Field Report Concert (one hell of a night)


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Yep its long.. I have still been progressing and loving it! Last night I went to a concert and even though I didn't really care for the bands that much I had the best time. First off I went there with six people five of which I didn't know (five guys and one girl. On the way there they were pretty much in there own conversations but I held my cool and just stayed confident (I used to always try way to hard to be in the convo). But conversations with me were still pretty limited.

Now to the good stuff. At the concert I was up in front row and was surrounded by four girls. Both were sets of two. I started talking to the set on the left of me but my target was really on the set to the right. I was entertaining those girls pretty good and then I pushed some people out of the way so everyone could be up front (which I think was a good display of alpha). Both the girls were really into me and I could tell. But what I started to notice was that since I was having such a good time and leading the way the target girl was showing some interest.

I started talking to her and after a bit I realized I have all three of these girls under my power :D It was fvcking awesome I felt like a king.

Alright so I obviously went after the target girl (about a hb8) we were having a pretty good convo and what I did is right when I was at a good point in the convo I walked back over to the other two girls. (left when it was going good so I left her wanting more). I could tell she realllllly wanted to talk to me more. She even had 3 other guys come from behind and try and start talking to her (which I think they were better looking then me but I had her hooked) needless to say that felt good. So I was talking to the other girls and I could just see the girl wanting to talk to me again. This is were it starts getting good.

In the middle of the concert she pushed her way between me and the girls in front of her and grabbed me and pulled herself up to her! ;) We were getting in the music and everything then when ever it slowed down I started doing some pretty sexual kino. I even snuck a kiss or to right to the side of her neck. Then as it went dark for a second I took my hand down her pants. Then I pulled back when the lights came back on. This is my favorite part.

I said "I know that was a kinda bad, but everyone has to bad sometime" in a sexy voice and gave her a kiss right bellow her ear.

I could tell this just sent a sexual chill down her spine. She immediately started making out with me. Then right when the band ended it got really dark, SHE pulled my hand down her pants and she was wet as hell! That was a pretty easy number close :) Funny part was we didn’t even know each others names till after.

I think I used push pull and that confident I don’t give a sh!t attitude pretty damn good. I'm still not that smooth yet but fvck I'm getting there. One of the best feelings was on the way back all the people that really didn't have me to involved in the conversation were treating me like a god! Besides the girl which I figured was because she was jealous (which actually made me feel even better)! I know this is long I apologize..

My best advice for anyone master your thoughts and build your true inner confidence! That’s all I read about on here and I have gone so far! From a shy guy to now! It's awesome(and I just started in January). Thanks for reading :rockon:


New Member
Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
nice man, i especially like that you didnt know her name until* afterwards...

sounds like you were yourself and it worked out,

congrats and good luck in the future


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks man, It definitely was a good confidence booster!

I have always never liked the single life, well at least until now! Today I realized that. I am finally having fun and not just trying to get into the next relationship. I am feeling good and I am loving the responses I am getting from girls..