Field Report: **** Close


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
:crackup: Where do I begin? Ok well There's been 2 HB's, a mexican and a white chick. The funny thing is they have been best friends since the 1st grade. Well until last night at least :D

So Everything started when I seen the white chick (WHB) in school yesterday.
She approaches me and makes small talk about me and the mexican HB. (MHB)

WHB: So how are you doing prodj26?
Me: I've been better

WHB: Does this have to do with MHB?
Me: Actually I have a test coming up, and I didn't study

We made small talk while I went to heat up my food. Lots of playfull kino here and there. I requested that we move to the study hub to "study" and she agreed. (Isolation) Got her alone in the study hub alone and she starts talking about horoscopes. Luckily for me I read up on some of that **** before I met up with her. :D

Me: So into horoscopes huh?
WHB: yeah but you proably think I'm a loser (**** test?)

Me: Yeah you are a loser, but your my loser now let me see your hand.
(gives me hand)
WHB: Well what do you see?

Me: (holds her hands running my fingers along the lines of her hands with my eyes close)
WHB: hurry up dork!

Me: (pushes hand away) well you just ruined it, and if I'm a dork then do you love dorks such much? (slight grin)
WHB: (hits me playfully in the chest) shutup! Are you going to the gym today?

Me: Maybe, Why? oh I know, its because you want to watch me! Well too bad I'm not that easy!!
WHB: What are you talking about? (laughing)

Me: Oh I know how you girls are, You think i'm easy
WHB: No I want to "workout"

So I Bull****ted with her for a couple more minutes before finally agreeing to let her come to the gym with me. I was supposed to study with my study group but I ended up not doing so. So me and WHB almost start making out but I keep teasing her. (I would lean in for a kiss and then pull back)

Me: I'll tell you what, I gotta go take my test and then after that we can go to the gym.
WHB: But we should go now.....then I have class

Me: well too bad guess you don't wanna go then
WHB: Fine! you better come back
Me: I will....maybe

I gave her a wink and then bounced. I was a couple minutes late for class not to mention the two HB8's in my study group where pissed because I didn't show up. I think I did pretty bad on my test. Neway I went back to WHB.

WHB: you ready?
Me: maybe...

WHB: stop playing around! (she seemed pretty anxious)
Me: ok let's go

On the way to the gym I was hott ass fuk in her car so I took off my shirt and revealed my under-armor. We started feeling up on each other heavily at this point. Almost got into an accident because I tried kissing her. When we got to the gym I had people say hi to me that I usually see. (talk about social proof) WHB was amazed and talk about how I knew everybody. When we started working out I help her with some exercises. Then I did my usual monday routine. Then I recomended that we head upstairs because the machines were better. She agreed. So we get upstairs and she starts getting excited about how they have an inner/outer thigh machine. While I was trying to show her she hops on my lap legs open and all. (at this point I was a horny mo-fo) I wanted to screw her soo bad. So I told her that theres "something" else I wanted to show her on the next floor up. It was empty up there and she starts giving me a massage. She then ask me if I was horny to which I replied, "just a little but don't get any ideas." She laughs and starts talking about the boyfriend crap. "My boyfriend this, and blah blah blah". So I start massaging her neck and she leans against the table. It looked like I was pumping her in the arse until this guy comes in and is like, " you guys aren't allowed to be up here."

So we left and went back downstairs. She was horny as **** and I knew it. She wanted to leave then I suggested we go get somthing to eat and chill at my place for a movie. :D She agreed for food but then said how she wasn't having sex with me. I paid her no attention and went for the food. So we went to subway and started play fighting in line while we waited for food. Then I had her buy me some cookies (for later). She started saying how she wanted to go to my place but was afraid if her boyfriend found out. So then I made a decision to just try and **** close her. I took one chocolate chip cookie out of the bag and sat it on her inner thigh (right near her pvzzy) and ate it while she was at a red light. She was laughing and said how she loved it. Then her boy friend started calling her like every 5 minutes. I asked her to take me to K-mart to get one more thing then she could go.

When we arrived at K-mart we started play fighting in the car again. Then she ended up on top of me. Her boyfriend kept calling and calling. I suggested she come in with me to get "flavored" or "Natual". (condoms) She follwed me in the store play fighting the whole way to the condom isle. Her boyfriend called again but this time he stopped for like 20 minutes. For some strange reason when I went up to the counter to buy the damn condoms I hesitated to buy em. Not to mention I though of MHB (the mexican) and what she would think if I F'ed her best friend. (Who's f'n cares! Im about to be 21 and I can do whatever the hell I want!! I thought) So WHB takes the car keys out of my hand and storms out of K-mart. I was just hoping she didn't drive off and leave me there. Thankfully she didn't.

So I get back to the car and she looks like she has a tear in her eye. She lets me listen to like 6 different voice messages her boyfriend left her. And in each one he sounds more pissed. "Just take me home, we'll call it a night" I told her. She dirves me towards my house and asked me whats wrong. Of course the pvssy I was, I didn't answer her. All I could think about was MHB. Then By a glory of light I felt as if every member on this board slapp me in the face!

Then my inner voice screamed!!
(**** her! This is your chance!! Let me free!! Let me *** all over WHB!! RELEASE ME YOU FOOL!! FIND I'LL DO THE WORK FOR YOU!!)

Right near my house I told WHB to turn around. She did, then I had her park in an empty parking lot. She started talking the boyfriend crap again.

