Field Report: LMAO, i'm such a dumbass!


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Man, i've been both laughing at and kicking myself for this during the last two days, and i think i've got a few more to go before i finally get over it. So here's the story, perhaps you'll learn something useful and avoid making such a silly mistake.

This took place in a Chinatown nightclub at around 5AM. An awesome guest DJ was headlining and the vibe was incredible! I was scoping around the dancefloor when i noticed this Filipino hottie in pink on the side of the dancefloor. Strangely enough (for a Filipina anyway), she seemed kinda shy and mostly just watched others dance.

Ironically enough, she happened to be in the same corner of the floor where a lot of the gay guys gathered up. So as i was watching her, she finally worked up the courage to dance up to a guy, just to get ignored because he was dancing with his boyfriend. She went back and forth like this at least twice, completely oblivious to what was going on.

So i finally took pity on her and approached:

me: i don't think he swings that way
her: what?
me: they're all gay!
her: *shocked* no way!
me: *laughing* you can't tell?
her: *laughing* nope
me: come dance!

But she refused. Her body language was saying one thing and her lips another! This is where i slipped. I just assumed she wasn't interested and moved on. Only later, i remembered seeing her earlier with two other chicks, who weren't there when i approached. And the place she was at wasn't far from the washroom, so put two and two together: she was waiting for them!

Of course, i only realized that after the following took place. So what did take place? I figured i was gonna have a good time with or without her, so i went straight to to the raised podium, climbed on top and started busting some moves! A few minutes later, i catch her with the side of my eye. She's no longer on the side, but closer to me and her face is turned toward me.

Another minute or two later and she's now dancing right in front of me with no guys around her! You'd think i would have realized that her friends came back to her and she was trying to get with me, but i was too wasted. So what did i do? When she wasn't looking, I kneeled down, and gave my wingman a pat on the shoulder (he was chilling beneath, just by the side of the podium).

I then stood up and pointed at the chick, telling him to go for it. Mind you, i still thought she wasn't interested in me and figured i might as well let him make the best of this cutie! And here's where it all came crashing down. Her friends saw me and waved her back over to them. About a half-hour later, i finally understood what just took place and how close i was.

Ah well, you live you learn right? Something of this nature happens to me at least once a night and so far, i've learned my lessons well. However, when the intoxication substance of choice kicks in, i sometimes get carried away. Of course, i could just stay sober, but in the end, i go there to have an awesome time, and not pick up women, so that's my number one priority.

Just for the hell of it, i sketched up this outline of the club. The lines indicate movement paths. The one on the left is her, i'm in the middle, and the wing is on the right.



Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
hehe what exactly made you think you had to diagram the night club in order for us to understand this FR?


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
Im just laughing because instead of focusing on his lines, keeping a clear head, being confident

This kid is studying his foot movements or how the club was layed out


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
so you went to a club and talked to a chick but she didnt feel you?? MASTER DONJUAN RIGHT HERE FOLKS.



Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by dcfball
so you went to a club and talked to a chick but she didnt feel you?? MASTER DONJUAN RIGHT HERE FOLKS.

Your comments are getting annoying and idiotic. People are here to learn, share their experiences and discuss. A FR is better than no FR or a question about how to answer an online ad or whatever other crap.
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
I normally stop reading when I hear DJ's macking on our ethnic cousins. But I continued to read and don't really see how this is a field report, so you missed out on some asian muff when she was interested or what? Sorry it's late here.... Didn't make alot of sense :confused:


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
This isn't a full FR since it only deals with one of the chicks there, but it was provided here because there's a valuable lesson to be learned from it. I guess i shoulda made that lesson a little bit clearer: someone is ALWAYS watching. Her friends waved her back over because they saw me pointing at her. They musta thought i was telling my wingman to watch me as i score with this chick. So instead of just watching her, i should have kept them in mind too.

P.S. As for 'studying' club layout.. what the FVCK are you talking about? Have you even read the post? The diagram is here for two main reasons: first, it was monday night and i was bored as hell; second, to make the post a little less confusing.


Don Juan
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
FR = Field Report He just reported to us what happened that night in the field.

Clarified. :cool:

Dcfball... you're a pimp obviously man. You got girls just lining up to go ut on dates with you! We just can't compete... you're just out of our league I guess.