Field report: Daygame is more effective than nightgame


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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…if you have the conversational skills.

Today I cold approached a woman who was at the same event that I was attending. We ended up chatting for about 1.5-2 hours. After that I told her I had to leave soon, and she practically snatched the phone out of my hand and gave me her number without my ever asking for it. She told me 2 times to call her.

She's an HB 6…BUT this scenario still would have never happened to me in nightgame. At clubs, men are the aggressors 99% of the time while during the day, the woman is chasing you if she finds you social and attractive. This chick told me she was taking some classes over the summer, and when she found out that I was an expert in those subjects, she started talking about how we should hang out over the summer. I also mentioned to her that my friend is a promoter in Vegas and she talked about how badly she wanted to go to Vegas with me when I go in August because she hadn't been there in a while (yeah, I know it may seem that she just wanted the perks of hanging out with me…but I screened this and she was being genuine). So you see, just one little thing that I said made her want to schedule dates with me. I'm not very alpha or good looking but during the day I can pull women with my words. I wish I realized this 10 years ago…lol.

Overall, I do like nightgame, if I am with 20+ people and we have a table. But going with another dude has never worked for me (if you're very attractive it will work for you). On the other hand, I can day game by myself and get as good if not better results.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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MidnightCity said:
the upper echelons of game are lost on those who are incapable of abstract thought.

you are ALWAYS the aggressor.

the only difference is that you pointed out that its expected during night game. you dont have much of a cover.

the beauty of having solid game is that you can capitalize on moments like these when you spot the opportunity. you are still the aggressor, but now you can stalk your prey. they cant see you under the tall grass of plausible deniability (happen to be at the same event, not there to hit on chicks) in other words, its not direct/overt and now you got her thinking shes the one thats chasing you.

thats real game
Wow. Well said.

Anyway, good job, skinnyguy. Keep us updated on how this one turns out. There's no way you can screw this one up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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LMAO, after the fb vs gameday thread, pretty obvious Skinny made this whole thing up


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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LOL I made some loser spend 2 hours of his life looking up this thread. I *own* applegoo. Jokes on you bud!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
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I suppose this is one kind of 'daygame' and certainly not 'cold approaching'. This is, if anything 'warm approach' and 'social gaming'. You were at an event where possibly you had things in common with the attendees and got chatting with a woman which may well lead to further developments.

This is the sort of stuff non community people do, it is pretty much on par with social circle. It works just like approaching a total stranger will work.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
In think the title of this post should be 'Warm Approach Is More Effective Then Cold Approaching'. It is potentially easier to do and more efficient without discounting cold approach full stop.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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mangotot said:
I suppose this is one kind of 'daygame' and certainly not 'cold approaching'. This is, if anything 'warm approach' and 'social gaming'. You were at an event where possibly you had things in common with the attendees and got chatting with a woman which may well lead to further developments.

This is the sort of stuff non community people do, it is pretty much on par with social circle. It works just like approaching a total stranger will work.
Exactly. I did NOT approach a woman on the street. I'm glad you get the distinction.

The only reason applegoo pm'd me wanting to hang out was so that he could take a picture of me and put it on Sosuave. Sad life he has.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
Exactly. I did NOT approach a woman on the street. I'm glad you get the distinction.

The only reason applegoo pm'd me wanting to hang out was so that he could take a picture of me and put it on Sosuave. Sad life he has.
"day game is for low value guys"

If you are down, I am down when I get back to the Bay Area tomorrow. Work on yourself. The fact is you sound like a virgin and that's ok. I don't have any hate toward you, just trying to motivate you to get out of your shell and comfort zone.

And no, i didn't spend two hours looking this up going through your post history. Sometimes things just come up on SS when you search for certain terms and what do you have it, this was part of the result.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
applegoo said:
"day game is for low value guys"

If you are down, I am down when I get back to the Bay Area tomorrow. Work on yourself. The fact is you sound like a virgin and that's ok. I don't have any hate toward you, just trying to motivate you to get out of your shell and comfort zone.

And no, i didn't spend two hours looking this up going through your post history. Sometimes things just come up on SS when you search for certain terms and what do you have it, this was part of the result.
Why would I take advice from someone who isn't successful with women?

I think you put too much emphasis on puss. Yes it would be nice to have a girlfriend but I'm more interested in making money because money makes me happier than women do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
skinnyguy said:
…if you have the conversational skills.

Today I cold approached a woman who was at the same event that I was attending. We ended up chatting for about 1.5-2 hours. After that I told her I had to leave soon, and she practically snatched the phone out of my hand and gave me her number without my ever asking for it. She told me 2 times to call her.

She's an HB 6…BUT this scenario still would have never happened to me in nightgame. At clubs, men are the aggressors 99% of the time while during the day, the woman is chasing you if she finds you social and attractive. This chick told me she was taking some classes over the summer, and when she found out that I was an expert in those subjects, she started talking about how we should hang out over the summer. I also mentioned to her that my friend is a promoter in Vegas and she talked about how badly she wanted to go to Vegas with me when I go in August because she hadn't been there in a while (yeah, I know it may seem that she just wanted the perks of hanging out with me…but I screened this and she was being genuine). So you see, just one little thing that I said made her want to schedule dates with me. I'm not very alpha or good looking but during the day I can pull women with my words. I wish I realized this 10 years ago…lol.

Overall, I do like nightgame, if I am with 20+ people and we have a table. But going with another dude has never worked for me (if you're very attractive it will work for you). On the other hand, I can day game by myself and get as good if not better results.
Edit: didn't see post date.

So why do you oppose cold approaching now?

Nice job on the past cold approach though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
Why would I take advice from someone who isn't successful with women?

