Females who pursue us


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
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Does anyone have a story about the guy getting showered with attention
and gifts etc, I always hear about the guys who try win their woman over
but never a woman who trys that hard to get a guy


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
what no stories of women cooking dinner to impress anyone?

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
hmm, i dunno if these count but:

1) This chick I took on a blind date back in high school(she went to a different school) would call me up asking to go see another movie, but I wasnt into her. 5 years later(a year ago), we end up in the same college university and happened to be in the same womens studies class. She would offer to do my homework and projects even if I was lagging or not. She would text me a joke or a comment every so often during class, but one time she told me she had a dream that me and her were drunk and had some wild sex under a bridge and how she wished it were true. She also offered to pay for my ticket for San Diego's annual Comic Convention when she heard I wasnt going...oh yea, all of this was in front of her new BF...and oh yea, godamn did she get sexy after 5 years!

2) 3 yrs ago when i was 20, I carpool'd with this 25 yr old married milf HB8.5 to school. I worked at Quizno's at the time and she worked in the same plaza as a real estate agent and would come in for lunch and I would always make her sandwich. We saw eachother in the university's cafeteria one day and got to talking a little and thats when she asked if she can ride with me. It was only once a week but each time we rode together she would vent to me about her husband and their marraige. One time on the freeway it was dead silent in my car and she comes at me with "are my boobs big?". They're decent C's and they're big for her size cuz she's petite. Myself not being in this situation before says "what?!" surprised and she repeated the question while bringing her chest closer to me(she was wearing a low cut tank top). I almost drove off the rode. Another time, she was telling me how her and her husband don't have sex anymore and how she was horny all the time. So I asked her "would you do a virgin?", then she goes "Oh hell yea! id love to teach him some new moves! Hell, I think id love to teach you some stuff Rebound (giggles)" in a playful way. From then on, there was an unsaid sexual vibe between us. She would get REALLY jealous if she saw me with another girl or if a female friend would call me. One time she kept calling me not to go for a girl she saw me with(my future oneitis) even when I was with her which was embarrassing. She kept telling me "She's not cute! dammit! she's just not! I know you can do better than that! I would so go for you right now if I wasn't married!" in a serious tone. From then on, she would ask me if I wanted to stay and "chill" at her apt for a while because her husband wouldnt be home for a few days and her kid is past asleep...she offered multiple times, but I just didnt...

3) Me and this girl I met in class who was showing me IOI's started studying together. I used to see her with a taller guy walking around campus and it turned out that he was her ex and they had just broken up or taking a break(he cheated on her). I figured that this was rebound time(hence the user name:rockon: ). She invited me over one night to study human anatomy(lol) and while we were studying I got thirsty and asked for a drink...this freakin chick says "sure thing, you want vodka?". In my mind Im like "what the fcuk?!" but my mouth said "uh, sounds good!". Alright so we took a few shots and got a little buzzin(more her than me). She then started showing me her tattoo's one of which was in her inner thigh. She pulled her booty shorts to one side and she made me feel it. We really couldnt study anymore so she turns off the lights in her room and says "im just gonna take a quick nap". Thats when i hopped into bed with her and started macking. The next week she called me saying that I should come over cuz she cooked me dinner, rented a movie plus she wanted to give me head LOL. I knew I was the rebound guy, but the hell with it!

I think the last story was more of what you're looking for. So yea, thats just a few stories that came to mind.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
Ha.. My ex of 2 years showered me with attention the first 6 months I knew her. She bought me gifts, took me to vegas for a weekend, paid for dinner, etc. Instead of being smart and just keeping it going, I finally told her I'd date her. Don't do it! Let the gifts flow!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
Reaction score
Happens a lot with fat and ugly chicks trying to win you over.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Blackmm said:
Happens a lot with fat and ugly chicks trying to win you over.
was thinking the same thing. First thing that popped into my head when I read the title, "fat chicks".

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Or short chicks who want their offspring to be taller so they send you gift baskets from afar while you're away at college so that when you graduate you'll come back home to her.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
I was recently pursued by an AW if that counts any.

This chic, cute maybe hb6-7, would always Im me (she somehow got my email from a friend), she was bold enough to ask me for the number to my new phone two days after I got it (first cell, I was still learning how to use it and didn't get to asking her for the digits) once we exchanged #'s she would always text me, mostly at night but always had to "work in the morning" so she would try and cut it off kinda early. She would text me just as "I just finished working" and ask me how my day?, was blah blah blah.

When ever I would make a C&F comment, or even a rare mild compliment she would completely ignore it. When ever I would suggest we hang out, she would seem interested, then I would get the "let me check my schedule" and she would "forget" about it or she would come back with a completely different offer, like "lets go watch this chic flick" (she didn't get too far with that). I nexted her soon after she pulled that stunt for the second time, I kindly let her down but she kept texting me like it never happened.