Me: You smell really good WHB
(started smelling on her neck)

Me: I just wanna "eat" you (then I started nibbling on her neck)
(Her phone rang again) I got really tired of her boyfriend calling her so I had her turn her phone off :yawn:

We started making out, she took her shirt off, I took my off....
then pants came off and then the rest is history. However when I was ****ing her I almost cummed within the first couple of minutes. Thank god I didn't.
I just kept pushink my d*ck deeper and deeper. I looked at her in the eyes and told her, "you know when I was doing the horoscope thing?" WHB, moaning "yyeeahh" me, this is waht I saw." The sounds of her moaning is somthing I will never forget. ;) Then we started getting really uncomfortable in the car. On the plus side she wanted to to my place and try various positions. I agreed. So I got up opened the car door, took a piss and we drove back to my place. "Happy Birthday" she told me on the way back it was now past midnight.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Heres the funny **** you guys -------

When we pull up right in front of my house MHB (the mexican) calls me.
Of course WHB is freaking out. I told her that I wasn't answering the phone.
We sat in her car for a couple minutes because my pops wouldn't open the f'n door. :cuss: So I was getting ready to take her inside until this car pulls up.

Me: don't worry, we'll just wait until they leave and go inside

WHB: No!! It's MHB!!! and my Boyfriend!!!! (guess she wasn't lying) :crackup:

Neway her boyfriend storms out of his car and wants to know whats going on.
He starts trying to tear her door off and trying to open the door. My heart is pounding because I didn't wanna have to kick his arse. He's yelling at her and then see's me. (did I mention shes wrapped in a towel? :crackup: )

Me: (looks at him through the window) wassup?
Boyfriend: what the **** is goin on?!

Me: nothin bro, WHB has had a long day, we've been talking thats all
Boyfriend: then why in the hell is she wrapped in a towel?

Me: **** she's cold, but hey give like 5 minutes bro and she'll open up the door
Boyfriend: promise man? cause I've been really worried about her

Me: promise bro

then the mexican HB gets out of the car and shes pissed because she has to go to work. I told WHB that I would stall them so she could get her clothes on.
So I took all of the evidence (open condom wrappers, condom box) stuff it into my bag and took it inside. :nervous: I came back out and started trying to consult the mexican chick. (I guess to make it look like I wanted her?) But Her boyfriend went straight to WHB's window and wanted her to open the door. I felt kinda bad for the guy, after all he seemed like a AFC. He was telling her how he loved her, and some other BS. I later found out that something all ready happened the previous weekend between them. So somehow I got the guy laughing with me about how they didn't want to talk to us. (WHB was in the car getting dressed while the mexican chick was in his car and she didn't wanna talk to me)

Me: (goin to mexican chick) okay babe seriously open the door.
MHB: I just want a lighter I need a cigarrette

The security guards of my appartment come outside (there was two) and they wanted to know whats going on. I told them about how I ****ed WHB behind her boyfriends back and how she trying to get her clothes on. So they gave me a lighter for the mexican and stalled the boyfriend! :up:

Then the cops showed up and wanted to know what was up. They basically told her boyfriend that if she wanted to play games then let her but everybody had to go. Soo the mexican chick had her little emotional roller coaster going on (she was telling me how she hated me and **** but hugging me at the same time) while WHB's boyfrined was pissed. They left. I got my ID, the last condom wrapper, and my pants from WHB's car and went inside. Didn't get no sleep but still had high energy throughout the day. (thank
god for testosterone) I woke up this morning wondering what the hell happened. (WHB's shirt was on the floor, with the empty condom wrappers)

WHB called me blocked this morning and said how she wanted me to call her. I took a shower and couldn't call her (she called blocked :eek: ) She called me later in the day but I didn't answer because I was in class. I called her back after class. She's crying on the other end telling me how her dog just died and she doesn't want to talk. Oh well :yawn:

Not to mention today 4/3/07 is my 21st birthday and I spent the first couple minutes ****ing WHB in the back seat of her car. I do feel kinda bad, then I don't. Oh well guess I'm a heartless bastard. Oh I couldn't get her to ***, nor could I!!! :cuss:

Peace :up:


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
Can you sum that up in 1 paragraph?


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
I read the first post completely. But I wasn't expecting the second one so I skimmed through. Very interesting read from what I did read. Nice fclose. And "happy birthday" indeed. :)


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Chief awesome LR, that’s what PU should be all about, just having a laugh... Oh an happy 21... But I must ask:

Squat: 410 x5
Bench: 175 x 5
Deadlift: 275 x5
Weight: 153 ----- Height: 5'9
Kg or lb? I am also getting a some body building so I’m curious if I should amp up my weights?




Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
That's ****in awesome dude, great job. Imagine all the regrets you'd be having if you ended up wimping out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
That's bada55 dude,one thing though......DROP THE WHOLE BANGING WOMEN WHO ACT LIKE THEY ARE COMMITED TO SOMEONE don't have to do it soon but realize in time,you aren't going to find a decent women that way. Good story though!:up:

Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
blinkwatt, I think a lot of guys here are in it just to get laid, not that there's anything bad about that, so the woman being commited or not has little to no bearing on their decision, and it shouldn't.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Squat: 410 x5
Bench: 175 x 5
Deadlift: 275 x5
Weight: 153 ----- Height: 5'9
Those numbers aren't congruent, either that or you're using a smith machine for squats.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Haha nice job man, although you kinda had me confused at the part where the MHB and BF show up. How exactly did she get dressed in the car without her boyfriend knowing? Couldn't he see through the window that she only had a towel on with no clothes?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
haha well actually he was pissed trying to figure out if she had pants on!
It was almost pitch black dark outside. I simply got out the car and stalled the BF and MHB until she got her clothes on. Luckily for me the cops came and bought us even more time!