Feeling weak all of a sudden while working out?!


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
Hey all,

Been working out for about 2 months now, was doing my usual deltoids routine today, till I realize, I can't lift as heavy as I used to :eek: I switched to my other deltiods exercises, and it was the same, I can't lift as heavy as usual. I was also feeling a little tired and dizzy. Is this normal or? I had breakfast and lunch today, so I don't think it's something to do with not eating before working out.

Anyways, hope fellow DJs can help me out and identify what the problem is. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
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G-Star. I want you to post what you do on your workout day: When you eat, What you eat, How you workout, and How often, ETC.

US DJ morons cannot give you suggestions if you're giving us little information on how you workout.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
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Hey DonJuanMonk,

Bit more info as you have specified...

For breakfast: I eat 2 scrambled eggs, 3 slices of bacon, orange juice and 2 slices of toast with butter (sometimes a banana)

For Lunch: I eat out, usually I eat chinese food such as noodles, rices (sometimes fast food).

For Dinner: Rice, chicken breast, stir-fry foods

For Supper: A protein shake if I'd workout that day.

I drink water and juices throughout the day.

On to my workout routine...I usually workout in the evening just before dinner around 5pm, 4 times a week, targeting one major muscle group per day.

Chest workout:

Decline Smith-Machine Barbell Press. 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8.
Flat Bench Smith-Machine Barbell Press. 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6.
Incline Smith-Machine Barbell Press. 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6.
Machine Pec Flye: 3 sets of 10

Deltoids workout:

Smith-Machine Shoulder Press. 3 sets of 12, 10, 8.
Wide-Grip Upright row. 2 sets of 10.
One arm DB Lateral Raise. 2 sets of 10.
One arm DB Front Raise. 2 sets of 10.
One arm Bent-over DB Raise. 2 sets of 10.

Arm Workout:

EZ-Bar Preacher Curl. 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6.
Barbell Curl. 3 sets of 12.
Seated Dual Hammer Curl. 3 sets of 10, 8, 8.
DB Concentration Curl. 2 sets of 12, 10.
Close-Grip Barbell Press. 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6.
Lying EZ-Bar French Press. 3 sets of 10, 8, 8.
Overhead DB Extension. 3 sets of 10.

Back Workout:

Bent-Over Barbell Row. 3 sets of 15, 12, 10.
Wide-Grip Seated Cable Row. 2 sets of 12.
One arm DB Row. 2 sets of 12.
Wide-Grip Pulldown. 2 sets of 12.

Legs Workout:

Leg Press, Leg curls and Leg extension. 3 sets of 10.

I have been doing this routine for about 2 months, however, I've added the leg and back routine very recently. Hope I've provided enough information.


Master Don Juan
Apr 27, 2003
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Maybe it's time to take a week off to let your body rest and get back to optimal levels.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Are you making STRENGTH games based on the volume you're doing?


Next, not enough protein, or calories for that matter. Based on your diet, you get give or take 100g. Not enough.

Think about this...to be of a certain size more, you must EAT to be the next size, then the next size, and so on.

In another way...if you're 180, you must eat to be 200...so 400g of protein (max), and a whole bunch of calories (good fats, too). You can't be 180 and eat 6 meager portions, hoping to avoid fat. Eat as much as you can, as often as you can, and control the carbs and fats you eat later on at night.

It's nice to eat chicken, salad, and vegetables, but that sort of meal won't jack up the muscles like you want. NOR will it assist your workouts.

To gain each week, you should go to the gym having eaten TONS of food. Going when you're glycogen is depleted and you're muscles are flat is a BAD sign that you won't have enough carbs/sugar/energy in you to pull off an intense workout.

See...muscle and liver glycogen, which is taken in by fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber sources, as well as some simple sugars, are used IMMEDIATELY during your workout. They are readibly available. So...alot of guys do not see the energy levels they desire , mostly because they're not eating enough.

Sure, 6 meals is a good amount more frequent eatings than you are used, BUT, it's the calories that matter, because growth or loss is a matter of balancing energy demand.

Bottom line....Get more calories, protein, and healthy fats.


You're workout is too long. That's my opinion. Others will post differently, but it's too long. Too many workouts per bodypart. If you like them, great, but split them.

Lifting is simple...

lift weight

Lifting weight is the stimulus, but it must be sequentially done. 1 more rep, or 2.5 more lbs, some type of growth. So piece 1, lift, lift a little more next week, then recover while you're sore. And lift again soon enough.

Rest/Recover/Grow. Eat. Eat a good amount. Eat good foods. Eat more than your body normally would so that the extra goes to the muscle for growth and the natural processes of living can continue without taking calories and nutrients you'd otherwise use for growth.

We favor big weights, but it's important to do weights you can do well, that are tough, and that you won't hurt yourself using. If you're not big enough for Deads or Squats, start with other back exercises and leg presses. Eventually you will be.


Control the Weight.

Ever lift a weight or object that is typically heavier than expected?

We all have. Beds. Dresses. Maybe even weight in the gym. You did a number you didn't expect to do. Normally that is because you're not using that SPECIFIC muscle, but instead incorporating alot of OTHER muscles, tendons, ligaments and gravity.

Guys do this in the gym. I've seen small guys, do big weights, but it's all relative. If they slowed down, did a 1 or 2 second "up" or concentric lift, and a 8 or 10 second "down or eccentric lift, they wouldn't do that amount. Plus, you lose the benefit of the OTHER half of lifting, which is resistance and gravity training.

If you were a lineman, your ability to withstand the force push of a DLineman and his gravity would be your strength. If you couldn't withstand that, you'd be out of luck and on your back.

Same as if someone is pressing down on you in wrestling. The push down on you is the eccentric lift, and if you dont' train this way, you lose the other FUNCTIONAL direction of muscle.

Some guys confuse this with super slow reps. They're not. Super slow reps require that you'd go up slow, and down slow, or static contraction pauses at the top of the rep or in your strongest range. While those are fine to mix things up and attack strength from another angle, the main strength angles are UP and DOWN, yet some only go with UP training, which is easy. Just thrust it up and done.

For big exercises that's ok, like deads, leg presses, because you're lifting more so it's tough to go slow with alot of weight on a Leg Press or Squat. BUT, if you're doing DB decline presses, or Barbell Curls on a Machine, you'll find the fast up curl, and a slow down curl, is how you'd use your muscle in real life.

Even carrying heavy bags into your house, it isn't the CONCENTRIC strength that you use to HOLD up the weight for an extended period of time, but the ECCENTRIC training/strength you endure. Ever carry tons of Grocery bags? Yeah.


It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
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First off, thanks for your feedback, you mentioned STRENGTH games??? Do you mean strength gains? If thats what you meant, I've gained a little (but not much, maybe about 10lbs -15lbs increase of strength for some of my exercises)