I think you put too much emphasis on puss. Yes it would be nice to have a girlfriend but I'm more interested in making money because money makes me happier than women do.
The cognitive dissonance is outstanding.

The advice I'm giving you is the same advice from people who actually get laid a lot. It's a numbers game and the best way to maximize your numbers is your looks & style with a little game/social freedom mixed in. There's no such thing as the ultra smooth alpha male who just does this as an art and can pick up any woman he wants. It's a numbers game, pure & simple. Some girls are gonna be attracted to you and most are not. Chris from GLL gets laid A LOT and he pretty much agrees that's what it comes down to. It's just a numbers game.

Don't believe me on how important looks are and how much "alpha" or "beta" concepts spouted on PUA forums are blown out of proportion?

How Hillary Clinton met Bill. She liked how he looked and she didn't care that he stuttered his name out when she asked for his name. Wasn't very "alpha" of him now was it?

As far as not successful with women, I guarantee I've fvkced more girls than 80% of the posters here and much more than your virgin ass. The thing is, I want to improve at having the courage to just cold approach ANY girl I see.

You want to keep rationalizing sh1t like a woman as to why you don't care about getting laid. The fact is you signed up here cause you suck with women and want to improve but don't have the balls to do it.

Think of it like this...what makes us want to fvck a woman? The way she looks. Kinda works the same way for girls, too, but there are things we can do to look a lot better: get in shape, wear clothes that fit and are stylish, nice haircut, etc. If you can look better than the average guy (which is not hard to do AT ALL if you get in shape ), dress better than the average guy, and have the guts to approach women, you will fvck way more women than the average man. The average man only sleeps with 5 women throughout his life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
applegoo said:
The cognitive dissonance is outstanding.

The advice I'm giving you is the same advice from people who actually get laid a lot. It's a numbers game and the best way to maximize your numbers is your looks & style with a little game/social freedom mixed in. There's no such thing as the ultra smooth alpha male who just does this as an art and can pick up any woman he wants. It's a numbers game, pure & simple. Some girls are gonna be attracted to you and most are not. Chris from GLL gets laid A LOT and he pretty much agrees that's what it comes down to. It's just a numbers game.

Don't believe me on how important looks are and how much "alpha" or "beta" concepts spouted on PUA forums are blown out of proportion?

How Hillary Clinton met Bill. She liked how he looked and she didn't care that he stuttered his name out when she asked for his name. Wasn't very "alpha" of him now was it?

As far as not successful with women, I guarantee I've fvkced more girls than 80% of the posters here and much more than your virgin ass. The thing is, I want to improve at having the courage to just cold approach ANY girl I see.

You want to keep rationalizing sh1t like a woman as to why you don't care about getting laid. The fact is you signed up here cause you suck with women and want to improve but don't have the balls to do it.

Think of it like this...what makes us want to fvck a woman? The way she looks. Kinda works the same way for girls, too, but there are things we can do to look a lot better: get in shape, wear clothes that fit and are stylish, nice haircut, etc. If you can look better than the average guy (which is not hard to do AT ALL if you get in shape ), dress better than the average guy, and have the guts to approach women, you will fvck way more women than the average man. The average man only sleeps with 5 women throughout his life.
The fact that you make fun of other posters on here shows you don't get laid. You're probably a virgin. I don't see posters like Mike32ct or zekko making fun of guys, probably because they are legit and you're not. I would not waste 5 seconds of my life picking up girls with you because Id better off getting advice from a tranny hooker.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
The fact that you make fun of other posters on here shows you don't get laid. You're probably a virgin. I don't see posters like Mike32ct or zekko making fun of guys, probably because they are legit and you're not. I would not waste 5 seconds of my life picking up girls with you because Id better off getting advice from a tranny hooker.
No one is making fun of you. It's just easy to tell from what you write & post that your experience with women is extremely limited and you have no room to start saying day game is for low life people and now you conveniently call it "street game."

Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. I don't want to pick up women with you. You're not in the proper mindset for it. Everyone knows what's up and what's true.

Good luck to you and hopefully you come around and realize that a lot of the stuff you read here, especially from playher man, is complete drivel.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
applegoo said:
The advice I'm giving you is the same advice from people who actually get laid a lot. It's a numbers game and the best way to maximize your numbers is your looks & style with a little game/social freedom mixed in.
So are you am approach anywhere type of guy? From what I can see lot of guys have their speciality and stick to that. Like for eg they do clubs and bars but riddled with AA can't approach daytime to save their lives. Conversely you got guys who do daygame but don't fare well in the clubs.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Wrong thread....


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
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I dont take anything sminny me says to heart.

My guess is hes money...not a heart to live....

Can i talk crap....why yes i can. I asked skinny time and time again...


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
both u fools needs toget a itb mr

skinnyguy said:
Why would I take advice from someone who isn't successful with women?

I think you put too much emphasis on puss. Yes it would be nice to have a girlfriend but I'm more interested in making money because money makes me happier than women do.
Ur too much


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
_sideways_ said:
My guess is hes Indian
I am Indian. Which makes dating 13943298413513 times harder for me than you because you're white. If I were white, I'd probably have more than 200 lays by now, but alas, I don't want to make this a race thread.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Youre sad...saying dating is harder cuz ur different is admitting sex is harder cuz ur 4 inches....rock hard.

No girl will like you if u keep this sad attitude


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
_sideways_ said:
Youre sad...saying dating is harder cuz ur different is admitting sex is harder cuz ur 4 inches....rock hard.

No girl will like you if u keep this sad attitude
If you can make fun of me for being Indian, isn't it logical that it's harder for us to get women? I'll wait.