Ferraris Dont Mean Sh!t!


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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Ok so the client im currently engaged with has an office located very near to a top beach here.

So i decided to bring some beach wear in a bag to work so i can get in the beach after work.
half way through today i had completed all my work and decided meh ill hit the beach now
its spring here and the sun is out in full force.

along with old dudes in ferraris with their young gfs.

long story short i rented a kite surfing kit from the local beach shop and hit the beach..having heapsa fun.

then comes this one ferrari with an old dude and a young chic.
first i thought dad n daughter.
then he put his hands on her ass as they stepped out and headed into the cafe by the beach.

i finished up an hour later and couldnt take anymore of a beating from the i turned landward. and returned my gear and went to grab a drink at the same cafe.

as i walked in i noticed she looked and smiled..and he was looking away.

i smiled back and walked to the desk to order.

2 mins later she comes up stands behind me like;

She: hey, do you know whats the best frapp they sell here..
me:eek: hi! yeh umm i work across the road so i come here alot..thier green tea frapp..Bellitzimo!!!
she: hahaha you dont look italian!
me: yeh..damn! my stupid make up artist didnt do a good job

we continue standing in line..2 minutes later.

she: so you kite surf alot?
me: no no..this was my 4th time..but you know..trial and against the elements..they usually win..what?being much bigger n
she: hahaha thats so funny..

me: ::thinking:: okkaayy.

she: i would love! to learn how to kite you plan on doing it alot this season?
me: yeh im getting my own kit in a week and then you'll catch me here every monday thursday and friday around this just look out for the black guy screaming for help.

she: hahahah you're hilarious..hey maybe you can teach me how to kite surf.

me: names slick
as i put my hand out to shake hers..
This is when i noticed that old dude she came with was watching us talk and very very mad!!!!

he stood up and as he was walking out the door goes "Valerie..we're leaving..hurry up" click click on the Ferrari alarm..

The whole cafe noticed this.

i noticed she was like "damnit!" look on her face.
so i thought id be super ****y!! " like
i was being ****y "Ok was good meetin u..come around on next monday ill be here..kites up an 13hundred zulu!!"

she laughed winked and left..i think some of the cafe folks kinda laughed too.

hahahahahahahahahahah!! stupid dude thinks his ferrari can get him everything.

but although i realise i didnt really do alot of work in that, im just trying to portray that cars and money can only attract ho's but not help in keeping them


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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28 that was built in 974 and has only 'cuda on the back...


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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Forget the Ferrari, i'm planning on retrofitting a 2005 Mustang Convertible with a fridge and bar :p

Sounds like an epic event Slick, wish i'd been there to see it :D

Walking Anomaly

Senior Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
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True men dont necessarily drive Ferraris. Me personally id like to have one jus cuz they're beautiful cars to look at and listen to.

Id also like a 68 Dodge Charger...a complete opposite beast compared to a Ferrari lol.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
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cars don't mean **** to women. i've banged hb8+'s out of my 1994 toyota pickup truck. haha although, i've since upgraded to a newer model. :D


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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Laugh all you want, the rich guy was still nailing her 20 minutes later, just like every other day when he nails the little whore. When she wanders off he will replace her with a hotter, fresher version and just keep on hittin' it.

Sad but true, don't hate him for being a winner in the game of life.

And no car's don't mean anything, but Ferraris do.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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bigjohnson said:
Laugh all you want, the rich guy was still nailing her 20 minutes later, just like every other day when he nails the little whore. When she wanders off he will replace her with a hotter, fresher version and just keep on hittin' it.

Sad but true, don't hate him for being a winner in the game of life.

And no car's don't mean anything, but Ferraris do.
I agree, you might have been talking to her but i bet he hit that **** real hard because she was talking to you. You think he really cares about her??? Prolly not, most rich guys dont give a crap since its so easy to pickup hot gold diggers


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
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you bring up a valid point lads..but..

when all you wanna do is bust anut of her face and i can do it without having a ferrari..whereas he NEEDS his $ and his ferrari...thats the difference..

so next week if she comes around and i i bone it..effectively ive done that without her looking at my bank account or my car..
means he got her with a ferrari and lotsa = rented kite surf kit.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Actually I bet he's a lot more attached to the Ferrari. The girl is just keep the passenger seat warm and his cock wet. Not taking anything away from you, but I wouldn't count on him wishing he could trade places with you either.

Why do anything *without* a Ferrari if you have the means to do it *with* one? Really?


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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Why do anything *without* a Ferrari if you have the means to do it *with* one? Really?

some of you guys need a serious reality check.

See how many can afford stuff like Ferraris? Not a bloody lot. And it seems that even for those who CAN afford such toys (like the dude in the OP) they've got to worry about guys like Slick who naturally DHV and don't have insecurities like other guys do. DJ's and PUA don't need the fallback point of "my wallet holds a paper that has the address of the bank they gave me to store my money" because they know better.

Nobody is saying money isn't useful or fun. But to rely on it is incredibly chumpish.

Money does NOT equal invulnerability.

And as far as

"so you just talked to her??? That's all???

If you couldn't tell, this chick asked him to teach her how to kite surf, and he gave her times he'd probably be there, playing it cool and not desperate to see her again.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
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OK. This is my opinion,

If I was banging HB10s and I was broke, I would still be looking for a job.

Ferrari, Gym, Money, Yacht, whatever boys like to dream of having, is a worthwhile pursuit for your OWN satisfaction. You shouldn't go to a gym so you can nail a hotter woman, or vice-versa.

Not having a ferrari is not an excuse to not having an HB10 as a gf. But it would definitely be a plus for your living and your game to have a great life with good finances, car, great apartment, etc.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Aragon034 said:
And as far as

"so you just talked to her??? That's all???

