through your line and you are going to talk to them - closing mat be difficult if other people are in line.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
FIRST Aprroach First Rejection

(w/ my i dont give a **** attitude i finnaly approach someone)
i was ordering something and she was in my back)
so i told myself lets do it BES... she is all alone and w/ my dont give a f u c k attitude. and she is not my type anyway just for practise.....

here what happen!

So i try to do jwhite technique
Me:can i ask you a quick question
HB6.5 sure
Me:are you single
HB6.5 yes i am
Me: can i get your phone number
HB6.5: blushing and with pause ummm iam sorry i cant
Me: ok its alright
Me: you look familiar to me.....what school do u go to?????
HB6.5: ______high school

Me: in my mind (**** its high school kid) iam looking for a 18-25 girl
Me: you got a pretty face
hb6.5:Thank you (blushing & nervous).... probably she never got approch before.
hey nice talking to you
she was smiling.....

And she left.......with mommy hehe...

did i do something wrong or she is just to young.
**** should i ask there name first (introduce myself first)
i feel good though after i got rejected i just want to go approach everygirl i want to. but i have to go back to work.

damn i am a slow learner. i need a date on valentines day.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Dude - Can't you get fired for hitting on tne customers? I see why you take advantage of it but is this peofessional? I guess its' cool until you hit on a feminist nazi and she goes complain to the manager.

No i wont get fired.....i work where all teenagers work 18-25 lol.......if not my profesional job.
Right now i will only approach if they look at me in the eye (attractions)..............thats my que right there if they are attracted i will approach!!! i got a lot of eye contact at work girls trying to approach me can u help me whre is the filler papper at?
and when i go back she look at me in the eye.

but **** i was stupid I didnt get the whole msg that she was sending me.

i need a starter convo for this which one is very appropriate asking someone at work?
are u single kind of type is very agressive.

hi i notice are looking at me? **** i dont know what to say.

PS:ill say i am the pretty boy in all of my co worker. very groom and look young but my i am very shy but i am overcomming my shyness right now.Like i talk a lot now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I'm glad you're out there trying to have a fun time. But don't mix business with pleasure. I worked at Star Bucks for 2 months until my boss fired me because he figured out I'd got a lot of numbers from the girls there. its cool to try and flirt a little, but not during work.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
HAH! I totally agree with JasonDH.. how did he put it? "Not to dip your pen.."

This is what happened to me: During my army-time, I tried to pick up one girl who happened to be the daughter of one high-ranked officer... no need to say what happened after the commanding officier found out my intentions :D

Another case.. I was fooling with one girl who is in the same sports-club with me.. Afterwards I lost interest in her, I can totally say it ruined the chances to ever practice the sporte with her.

I´ve learned my lesson.