Field Report&I need to change my appearence so I can be good looking!

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Mar 22, 2006
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Ok I probaly asked this question before,but I never gotten a good answer.What kinda shoes are cool? And please no nike or airforceones im not into those urban shoes.So what kinda shoes are cool???Or what kinda of shoes do you guys wear?? I wanna know so I can copy :up:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
dreamx said:
Everyone click on that its crossboss thread asking a question as you read that you gonna think he is an idiot,its the dumbest question ever!Come on even a guy like me would know she likes me,man crossboss I lost all respect for you sorry im not trying to insult you its just my opinion.
Sorry, but I can't just let that fly. I like you well enough, but I really think you should not bother insulting people on this forum. Every time you do, you end up having your own failures and faults shoved in your face. Reading that thread, it looked like you got told more than he did, not to mention that the question he asked wasn't half as bad as the ones that you've posted. All in all, just follow the rules that you hide under (i.e. the flaming one) and you'll do just fine.

Clothes wise, you may have to suck it up and get the Airforces, depending. What is it about them that you don't like?


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
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Actually, If it wasn't for me you would have more bully problems. Anyways I don't give a **** if you don't respect me. But actually at one point I did have respect for you, but it's all gone now. I tried to help you. Screw you.


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_rogers said:
Sorry, but I can't just let that fly. I like you well enough, but I really think you should not bother insulting people on this forum. Every time you do, you end up having your own failures and faults shoved in your face. Reading that thread, it looked like you got told more than he did, not to mention that the question he asked wasn't half as bad as the ones that you've posted. All in all, just follow the rules that you hide under (i.e. the flaming one) and you'll do just fine.

Clothes wise, you may have to suck it up and get the Airforces, depending. What is it about them that you don't like?
I just dont like airforces its like a hip hop style and i dont like rap hip or rb i like punk rock and sometimes crountry.But the shoes that are cool are DC which I have on right now.And well im not insulting crossboss im critizing him in a defensive way.


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
crossboss said:
Actually, If it wasn't for me you would have more bully problems. Anyways I don't give a **** if you don't respect me. But actually at one point I did have respect for you, but it's all gone now. I tried to help you. Screw you.
WAIT!! You actually had respect for me I thought you hated me?No man maybe i said it the wrong way(actually typed it the wrong way) but its just that your question isnt even a question is seemed like a girl gave you too much signals.I still do have respect for me maybe its because I was kinda of irritated dude crossboss man sorry the way i explained myself.

P.S. Yeah its true that if it wasn't for you i would still by getting bullied but you helped me out,and I seriously thank you for that.


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Use this wisely, READ ALL OF IT

That story breaks my heart, i hate to see girls do stuff like that. But it isnt her fault really, its you. But dont get upset, im going to share maybe the most valuable information of your life, and of my dramatic change, and it should give you some inspiration and confidence.

I was like you in freshman year, i am now a junior and you wont believe the changes i went through. I had really long hair which i put in a pony tail which was a definate no no. I also had glasses, no confidence, depressed, skinny, no hope and walked around with my head down looking at the ground and my shoes. I wore all this ghetto crap with clothes way too big for me. Long hair still scars me today, i got a beast acne problem on my back, which is still gradually going away today. I hung out with all the seniors and when they left i knew NOBODY. I felt just about every girl was "out of my league" and would never think about even talking to me. So how did i change? I thought you'de never ask.

I completely shaved off all my hair, buzz cut, almost bald. Still wore ghetto clothes and glasses, and had no confidence. Closest think i got to a compliment was: OMG you cut your hair! I was looked upon as the "shy, quiet, gangster kid who wasnt really funny". Some people made fun of me which led me to believe i was what they said i was. btw i grew up in an urban area so i thought that stuff was cool, and i moved to a "preppy" suburban town freshman year. i was a LOSER.

Sophmore year was boring, no action, i opened up a bit but still pretty much a loser. My hair grew in a bit so i spiked my hair for a while. But same look basically.