If you couldn't tell, this chick asked him to teach her how to kite surf, and he gave her times he'd probably be there, playing it cool and not desperate to see her again.
Chicks while in their fun vibe will throw out such IOIs like they're free candies. How many guys have gone out, had a great time with some babe, got her number only to have her flake later and act as if nothing has ever happened?

Here's another thing: attached chicks often act more flirty and friendlier (like this one) than the singles. Women love to flirt and when they can convince themselves that it's risk-free (i.e they're taken so the flirting is just harmless and leads to nothing) they amp it right up.

slickaz might have a point, but the timing of this thread is off. He should post it after he actually nails her, not before. Otherwise, he's just another guy the hot babe is manipulating: she has in her purse the sugar daddy, the fun young guy who's teaching her kite surf, and Zeus knows how many others providing her as much fun as she can have.

Regardless of the topic title, the Ferrarri did mean something. The rich old dude is still banging that little ho thanks to that.


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Alright,my turn. Let me weigh in on this.

I both agree and disagree with you Slickaz. I agree with you in that the Ferrari,(that is,the actual physical car,which is metal,glass,wires and rubber) itself doesn't mean anything. You're right on that,but it's what the car represents that shows value to women. I believe that to everyone (not just to women) a Ferrari or any other highly expensive car gives the impression of wealth and status. So I think that if a woman sees two guys,one in a Honda,and the other in a Lamborguini,just based on the cars alone,nothing else added,I think she'd be more interested in the guy with the Lam.

I read something a long time ago that said that women generally have two drives in life. One towards fun,passion,fire,electricity,and excitement,and the other towards stability,longevity,security,and having children. And if they obtain one of these,well guess what happens? If they obtain one,then they'll automatically seek out the other. If she's out on the town parting,drinking,clubbing,and fooling around every night,she may have the fun/excitement part,but eventually she'll start to look for some stability somewhere. If she has the stability in her life,eventually too much stability will cause her to get bored,then she'll seek out excitement somewhere.

So women are attracted to both stability and excitement. She was attracted to you,because you represent fun and youthfulness to her,but she's also attracted to the old guy because he represents longevity and security. The difference is that you display your qualities through your personality and he displayed his through car/posessions.

The car might not mean anything,but it's a heck of a lot easier to show high value to women if she sees you driving around in a Ferrari,than trying to convince her through talk and conversation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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OK so Slick I agree with some of what you are saying, but you have to realize a few things. She came and chatted you up, which is good, but when her master called she came to him like a well trained bitch on a short rope. What happens after this will tell a lot, but I wouldn't think of it as beating or certainly not hurting Mr. Ferrari.

He has a long line of such little whores in his past and future, she is just Miss Right Now. No need to be hating him for being so damn good at life.

So if you score good for you, but that's all it is. Not to minimize, just bringing perspective here.

Finally, you are looking at it from your perspective and that's natural, but look from her perspective. It's very possible she was using you as a way to attempt manipulation on Mr. Ferrari and nothing more. Chicks do this sort of crap all the time and it's what often ends up getting them nexted.

You never know, next time you see her she might have mysteriously "broken up" with her rich boyfriend and come crying to you. Again, good for you but it's good to realize you only see one side of things unless you try to envision the other possible viewpoints.

In any case, she will be traded out soon enough unless she is exceptionally gifted in some way, that's just life. In that relationship he has virtually all the power and options. She likely knows it and either can keep her place (apparently not) or will try to gain the upper hand (next), but his options are likely wide open.

This is all assuming he is really in the position to easily afford such a fine machine. If he cashed out his entire retirement to be the guy in his apartment complex with a $200K car then obviously none of this holds true, but then she probably wouldn't be with him then.

So finally you are absolutely correct, it's not the car, it's as other have said, what the ability to waste $200K on a toy represents.

Also, it's a damn nice toy. :D

I bet we can all agree on that.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
slickaz said:
hahahahahahahahahahah!! stupid dude thinks his ferrari can get him everything.

but although i realise i didnt really do alot of work in that, im just trying to portray that cars and money can only attract ho's but not help in keeping them
There is really nothing to laugh at here at all.. cause wether you have a ferarri or not women will cheat on you and flirt with other men... Feraris are good for getting women but keeping a woman from flirting and cheating is damn near impossible not matter what you have..

Exactly what she is not getting from you is what she will cheat with him for..

Oh and you need to read this -

DonGorgon said:
Who else is she F'ing and why?

Women F many different men at different times for different reasons !!!
Women know the easiest way to control men is with sex so they will provide sex to a variety of men who can each provide her with something different in return!

Here is an example of an average 18 year old girls man list:

1. Sugar daddy - older guy ( over 40 years old) who is just happy to smell her PU$$ once a week and is willing to pay her rent and car not...

2. Boyfriend - guy her age who is hip and in style usually a pretty boy that she can show off to her friends and family..

3. Thugg/Fbuddy - a shady guy usually 5 to 10 year solder than her who comes and goes but she Fs him vigorously when ever she can and he provides the mystery danger and excitement she craves.

4. Dope boy/ drug supplier - there is a little talked about epidemic of drug use happening now with girls between 18 and 25.. and its oh so easy for them to score their drug of choice buy providing sexual favors to the Dope boy/ drug supplier and sometimes his good friends when she is high enough.

5. Gay male friend - Gayness and bisexuality is running rampant amoung young frustrated males these days and females love gay men. They will spend tons of time together at the mall etc. talking about sex and men then quite often will experiment sexually with each other but never tell anyone.....

So choose which dude you wanna be in her life..


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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If a chick that is banging an older rich dude is going up to guys in front of him chances are she is on the slutty side. I don't care what anyone says I know that much. She probably hooks up with a lot of guys. You might have a chance.