Field Report: Library Pick Up


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score

Don't know what its like in other countries, but here in the UK, its coming up to exam time for anyone studying, like myself.
Meaning that the university library is pretty packed, with more than its usual number of hot girls.
The number of times i've heard someone say 'fvcking hell, there's some birds in the library' or 'did you see that blonde bird with the denim mini skirt on the 3rd floor?' and someone else go 'yeh they're there to work though' or 'yeh but you're not gonna chat em up in the library'

Just to prove what a loada b0llocks that is, i decided to attempt my first library pick up today.
Entered the library, found a spare desk, put my stuff down, had a glance round the room, check out what talent there was about. Made EC with this pretty blonde bird (around HB8 - nice body, pretty face, looked bit young but had to be 18 at least being at uni), gave her a smile which she returned. Settled down to my work for a couple hours, glanced up in between, gave her another smile, she returned it again.
After couple hours, had to go, packed up my stuff and walked over to her desk. She looked up as i approached,
me (talking v quietly - u have to in library): hi, sorry to interrupt your work
her: no thats no problem, thats fine
me: i've got to go right now but i was wondering if another afternoon when you're studying, you'd like to come get a coffee with me when you're taking a break
her: (smiling) yeh sure, that'd be great
me: ok, cool, i'll take your number then, my names ---- by the way
her: mines ____
(i gave her my phone to put her number in and we made some fluff talk about work and stuff)
me: ok cool, i'll give you a call sometime. Enjoy your work!
her: cheers, see you later

Afterwards, i just thought, fvcking hell, how easy was that!!

Thought i'd post that approach up since there's bound to be so many guys here who are also 'library-bound' and could probably also use the technique.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
seriously man...

These types of number closes are 90% flakes. She didn't want to reject you in the library of all paces so she probably just gave it to you. Try to actually have a conversation with her next time before you number close. It's much easier and much more beneficial.

Don't waste your time.


Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
wasted time


How many numbers have I gotten and she makes the excuse "I am going away for a week and I'll call you back when I return" DOZENS.

Why do girls give you their #'s? It's an ego boost man. They love attention WOMEN LOVE ATTENTION. That is why they usually go for jerks who are not eating their BS and have 10 different girl friends...women love competition. You are nothing but a mere ego boost for the day. Imagine if you were a girl and people would admire you all day and ask for your #? How would you feel? ****ing great. But if you were Donald Trump? Of course she would go out with you. For the average guy, good looking or not expect an ego boost #.

One tip, Call the number the same night, forget that wait a week bull****. It's crap. Women never wait around for you to call, they have guys up the wazoo trying to get at them. (hot chicks do).


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
seriously man...

These types of number closes are 90% flakes. She didn't want to reject you in the library of all paces so she probably just gave it to you. Try to actually have a conversation with her next time before you number close. It's much easier and much more beneficial.

Don't waste your time.
Bah, you're just being jealous, shame on you.

Good job buddy, that required guts and you've done it. You've got my respect.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
Cheers mate

I'd be surprised if the number close was a flake if I'm honest, she seemed to have very good IL and was very friendly

But obviously, I'll only know for sure after I've called her.
I'll post more as and when.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Been there done that, more flakes than in a cereal box. Maybe it's just me. Good luck with that stuff.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
not trying to be mean or bad, but i've done that **** too and I ended up with a lot of fake numbers and embarrassment when the girls told other girls about my despo approach.

Really, just talk to her. Get EXPERIENCE talking to women and when she asks you a friendship question, "Where are you from, What's your name?" Shes INTERESTED and it's time to close.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Re: wasted time

Originally posted by Reed247

How many numbers have I gotten and she makes the excuse "I am going away for a week and I'll call you back when I return" DOZENS.

Why do girls give you their #'s? It's an ego boost man. They love attention WOMEN LOVE ATTENTION. That is why they usually go for jerks who are not eating their BS and have 10 different girl friends...women love competition. You are nothing but a mere ego boost for the day. Imagine if you were a girl and people would admire you all day and ask for your #? How would you feel? ****ing great. But if you were Donald Trump? Of course she would go out with you. For the average guy, good looking or not expect an ego boost #.

One tip, Call the number the same night, forget that wait a week bull****. It's crap. Women never wait around for you to call, they have guys up the wazoo trying to get at them. (hot chicks do).

this man knows his shat


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
what?? you should call the same night??


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
not trying to be mean or bad, but i've done that **** too and I ended up with a lot of fake numbers and embarrassment when the girls told other girls about my despo approach.

