Female Cognitive Dissonance.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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Danger said:
Now if you mean regarding women, then I could see that possibility.
that's what i v meant. then again i was only half serious. just wanted to show that you can build all kinds of theories that might or might not be true. question remains, what is the consequence of all of this?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2012
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Danger said:
Women honestly believe their bull$hit. They believe themselves when they say they want a nice guy but fvk the football star @sshole.
no that is not true. at least not according to my experience. e.g. i once had a fling with a true feminist, supercute, petite, smart kinda but of course very convinced of her ideas and ideals. well pretty soon she told me that like all feminists she actually likes more of a macho type of men. sure her boyfriend was a nice guy and all, but it was clear what she was really looking for. and she said it herself. It wasnt like she wasnt aware of the contradictions, she even was joking about it. and actually i didnt mind either since i got green lighted and that was that.

and that comes up alot in discussions with women and i am not afraid to call them out on it. rarely they do not agree, quite the contrary they bring it up themselves. i find they are usually quite aware of their inner contradictions and how messed up they sometimes are. and that they are looking for some guy who is strong enough to contain that shyte. usually someone who is no asskisser, no "i put up with whatever because i adore you", no chump who follows a script that is way different from what he really wants and feels and of course someone who doesnt exactly go along with all the rules. someone like this just wont do the job. i think that is perfectly understandable.

ok but then of course there is this rather hilarious video

well and as for the "crime" - my only point was that was his FIRST post and that he might approach the whole subject from the wrong angle. if i was wrong so be it. still i think if you truly want to change something concerning your success with women then practice comes first and theory last. (mainly because i used to live too much in my head myself suffering from the evil twin of oneitis - theoritis. instead of taking action and analyze later.) so it might have come off harsh but was meant as a friendly advice.


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2012
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I was just trying to post an interesting observation/question.

Didn't expect things to turn into a battle royal.



Don Juan
Aug 11, 2012
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Zarky said:
No, no I'm not. I'm purely about seduction. I have no interest in men's rights or anything like that.

Don't get married, don't knock a chick up, don't live with a chick, in general don't be stupid with women, and you won't have any problems.

I'm not against feminism because I think it helps me get laid.

The "manosphere" blogs argue about how they feel the world should be. I don't give a sh*t about shoulds and shouldn'ts. I only care about what is and isn't. The world is what it is and it's my job to do what I can to take advantage of that. I don't expect it to change for my convenience or pleasure.

From what I've read, the "manosphere" is full of bitter men who rail against "injustice." I ain't interested. I just want to get laid by as many women as I can as quickly and as easily as I can. The current state of the world, whatever one may judge it to be, is excellent for that.

I'm not interested in society or making the world what I consider to be a better place. I'm basically a mercenary. I use the current situation to best suit my ends. If it changes, I'll adapt and again use its state to best suit my ends.

The manosphere is awash in negativity. I, on the other hand, am positive. I don't see the current state of society as problematic for me. In fact, I'm getting laid frequently. If I wanted to get married and raise a family, I might think differently. But I don't, so this society is perfect for me.

So no, I have nothing to do with the manosphere and I look down on manosphere writers. I think they're extreme whiners, and that's just sad. They're overly interested in what "society" thinks about them. Whereas I just don't give a f*ck about what society thinks of me. That's my main disdain for them. They feel oppressed by society. I don't.

Having said all this, I still try to help my fellow men out by Passing the P*ssy Forward whenever I can. That's not political, though, that's a practical way I help mankind.

This is an accurate take on the "manosphere":



The more I read of the "manosphere," the more it seems they're right-wing, conservative guys who value traditional gender roles. Some even delve into right-wing conspiracy theories. I have no use for that sort of stuff. They're secretly betas looking for a wife and kids in a time when that kind of thing is an anachronism.

I consider myself a modern guy. I'll never be married with kids, I'll never own a home, I'll never take part in those 20th century and earlier rights of passage into "manhood." And I don't want to. This society suits my personality just fine :D


In writing up a blog post on the topic, I'm starting to think that I "swallowed the red pill" so long ago that it's no longer a big thing to me. Maybe I was so manosphered so long ago that I'm a living representation of it. No wife, no kids, no desire for any of that sh*t. Banging chicks, having fun. Maybe I look down on manosphere types because they still seem to be primitive, inchoate versions of myself. I've already moved on.

Zarky, I was not aware that you are responsible for The Mating Market Blog. I've enjoyed your writing for a while now.

Trust me, I totally agree with you that complaining about women and wishing that the world was a different place is wasted energy. Women are not changing and if weak men want to get laid they will have to change their own behavior.

My post may have come across misogynistic, but I just wanted to start an interesting conversation about female psychology.

Just to be clear.