Senior Don Juan
Today. She's an HB8, with a very cute face, kinda shy-looking, with really good skin and big eyes. I sit next to her and tease and neg her throughout class. I pick shedded hairs off of her sweater and tell her to buy a lint brush. During a presentation, a box of donuts, almost full, is passed to me, and as I pass them to her, I say: "Leave some for Sarah." (The girl who sits on the other side of her.) I comment on how she likes to wear black and tell her she's too goth.
I ask her for her phone number and she gives it to me, and I tease her by telling her that her handwriting isn't very ladylike.
Anyway, as part of the presentation there's free coffee, so I get up and get myself a cup and sit back down. The HB7.5, (Melissa) stretches out her hand as though to receive it, saying 'thanks" her face was dead serious. I made as though to give it to her, then pulled it away just as she was about to reach it, laughing at her. She looks at me in surprise and her friend teases and says:
"Geez what a gemtleman" and I say
"You guys have legs, don't you?"
Anyway as I was sipping my coffee, she says, without any prompting on my part:
"I didn't really want the coffee. I just wanted to see if you would give it to me."
I gave her the Han Solo response: "I know."
Before I leave, she stops me, and tells me that she's going to be getting a new phone tomorrow, and that that phone number she gave me will then be her little sister's since she's giivng her that phone, and gives me her IM screenname and email.
Straight from the horse's mouth.
Be the challenge. Always.
I ask her for her phone number and she gives it to me, and I tease her by telling her that her handwriting isn't very ladylike.
Anyway, as part of the presentation there's free coffee, so I get up and get myself a cup and sit back down. The HB7.5, (Melissa) stretches out her hand as though to receive it, saying 'thanks" her face was dead serious. I made as though to give it to her, then pulled it away just as she was about to reach it, laughing at her. She looks at me in surprise and her friend teases and says:
"Geez what a gemtleman" and I say
"You guys have legs, don't you?"
Anyway as I was sipping my coffee, she says, without any prompting on my part:
"I didn't really want the coffee. I just wanted to see if you would give it to me."
I gave her the Han Solo response: "I know."
Before I leave, she stops me, and tells me that she's going to be getting a new phone tomorrow, and that that phone number she gave me will then be her little sister's since she's giivng her that phone, and gives me her IM screenname and email.
Straight from the horse's mouth.
Be the challenge. Always.