Feel Like I lost FACE


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
The Mad Ghost said:
So it turns out my ex is having a baby with this guy,

I'm not upset, just lost in closure? Why did she abort our baby, but is having this guys child? She said she wanted to finish her career and have everything ready for the baby so that is why she was doing it (aborting).

She STILL hasnt finished her career, hasn't been with this guy for atleast a year but is having his child? Whats up with that? Even her father, the one who told me she wouldnt have our baby now because of her further education and career rant is being a hypocrit and applauding her.

I feel like a bottom feeder, I want to know the truths, maybe some of you old vets can help me out here?
This might sound weird to you, but pardon me, as I'm unbelievably hungover:

But you should be happy right now, and the sense of closure you should be feeling right now is EXTREME.

Who cares why she's having HIS child... she's having it and that's that.
Let the reasons lie to rest and move on with your life.

Sometimes, Ghost, it's better to NOT know the truths behind everything and just take the truths that are presented to you at face value.

- She moved on
- She's having a child
- She wants to keep it with the new guy
- You are no longer in her life

This is enough of a foundation for YOU to move on. Stop seeking every nook and cranny for your answers. Sometimes just looking for the answer to everything is truly what drives us insane.

You don't need the answer to your most recent questions in order to be able to move on.

One day you'll meet someone who will want to have your baby and will be there for you, unlike this woman.

What you need to do is stop worrying about everyone else around you and to start trying to work on YOURSELF. You are the center of your universe and not other people who no longer have any input or say within your value. These people are not adding value to your everyday life, so why worry about them?

She aborted yours but is keeping his... FINE. What this means is that you are probably dodging a HUGE bullet, but you just can't SEE that yet because your judgment is clouded.

You've got this all wrong... you should feel, RELIEVED.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
Kailex said:
This might sound weird to you, but pardon me, as I'm unbelievably hungover:

But you should be happy right now, and the sense of closure you should be feeling right now is EXTREME.

Who cares why she's having HIS child... she's having it and that's that.
Let the reasons lie to rest and move on with your life.

Sometimes, Ghost, it's better to NOT know the truths behind everything and just take the truths that are presented to you at face value.

- She moved on
- She's having a child
- She wants to keep it with the new guy
- You are no longer in her life

This is enough of a foundation for YOU to move on. Stop seeking every nook and cranny for your answers. Sometimes just looking for the answer to everything is truly what drives us insane.

You don't need the answer to your most recent questions in order to be able to move on.

One day you'll meet someone who will want to have your baby and will be there for you, unlike this woman.

What you need to do is stop worrying about everyone else around you and to start trying to work on YOURSELF. You are the center of your universe and not other people who no longer have any input or say within your value. These people are not adding value to your everyday life, so why worry about them?

She aborted yours but is keeping his... FINE. What this means is that you are probably dodging a HUGE bullet, but you just can't SEE that yet because your judgment is clouded.

You've got this all wrong... you should feel, RELIEVED.
^ Digested.

Also, thank you, Kailex for replying in my thread, even with the advice you've already given. I know I've been abit of a pain in the a/ss with this one. Maybe my naivety and age has something to do with this all. Time can only tell.

P.S Squirells, I'm 21 and I wasn't drinking, I was at work :crackup:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
happy things

Hai guys, what's going on over here....

The Mad Ghost said:
So I drink, and it eases the pain. I've even written down "my actions" on spreadsheets on when, how and why I'm carrying out an offensive on her father and her. Everytime I see a new update on her Facebook - regarding her boyfriend - I log onto firearms websites to see which MOST INTIMIDATING arms I can purchase, but I don't carry out, because I have my LIFE to think about.

*slowly backs out of the thread*

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
2crudedudes said:
Hai guys, what's going on over here....


*slowly backs out of the thread*
Hey, 2gaydudes, where you going!?

Yeah I was staring down the neck of a bottle when I wrote this thread up. A beer, so suave and xbox? can't beat that :cool:


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
You are suffering from SELF-PITY. Very childish and girly-like emotion.

First. You got it easy. Try to live in third world country you pvssy (Butters when talking Stan out of being emo kid on Southpark)

Second. I sort of blame PUA Gurus for this...they make you believe you can attract any girl you want. And I "blame" SS for "making" you believe any girl who does not like you is a slvt.

Third. Stop fakking self-pity yourself.

Forth. Don't tell us ridiculous loser ideas about killing people because they hurt you. Don't be a drama queen.

Fifth. Losing face is when they touch your girlfriend and you stand there and do nothing because you are afraid of getting beaten. That would be a reason to fall in to depression.

Sixth. Revenge is fine in my book when someone hurts someone close to you. But I would call it rather punishment.

Seventh. You want to get out of dark thoughts...without a help of professional and/or medication...Just FAKK IT. Forget it. It's nothing, man.

I admire your honesty and I don't think you are a pvssy for having a break down. Just make it to something which helps you to be stronger. Don't drown in your own thoughts and tears/anger.

My cool friend had it much worse. He and his girl were trying to have baby. He was really happy about it. Well, she lost it. He was down but they tried another couple of years when finally she gave a birth to a baby boy. He was fakking happy like bunny. Two months from birth, she left him for some loser she met on Internet, claiming they "clicked". It didn't fakking make sense but it happened. He is OK now I guess.

FAKK IT! Enjoy life, man. Left dark thoughts and self pity to losers and to kids with divorcing parents.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Some people don't seem to understand "the best revenge is living well". Just like forgiveness,you don't forgive them FOR them[because they don't care],you forgive them for YOU[the bitterness will poison your life. I didn't say forget and let them screw with you again]. NOW,she's gone-and she will stay that way. you can either let the bitterness ruin your life. OR you can move on,live a great life and enjoy it. IF she sees you in the future and realizes she screwed up,fine. IF she never sees you again,you STILL get to live the great life you've built.NOT really revenge,but a moving on with your life towards success.

As far as she goes, I'd be glad to be free of the drama. I'd be looking for a better girl-with better parents. When you marry,you marry THEM too. I WAS married to a woman with a family who loved drama and arguing. X-mas REQUIRED drinking to tolerate the BS. My ex-wife took me for 200K in the Divorce. I don't dwell on it,don't want her back, and made 40k more last year than I did when married. I have to talk to her because of the kids,but otherwise don't. AND I sure as hell aren't friends on FB.