I am a junior now and this year i have changed it all. STILL had somewhat ghetto, big clothes. But i was clean atleast. This year i have gotten contacts and developed a style of hair that works for me. But just very recently (maybe a month or two), is where i went from a nottie, to a hottie. One day i was walking along in the mall, came across this store PacSun. They have that kinda "beach,preppy,surfer,skater" looking clothes. So i got some stuff from there and it was cool.

But i have to thank one store in the mall that really gave me an edge. HOLLISTER. Maybe this isnt your thing, but it worked wonders for me! No really, WONDERS. The girls ate this up!! When i started wearing that stuff, alot of girls were telling me how much they liked my new style. I got compliments from hot girls left and right. This girl came up to me at my locker and told me: "hey i like your outfit, you look hot!".......i was in awe, i have never been called 'hot' in my entire life until now. my confidence instantly sky rocketed. now when she sees me she says hey sexy! many other girls have said things like: "we like your outfit" "i like your jeans" "i like your new style, so your a hollister boy now?" "you look really good" ect...I am not making this up, this really made me a different person. i get so much more attention that i never got before. i became open, funny, and full of confidence. So here i am today! I feel great, and i look great.

Im not muscular, im skinny. 130 lbs. Its amazing how a simple change of style and attitude can make you feel so great. I still dont have a girlfriend, but i became more social then ive ever been with girls. hot girls. im still working on courage and nervousness, but that will all be changed soon. Im really looking forward to senior year.

But anyways, my advice is dont worry about that girl. You will soon look back and remember that experience and laugh. Just as i laugh at my picture from freshman year :crackup: . Be proud of who you are, yet constantly work to improve yourself, dont let little things get you down. Walk with your head high, shoulders back, a smooth bounce to your step. (dont over do any of that though, subtle changes do alot, if you over do it, you look like a fool TRYING to act confident). AND STOP LOOKING DOWN AT THE GROUND, there is nothing for you down there. if you look at a girl, and look down, this is subconsciencely a submissive signal. look away if you must, but the longer you hold your eye contact, the better. Try making her look away first. Tighter clothes make you look better, but dont make it skin tight. Baggy stuff makes you look scrawny, so dont go around thinking your cool with your huge clothes. Wear stuff that fits. Dont worry about pimples unless they are outstandingly huge, in that case, pop em. then get some acne cream or whatever to prevent future pimples.

So give yourself a make over, it will do wonders. and remember: NOBODY CAN BRING YOU DOWN BUT YOURSELF. Nobody can force you to feel depressed, YOU make yourself feel that way, not her, its not her fault. So that also means, nobody can bring you up but yourself. Your life is what you make it to be. I felt so outraged by your story, this reminded me of myself, and i cant let anyone go through what i have endured. So i felt it was necessary to write all this. Use the information i gave you wisely, and dont ACT who you want to be, BECOME who you want to be. Everything else like what to say that i left out, comes with time and experience, it will come natural with confidence and a positive outlook on your life and yourself. So remember everything ive told you. Use it wisely, dont just let my words float around in the back of your head, get off your ass and MAKE THE CHANGES NOW!!

I hope this gives you the confidence and inspiration you needed. Good luck! :cheer:


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Forces go with anything. Get a pair of mids and a pair of low... both white. Ou'll be set.

And then you have to be careful not to scuff them, so your walk will be stronger


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
There is no such thing as someone being embarassed to be hanging with you because of the way you look. It's how you act my man, if your with this girl at the park and some guys come up and start talking to her, introduce yourself to the guys, look them in the eye and shake their hands. Then play it cool, by at least introducing yourself it shows you are not afraid to be known by people. if you just hid in the shadows and lurk around then of course people will not want to chill with you. Be known, even if you aren't hot people will respond to your social skills.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The Man

I seem to wear preppy type clothing, yet it(in general) doesn't get girls to tell me I am hot. What exactly is the appearance?
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