Field Report--Number Success, many rejections

The Nice Guy is Gone

Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Wel, I went out tonight, in a shirt I bought today--it wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it was the best I could do in a small town. Basically, I was wearing black jeans, a black belt, black shoes, and a white shirt with blue print (no text on it, just some kind of pictures)--a pattern--and my leather jacket.

The first place I went to, I intended on approaching every table there, but there weren't that many people there, so I decided to go ahead and sit at the bar, and just talk to people as they came up--I've found, that for me--this is an excellent way to break the shyness barrier. So, I get my drink, and the bartender and I are giving each other massive ec, but after tonight, I think she just knows how the signals work--so yeah. I was going to attempt her number just before I left--didn't have a chance, but I can work on her for a while, and we'll see how that pans out as she is my age.

I met several people there, only one of which actually sat down and engaged in conversation with me, and it was a guy--but good social proof.

I chatted with one girl, who I knew was with someone, but that didn't stop me, just didn't number close. The two things I as least try not to do is c**kblock, or steal another guy's chic, whetehr friend or not. So, the first place I went to, no number closes at all.

I left that place at midnight, and went to my bar (the one I frequent). As I walked in, I noticed a hb group sitting at the bar, but as I know some people that frequent this bar, I played this one good, I think. First, I went to the bartender (he is one I know), asked him to put my jacket behind the bar and ordered my drink. I realized someone that I have met there was shooting pool. Of the girls I noticed sitting at the bar when I walked in, one had already given me two eye contacts, but I waasn't through with my business of discussing things with my friend of whom I had met earlier.

So, I chat with her a minute, work my way back to the bar, establish ec and a smile once again, no hesitation, approach this chic, and as best I remember:

me: Hey
hb: hey
me: What's your name anyway
hb: (gives name)
me: (my name)
It's just fluff for a bit, but I neg on her a couple of times, and the age talk went something like this

me: how old are you anyway
hb: (gives age) what about you?
me: I'm not telilng you that yet
hb: she guesses (and I signal up or down, depending on her guess) (she never gets it right)
me: I'll tell you later, if you're lucky
hb: I want to know now
me: You're just gonna have to wait to find out
we fluff a little more
she has obvious IOI's; after a little more fluff

me: hey, where'd you get that ring
hb: blah blah (that's not important anyway)
me: (I take her hand, and lightly caress the palm of her hand as I'm looking at the ring) I don't remember what I said, but the convo went on for a bit

During the convo, her friends came up (she was in a set, and I isolated her immediately; her friends tried to c**kblock me, but she wasn't having any of that (IOI); she also had to make a phone call to check something for someone, and she said
hb: hold on a sec
me: only if it's not too long

she gets off the phone rather quickly.

Also, during the convo, she pats my leg a couple of times, so towards the end of the convo:

me: I gotta jet, hey (bartender's name)
bt: Yeah
me: close me out
hb: well, I'll probably see you again
me: Well, let me get your number, because I don't know where I'm gonna be from one day to the next
hb: okay, it's
me: hang on a min (I get it to the right spot in the phone, and she puts her number in (haven't tested it yet)
bt: tells me my total and the policy; I tell him I'll pay cash
hb: It was nice meeting you (my name), call me
me: grab her hand pull her to hug me--I would have gone for the kiss, but I would have gotten a mouthful of hair--in other words, I was denied the kiss--rather passively--and that stinks
me: I'll see ya
bt: Take it easy, here's your jacket
me: alright, have a good one

Well, I think this girl has interest, but only time will tell. But, I am getting out in the field, and practicing on things I have learned both by reading and by being in the filed. I abolutely love it. Any thoughts, critique, advice, constructive criticism. Help a fellow wannabe dj out.

The Nice Guy is Gone

Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score

any thoughts, guys? By the way, at some point in our convo, I found out that she used to be a stripper.

[]D [] []V[] []D

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score

You were at the top of your game, and you met a nice girl. Id say you are fotunate. Not because you got her digits, but because you were at the top of your game and there was a nice girl to be hit on. Keep it up!

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Good job. You played the situation well. You had social proof with the bartender and the friend you had shooting pool perfectly. You did well.