feeling jealous and angry


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Silverback82 said:
that's because the average woman will get more attention from men than the average man will get from women in the real world
Like I said, men want sex more than women do.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
luckless said:
Here is the horrible part. I invited her out on my birthday, not alone but with me and some other friends and their girlfriends. After we got back I finally got up the courage to tell her how I feel about her and how we were meant to be together. At this point, she told me that I was very sweet and that I am a great guy and a great friend to have. I asked her if she would consider just one date perhaps, and then it got even more heartbreaking. She told me that I was really sweet but that she didn’t feel that way about me, and that she was already seeing someone, and on my birthday! H@#!@$# of a birthday present!

man who does this sound like....( ME AND EVERY ELSE HERE WHO WILL ADMIT IT! :yes: ) let's face it -- this is how it starts, we meet the 1:) , talk to the 1:whistle: , fall in loved with the 1:flowers: , ONLY TO HAVE THE 1 TELL US SHE'S NOT INTERESTED THAT WAY:kick: , WANTS TO BE FRIENDS:confused: , ETC. Then we sit and wonder.. wut did i do wrong, y does she like ___ and not me?!:eek: (feelings of sadness become anger!:mad: ) & you have let the woman won. she is using you for her emotinal tampon. (sorry to sound so harsh but it's the true) if she wants the red neck..then who cares! my only advice is to read the DJ Bible and Pook's articles of " Kill that desperation " & learn how to be a man. You can let her continue to control u and send ur mind on and emotional path if u want but I'd get out of there and start all over.

PS: " dude have some self respect, who mean ur gonna let some HB control ur mind? ( yes u a future DJ ):nono:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Fvck her!!!

First off you are NOT in love, its called lust. Love happens when ur with a person for a while not a few days or weeks. ITs been said many times we've all been there. I personally followed the "one" to college only for her to rip my heart out and burn it on a stake(she actually the reason i found this site). Whats most important and the central theme to this site is what are YOU gonna do about it. No one can help you but you. Advice is good but you have to turn advice into action. Best advice I can give you is lower ur standards a bit and get some action from some random chic. You will never ever get a hot chic being nervous or shy. Learn how to communicate with people not just women and it will help you tremendously. Go out to a bar or club and talk to people you dont know guys girls everyone, hot or not. This is not the end of the world i promise.

"Fate decides who enters your life, and actions decide who stay in your life. But there is no point in trying to rush your fate because the best things in life are worth waiting for."