Really, just talk to her. Get EXPERIENCE talking to women and when she asks you a friendship question, "Where are you from, What's your name?" Shes INTERESTED and it's time to close.
You are making the assertion that because it happened to you, it will, without a trace of a doubt, happen to others. Well, that is not so. Just because something happens to you doesn't automaticaly it's going to happen to others. That's faulty logic.

Go for it, try it, and tell us wether or not it was a fake number. If it is, I'll crawl in apologies, but I'm pretty sure she gave him her real number.



Don Juan
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Listen to me,

I have been OUT IN THE FIELD. I have DONE THIS **** MANY TIMES. How many times have you done it? How many times have you done what godsgift done? I would bet that I can count it on no fingers.

I KNOW this because I have done it. If she is INTERESTED in him, she is either a LOW SELF ESTEEM girl or she's a UG not getting any attention from guys. Because girls who are High self esteem and attract men and have big social circles laugh at approaches like this when they are with their friends. Why? Because godsgift didn't attract her. He didn't make her feel any emotions.

I can tell you don't have much field experience just by the fact that you think approaches like this are good. WHY? Because I WAS LIKE YOU!!!!

Exactly like you.

I'm only trying to help.

The truth hurts.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
I'm only trying to help.
And you have, you've made me laugh.:crackup: No but, seriously you did crack me up.

I KNOW this because I have done it. If she is INTERESTED in him, she is either a LOW SELF ESTEEM girl or she's a UG not getting any attention from guys. Because girls who are High self esteem and attract men and have big social circles laugh at approaches like this when they are with their friends. Why? Because godsgift didn't attract her. He didn't make her feel any emotions.
As I've mentionned, let us wait and see. Soon enough, we'll know who's right. Rest assured that I will admit my mistake If I was wrong just like you will. Let reality be our judge.

I have been OUT IN THE FIELD. I have DONE THIS **** MANY TIMES. How many times have you done it? How many times have you done what godsgift done? I would bet that I can count it on no fingers.

I can tell you don't have much field experience just by the fact that you think approaches like this are good. WHY? Because I WAS LIKE YOU!!!!

Exactly like you.
This is what made me laugh. I just love it when someone makes assertions like that with no facts whatsoever and are convinced their conclusions, made on questionnable logic, are without a hint of a doubt, correct.

I'm not saying that as an insult, but I did laugh.

But, I'm not much of liar, so I'll be honest with you, I certainly owe you that much. With all those wild assertions, to get you a little closer to how things really are. As you've mentionned so wisely, truth hurts.

I've never asked for a girl's number and left. And to tell you the truth, maybe it's a cultural thing, but we just don't do that in Quebec. Asking for numbers and leave, we just don't. The telephone number part is just an element of the whole deal. It'll come naturally, without being forced.

I don't know if you see what I'm getting at, the phone number is not a stepping stone to start with. It's more of a practical necessity.

And so I might (might...) be talking out of ignorance when I mentionned that this is girl, is indeed interested as I don't have much experience with that kind of strategy.

However as far as field experiences are concerned, I've done my share, but that is up to you to believe or not. I just don't think asking for a phone number and leaving is a good idea. I mean, what are you going to talk about when you do talk on the phone for the first time? Wouldn't feel forced.

Well, just my 2 cents. Let us wait and see my friend, let us wait and see.



Don Juan
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Why do you few guy's come to the conclusion the number is fake, can't you congratulate other guy's who are AFC's like the poster or even myself for closing a number, even if it is a everyday thing for you guy's im sure all of you been through this stage right?

I applaud this guy for having the gut's to approach the women,


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
What newplayah said....GGtoFB didn't AFC and went right up to her after gauging her interest and swapped digits. Nice and friendly, naturally, with confidence. No tripping over the tounge. I'm also guessing he got a genuine # as well...guess we'll see...

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by newplaya
Why do you few guy's come to the conclusion the number is fake, can't you congratulate other guy's who are AFC's like the poster or even myself for closing a number, even if it is a everyday thing for you guy's im sure all of you been through this stage right?
We shouldn't be chanting victory yet. I would congratulate him on aproaching a girl and asking for her number (something most AFCs fear more than death itself) but what is hard work with no payoff? we celebrate victory when they are on their first date, not when we don't even know if that is really her number!

Not only that but from reading godsgift's post it seems like he talked to the girl for less than 30 seconds. How do we know she just gave him her number because she was just trying to be nice? you should try to build interest first like someone else already said, not just ask a girl for her number after only 10 seconds of talking to her.

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Dublinsfinest
Listen to me,

I have been OUT IN THE FIELD. I have DONE THIS **** MANY TIMES. How many times have you done it? How many times have you done what godsgift done? I would bet that I can count it on no fingers.

