Fiance is moving out...


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
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My fiance has decided that she needs to be more independent, and is breaking our relationship off. She says she doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore and that it isn't my fault. She said that it isn't me, it is her. Her intentions are getting her own place and now I am on the back burner. I said to her it is probably best and that I respect her decision. But obviously inside of me it is tearing me apart. I'm trying not to smother her because I would love to try and make it work. We also have a 2 year old child together, which is making this twice as complicated. I want her to have her space, but on the other hand I feel a lot of anger towards her. Is it a good idea to let her know that I love her and want us to compromise? She needs her space and I have to give that to her, but at this point I can't seem to get any good advise. This forum is my only chance right now to try and find a way to mend this terrible feeling. Is there any hope for us again? What shouldn't I do? How should I react when she is packing all her stuff and moves out? I still love her dearly and want to get that spark back. Any hopeful advise?? Is she gone for good??


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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I think it is still early enough for you to play this out right. What is your email. I have some ebooks that might help.

The thing is, dont get emotional with her. Play it cool. You can get her back.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
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"She says she doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore and that it isn't my fault. She said that it isn't me, it is her."

Sorry but that is ******** to mean - "I don't like you anymore - it is you that is the problem. I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore."


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
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Hey went through a very similar situation.First off is there a chance she has met someone else or has a sparked interest in someone else.If not does she have a skank ho friend that wants her to go out and party.Was she acting different before the whole "I want to move out" bomb, going out by herself or not including you in things.
On the other hand have you become boring and predictable or been focused on other issues.Or let yourself go ,been violent, or being to giving yada yada yada.
Need more to go off

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
"Nah, nah, nah, nah...
Nah, nah, nah, nah....

If she was still into you, she would have not put all of the blame on herself. Trust me, if women care at all, they'll tell you if they think that you're fvcking up. It's the ones that hold you faultless that you have an infinitesimal chance. They just don't care anymore.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
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The thing is I think she needs to get out more. Since we had our child we have been unable to enjoy time out together. I've never been violent. If anything I might have been just too damn nice. It seems the best thing to do is wait it out. It almost seems this is happening because we never see each other. I go to work, come home, then she leaves for work. I just need to find a way to light our fire again.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
If she was still into you, she would have not put all of the blame on herself. Trust me, if women care at all, they'll tell you if they think that you're fvcking up. It's the ones that hold you faultless that you have an infinitesimal chance. They just don't care anymore.


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Originally posted by heartrippedout
My fiance has decided that she needs to be more independent, and is breaking our relationship off. She says she doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore and that it isn't my fault. She said that it isn't me, it is her.

According to Karmas' Chick-tionary - what she means is that you bore her to death and she needs to feel wanted and desired, You make her life an existence not something she looks forward to waking up to and rolling over on.

Do yourself a huge favor and read the DJ Bible. Knowledge is power Brother.

" . . .And knowing is half the battle. 'Yo 'Joe! "


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2005
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They all come back to pee on your turf, when they discover the grass is no greener on the otherside.
Only problem is they may go round the block more than a few times.Depends how much $hit your willing to take.They can stop caring for a few months then want you back.Can depend on a whole range of issues.Saying she does not care for you does not mean there is no hope.Its only laying out where you are at right now.So you either work the problem out or wait to be flucked over.Your the only one who knows your situation and how you got yourself into it.Work off that


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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women who leave marriages because they are "bored" are wh*res.

im sorry, but anyone who takes a vow before god and says "till death to us part" then says "you know something, im bored, im leaving" is just lame.

i say you take a look at whether this woman was really the woman for you, or if she was one that you settled for.

she's pulling the "i need to think about what i want". sounds ot me like you need to think about whether this is really the woman you want or if you jsut want her cuz your ego says she's yours and you want to continue to own her.



Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Originally posted by joekerr31
women who leave marriages because they are "bored" are wh*res.

im sorry, but anyone who takes a vow before god and says "till death to us part" then says "you know something, im bored, im leaving" is just lame.

Give me a break. People change. Everyone has the right to be happy. She wants to leave fine, go. If you weren't happy with someone you were with, why give up the rest of your life being miserable, move on.
Also a marriage is a legal contract. If it wasn't then why the hell are there lawyers involved when you get divorced?

She decided to leave, let her go. She will regret it, but you must let her go. If you think I don't know what i'm talking about, my fiance and women I was with for 5 years told me same thing. Thy god we didn't have kids together. Its harder for you and I feel for you. This is the one of the best things that happened to you, you just don't know it yet. In few years you will discover how much of a better man you have become.

Don't smother her. Decide what you guys going to do with the kid situation because right now, all of your concern should be the child. And leave her in your past.

Keep us updated.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Sorry to hear that.

You only have one choice. To enjoy your life. Focus ON YOU!

You really have to. Control your emotions and self. READ the material here and around. There is a lot about this stuff.

You have two allegiances now. YOURSELF and YOUR CHILD. The woman is out of the picture right now. Will you get back together? Who knows?

Are you together right now? No.

