Boyos, have you ever wondered why women love to flaunt their Fendi purses, Prada shoes and latest iPhones, etc...???...
It's because women love to one-up each other just as much as men, and they secretly love to inspire envy out of their female peers.
The vast majority of women are incapable deriving self-worth internally, their sense of self-worth is entirely externally driven - meaning they need to feel validated by others, either in the form of attention from men or envy from other women.
This is nothing new. Back in the 1950s women would congregate and each would take turns bragging about their husband's promotion while also talking sh1t about the women who's husbands are lagging in their career or who's looks are fading. Watch Mad Men on Netflix if you want a good portrayal of this.
And that's actually the crux of this thread: women view men as accessories.
There are 2 types of accessories that women keep in their sphere:
Type 1 - Accessories that are tools, like for example, eyebrow tweezers. It's a tool used to do a job, it's not a tool to flaunt.
Type 2 - Accessories that are used to flaunt, like for example the latest iPhone. It's a status symbol, it's used to inspire envy from others.
Women keep (or rather they tolerate having) low-value men in their orbit because these fools offer them easy validation, and they can also exploit these buffoons for money, or move some furniture or do some other degrading, menial task. But women would never flaunt these men to their friends. Why would they? These low value schmucks wouldn't inspire envy from their female peers.
Women will flaunt Chad, Tyrone and Carlos to their friends because these men are Type 2 Accessories - accessories that are used to inspire envy. Women also treat these high value men a lot better than they treat the low value yesmen in their orbit. They lavish these men with affection the same way they are protective of their expense Fendi purses.
Please understand that a woman's level of interest in you is highly dependent on whether she classifies you as a Type 1 or Type 2 accessory.
Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself: "Am I the type of guy that would cause her friends to be green with envy?"... As a man, you must do everything in your power to be able to confidently and honestly answer yes to this question.
Boyos, I hope you'll be able to derive wisdom from my words. I'm here to guide you through the minefield that is the modern Sexual Marketplace.
We'll talk again soon.
Xenom0rph - The Blackpill Prometheus
It's because women love to one-up each other just as much as men, and they secretly love to inspire envy out of their female peers.
The vast majority of women are incapable deriving self-worth internally, their sense of self-worth is entirely externally driven - meaning they need to feel validated by others, either in the form of attention from men or envy from other women.
This is nothing new. Back in the 1950s women would congregate and each would take turns bragging about their husband's promotion while also talking sh1t about the women who's husbands are lagging in their career or who's looks are fading. Watch Mad Men on Netflix if you want a good portrayal of this.
And that's actually the crux of this thread: women view men as accessories.
There are 2 types of accessories that women keep in their sphere:
Type 1 - Accessories that are tools, like for example, eyebrow tweezers. It's a tool used to do a job, it's not a tool to flaunt.
Type 2 - Accessories that are used to flaunt, like for example the latest iPhone. It's a status symbol, it's used to inspire envy from others.
Women keep (or rather they tolerate having) low-value men in their orbit because these fools offer them easy validation, and they can also exploit these buffoons for money, or move some furniture or do some other degrading, menial task. But women would never flaunt these men to their friends. Why would they? These low value schmucks wouldn't inspire envy from their female peers.
Women will flaunt Chad, Tyrone and Carlos to their friends because these men are Type 2 Accessories - accessories that are used to inspire envy. Women also treat these high value men a lot better than they treat the low value yesmen in their orbit. They lavish these men with affection the same way they are protective of their expense Fendi purses.
Please understand that a woman's level of interest in you is highly dependent on whether she classifies you as a Type 1 or Type 2 accessory.
Ask yourself this question and be honest with yourself: "Am I the type of guy that would cause her friends to be green with envy?"... As a man, you must do everything in your power to be able to confidently and honestly answer yes to this question.
Boyos, I hope you'll be able to derive wisdom from my words. I'm here to guide you through the minefield that is the modern Sexual Marketplace.
We'll talk again soon.
Xenom0rph - The Blackpill Prometheus