I KNOW this because I have done it. If she is INTERESTED in him, she is either a LOW SELF ESTEEM girl or she's a UG not getting any attention from guys. Because girls who are High self esteem and attract men and have big social circles laugh at approaches like this when they are with their friends. Why? Because godsgift didn't attract her. He didn't make her feel any emotions.

I can tell you don't have much field experience just by the fact that you think approaches like this are good. WHY? Because I WAS LIKE YOU!!!!

Exactly like you.

I'm only trying to help.

The truth hurts.

I dunno, i was quite impressed with godsgift approach, i've discussed this before, cold approaches arent my thing and are more unusual in the UK, but i'm sure in loads of occasions they can work.

Plenty of times ive been in places like the library and seen fit girls, got some eye contact, but never had the balls to do anything, i'm sure girls sometimes wish guys would approach.

I'm sure theres some truth in what you say dublinsfinest, but at the same time i'm sure these approaches can work.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Etienne
And you have, you've made me laugh.:crackup: No but, seriously you did crack me up.

As I've mentionned, let us wait and see. Soon enough, we'll know who's right. Rest assured that I will admit my mistake If I was wrong just like you will. Let reality be our judge.

This is what made me laugh. I just love it when someone makes assertions like that with no facts whatsoever and are convinced their conclusions, made on questionnable logic, are without a hint of a doubt, correct.

I'm not saying that as an insult, but I did laugh.

But, I'm not much of liar, so I'll be honest with you, I certainly owe you that much. With all those wild assertions, to get you a little closer to how things really are. As you've mentionned so wisely, truth hurts.

I've never asked for a girl's number and left. And to tell you the truth, maybe it's a cultural thing, but we just don't do that in Quebec. Asking for numbers and leave, we just don't. The telephone number part is just an element of the whole deal. It'll come naturally, without being forced.

I don't know if you see what I'm getting at, the phone number is not a stepping stone to start with. It's more of a practical necessity.

And so I might (might...) be talking out of ignorance when I mentionned that this is girl, is indeed interested as I don't have much experience with that kind of strategy.

However as far as field experiences are concerned, I've done my share, but that is up to you to believe or not. I just don't think asking for a phone number and leaving is a good idea. I mean, what are you going to talk about when you do talk on the phone for the first time? Wouldn't feel forced.

Well, just my 2 cents. Let us wait and see my friend, let us wait and see.


dont waste my time posting keyboard jockey stuff about something you HAVENT done, yet you are an expert?

You dont know sh*T.

You have never done this so why are you giving advice.

We dont need the blind leading the blind, that gets people nowhere.

i'm done with this because you'll probably write out more garbage but you just cant get the point.


Try advising people how to fly aeroplanes. You'd give **** advice because you've never actually done it. You've never dealth with the emotions and never been successful doing it.

Same theory here.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score

Thought I'd post an update since there seems to be a fair bit of interest in whether i would get anywhere using this approach.

I haven't acrtually arranged anything yet with the girl i approached, though I saw her on Friday, again in the library, with a friend this time (fvcking seriously hot). I went over and chatted to them both, it made me laugh that her mate knew my name, they'd obviously been gossiping. Anyway, had a normal friendly convo, her mate seemed to take a hell of a lot of interest in me, i was having visions of a fvcking awesome 3some!!
I also saw her (girl i originally approached) on the bus that evening, sat with her for the 20-30 min journey, had good friendly convo and got on well, but as i said, haven't actually arranged to meet or anything.

Not that its a problem if nowt happens, i'm giving myself other options, done couple other cold approaches last couple of days, including this really fit girl i met in the gym today, got her number too. Me and my flatmates are having a house party on Friday, so i'll give her a call for that, as well as the girl from teh library, and her mate, give myself a few options.

On the subject of my approaching technique, i know a couple people were saying you should always get a good convo before getting the number. Yeh, i agree with that under normal circumstances, the library's a bit different though, you gotta stay pretty quiet, thats why i kept it short. She;d been giving me the eye for a couple hours anyway, didn't feel too much need for a long convo first.

Anyway, i only really posted the approach originally to give people an idea of how its possible to approach in the library, not so much to have my whole approach technique analysed and stuff.

By the way, if anyone else tries my library approach, let us know, i'd be interested to know if it works for someone else.

ps: which fvcker called me an afc?!?
Thats the worst fvcking insult you can give on these boards!!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
UK London
Nice one Mate !!

Another victory for our Don Juans in the UK :D

Originally posted by GodsGiftToFatBirds
Cheers mate

I'd be surprised if the number close was a flake if I'm honest, she seemed to have very good IL and was very friendly

But obviously, I'll only know for sure after I've called her.
I'll post more as and when.