Every "contribution" you make starts with "a little advice from an old lady" and quickly turns into a full press attempt to derail the thread with non-sequitur discussions about your personal circumstances. Look at this thread, for example. In a completely unprompted fashion, you told us that you used to model, have good genes and look good for your age, have a great hairline, make lots of money, grew up around money, drive a nice car, and have a "semi pro" boyfriend who used to date hot, young girls but now choses to be with a 52 year old woman.
What does this have to do with the original post? And why are you telling us all of this? Even if any of the above is actually true, we couldn't care less. This is not a place for you to get men to fawn over you. Go open an instagram account if you are starved for attention.
I started saying “advice from the old lady” years ago as a tongue in cheek way of dealing with disbelief and people’s assumptions that at my age I must be an old washed up granny or cat lady, lol. That’s just simply not so. For that same reason my avatar has always been a photo of me. Not for attention but rather as confirmation that I am in fact as advertised. So it is out of the integrity of being as I say. Which is more integrity than many here.
Now. If somebody here wants to take a swipe at me “because I’m female” when much of my content stands alone and is solid advice that could have just as easily come from a man? Well that’s just shortsighted.
One of the guys in this thread said he has no idea what I look like (see avatar) and several including you are in seeming disbelief about my circumstances with my relationship. Those are facts (my circumstances). If you actually saw my real life you’d say “Oh. Yup. Just like she said.”
I’ve no need to tell tall tales. If you look at many threads and read instead of skim, you’ll see why my replies are as they are. Even in this thread somebody else initially mentioned the fact that my guy is younger “substantially younger” he said? Who cares? I think it’s interesting the persistent disbelief that I exist as I do AND the heartburn it seems to give some here that (he just turned 45) a 45 year old desirable man would willingly choose a 52 year old woman. I mean, I don’t look 52 but so what. Who cares??? Why does that matter? It doesn’t. But it’s my frame of reference as an 8+ in the world. The only reason I noted his age originally was in response to a question. And guys lose it.
At any rate what happens is somebody makes a potshot remark, then when I respond to the potshot remark suddenly I’m attention seeking. No. I’m just responding. I’d love it if my actual advice never got questioned and could just stand on its own merit like others but I’ve learned that because of BELIEF systems (women can’t lead people, AWALT, women are inferior and so on) men are unable at times to acknowledge reality. I share my reality, often in response to a potshot.
As to OP the same could be said if it had been the upwardly mobile husband who got a big promotion or got asked out by a much more beautiful/much younger woman. People who are shjtty do shjtty stuff. This lady is shjtty. Like
@Zimbabwe said money shows you who people are. She’s not a good egg. I feel for the husband here. It’s a sad situation brewing. And in time she may well regret it.
I just don’t see it through a “hypergamy” filter. That filter is based in a belief system and there are plenty of men who would feel entitled to ditch their witch if the situation were reversed.
So I disagree with the premise OP sets forth as to the “Why”.
Now I will await the discredit of my opinion due to my gender. Heh.