FOCUS ON YOURSELF MY MAN! Take time out. You have a world of pain that only you know about. Treat yourself like the King you are. Post here everytime you need. I called my ex everytime and dug my grave even deeper.

You must accept that no matter what, you cannot control her actions. You can control yours though.

The best thing you can do is to focus on yourself and be the best DAMN FATHER IN THE WORLD!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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I found it helped me short term to cut all contact with 'mutual friends' and mutual 'hangouts/activities'

Just to clear your mind.

But listen to the other wiser guys around here about this stuff as I am still working through my pain!


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
You right now have the best asset in the world!

Better than a trillion dollars!

You now have more free time to do what YOU WANT TO DO!

WHat do you want to do?

Put budget and limitations aside for a moment.

If you could do anything what would it be:

a) major
b) general
c) small things

Long term and short

eg. me

a) major - travel the world
b) general - save money each week, start a business, train with the instructor who teaches the special services army.
c) small things - keep my house clean and tidy, be organised, eat the food I like

All those things you wrote down are SO MUCH closer to you now that you have the time and the motivation!


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Mistake by the Lake
Originally posted by heartrippedout
... She says she doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore and that it isn't my fault. She said that it isn't me, it is her. ...
I agree with flexion and KarmaSutra. When the girl says, "It's not you, it's me," it means that she's trying to find a way out of this without feeling guilty. To me, it's an indicator of a horrible insecurity. It's time to do some serious soul searching and figure out what's next for you, and it'll likely be without her, although you'll have to keep a civil relationship with her for the sake of your child.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
HEARTRIPPEDOUT: How old are you and how old is she?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2001
Reaction score

Man, I feel your pain. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Believe me, I understand.

You are in denial right now. You know this thing is over, and yet you are acting like you know what is good for her. Like her getting out more is going to help her as well as your relationship. Look, you have to no longer care about what's good for her and what's good for your relationship. Whether you have come to the realization of it yet, or not, this is your time now.

How do we, as men, know that a woman loves us? Is it her words? If one thinks so, he is a fool. It's their actions man. I believe a woman starts to love you when she gives you sex
(that's for the normal chicks, not wh0res) You have to pay attention to their actions. Nothing else. She left...bottom line. What does that tell you?

There is no way to relight the fire. There is no way to spark her interest again. Women do not work that way. When they lose interest, you've got to move on. It's the only way. Your relationship is over. I'm sorry to break it to you, but I know what I'm talking about.

Sure, you may get her to come back, and suffer it out a month or maybe even five years. But it will end. She is not interested in you enough anymore. It happens man. It happens to the best people, so don't let it get you down.

Since she is the dumper and you are the dumpee, here is what's going to happen. She is going to feel guilty. You are going to feel rejected. These are the two emotions you both will struggle with.

If you want to be a good dumpee, you should talk to her and tell her you still love her and support her through her guilt process.
But keep in mind that the dumper almost always disguises this process as trying to get back together with the dumpee. So people get back together for a month or eight years or whatever before it ends. When you see others breakup for good a year after they broke up before, and get confused, this is what's happening.

To be bad dumpee, you just stop talking to her. No communication. This will drive her crazy because she is going to have to face the guilt head on, without you there for her to use, abuse, and discard once she's given herself time to forget she's a b1tch, which is what women do to good dumpees. She'll also use this time to reinforce why you are so wrong for her, so when she finally ends it, and you beg her to come back or whatever, you are repulsive to her as it gets. Remember, most women aren't strong enough to handle guilt on their own. So when you don't let them have any communication, and I mean zero(no email, no phone, no nothing!), they will have a really hard time. Most women, if treated this way, which I think is proper, will turn to some other guy who they will shower with love and affection because they are trying to prove they aren't b1tches to themselves. In the end, the guy will get turned off, dump her azz, and she'll end up wondering how stupid she was to end it with someone who gave her love.

She'll get fat, addicted to Ebay, and bitter toward men because of her own lack of commitment to nurturing her relationship.

As for your rejection, it's going to take work. It's a hard thing to face. That's why so many women reject men before we reject them. They would rather face guilt than the more painful emotion rejection. Ever met a woman who was rejected? She is the one who is 43, single, bitter toward men, and childless. But you are a man. You will overcome it. It won't be easy. But you will overcome it.

Good luck


Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
HEARTRIPPEDOUT: How old are you and how old is she?
Great question! I was going to ask that myself. I put her in her early 20's and no later than 27.


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
She is 27....I'm 26... this feedback is great! Many strong points of interest. It is nice to hear feedback even if it isn't something you want to hear. Kind of constructive criticism.

She is officially moving out in a week. I believe I have been doing good, not showing emotion with her. The more I don't show her emotion, the better it seems to feel. I've always told her that I have respected her decision, because of the fact that I don't want us to get angry with each other. I am definately going to pull back, and the only contact for now will be picking my child up from her. I think this is going to backfire on her. She bores herself.

Sometimes it feels as though she feeds of my emotion like some wilderbeast.

So far so good...