Then out of the blue she stops texting me, soon after I get a random message asking if "I had any feeling for her", because she "didn't want to lead me on." Thats not the best part of the story, she then begins to come clean about how she had been talking to a guy (he's a friend of one of my sister's friends) during school and how she "likes him," but now she can't get a hold of him because schools over and he has no cell, and apparently doesn't use a computer much and wants my advice on what she should do. lol.

I haven't, and most likely won't replied to her plea for help as I don't think she deserves it.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get that out as I'm just annoyed at myself for not seeing the AW traits from the beginning and not when I nexted her, and the fact that none of my buddies who knew her felt it necessary to inform me until after that she was indeed an AW.

To keep it on topic she did buy me dessert one time when we ran into each other at lunch. (out with groups of friends)

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
young pat said:
Sorry for the rant, I just needed to get that out as I'm just annoyed at myself for not seeing the AW traits from the beginning and not when I nexted her, and the fact that none of my buddies who knew her felt it necessary to inform me until after that she was indeed an AW.
Its ok dood. I totally feel you on that one. Thing is its kinda hard to distinguish between a chick that is trully genuinely attracted to you to an AW unless you hear it from other people, see them in action(but sometimes thats not enough), or in most cases just plain out experience getting your attention leeched out of by her(like your story).


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Blackmm said:
Happens a lot with fat and ugly chicks trying to win you over.
I had this fat chick I used to work with ALWAYS going after what's in my pants and would not stop until I put out. I didn't put out at all, and she came after me even more, and telling other women that I was her man/ baby daddy. I wouldn't touch the b**ch with a 93 foot pole!

Fat chicks and ugly chicks are used to being rejected and have nothing to lose.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
Fat chicks and ugly chicks are used to being rejected and have nothing to lose.
weird enough, they have the attitude most of us here NEED.:crackup:

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Rebound Material said:
Its ok dood. I totally feel you on that one. Thing is its kinda hard to distinguish between a chick that is trully genuinely attracted to you to an AW unless you hear it from other people, see them in action(but sometimes thats not enough), or in most cases just plain out experience getting your attention leeched out of by her(like your story).

Thanks man. I hate to hijack this thread, but I just have one more thing to add to my little side story. Yesterday I got a text from this AW, she was *****ing at me because I haven't texted her since she pulled this little stunt, and she a was wondering if I am angry with her.

There is one last thing that my buddy just brought to my attention, I'm just retelling the story. I was recently at a party, and well my drinking got a little out of hand ;), and I ended up not remembering a couple of hours of the night. Well apparently this AW was there also, and she was hitting on me hard when she wasn't too tipsy (and when I have no recalection (sp?) of the night) and apparently we kept drinking as she was hanging off of me, and from what I hear me only, even when I'd leave her she'd come and try to find me.

We were just debating if actions like that would constitute as tools in the AW's arsenal of attention sapping tools, or if there is something else going on with her. He suggests that I should probably just leave her to herself for the next little while and then take a shot at it near the beginning of school. I'm convinced that shes just an AW. Which one of us is right here?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
young pat said:
Thanks man. I hate to hijack this thread, but I just have one more thing to add to my little side story. Yesterday I got a text from this AW, she was *****ing at me because I haven't texted her since she pulled this little stunt, and she a was wondering if I am angry with her.

There is one last thing that my buddy just brought to my attention, I'm just retelling the story. I was recently at a party, and well my drinking got a little out of hand ;), and I ended up not remembering a couple of hours of the night. Well apparently this AW was there also, and she was hitting on me hard when she wasn't too tipsy (and when I have no recalection (sp?) of the night) and apparently we kept drinking as she was hanging off of me, and from what I hear me only, even when I'd leave her she'd come and try to find me.

We were just debating if actions like that would constitute as tools in the AW's arsenal of attention sapping tools, or if there is something else going on with her. He suggests that I should probably just leave her to herself for the next little while and then take a shot at it near the beginning of school. I'm convinced that shes just an AW. Which one of us is right here?

dude, next time you hear from her just say "hey what are you up to" why don't you come over?" just say that AND ONLY THAT every time she contacts you. Be like a broken record. She will either come over and then you do your thing or she will get lost. with AWs all the "rules" you have go out the window. these chicks are for pumping and dumping ONLY.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Per, that was what my buddy was referring to when he suggested that I go after that later on this summer. I'm all for that I should just clarify that when I said shes just an AW I don't think that it would be worth the time, I could be wrong though. I would just like to know if it would be worth the effort to try and go after that, or if I would just be wasting more of my time on this AW


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
all the ch1cks i had pursue me were all AW's kind of puts u in a vunerable position. They will shower you with sh1t then once they cut it off it will drive you crazy if you cant control yourself.

young pat

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
True, but I can control myself, she isn't(or wasn't that this point) the only hb I'm gaming, it's just that I figured that she would be an easy lay, seeing as she was showing me the same interest that an interested female would, until she started to flake, then come back as if nothing ever happened. I will only go crazy if I try to justify what she has done with logic