First of all, great Website everyone, I find its great that it concentrates on bettering oneself instead of teaching a mathematical equation to picking up women. I plan on starting the DJ bible program as soon as this semester is over.
Snowblind, I went thru the exact same thing you went thru, but at age 15. Let me elaborate.
I was 15, had a small group of 3 or 4 friends i had been with since I was 7 or so. That year some trouble started brewing and I basically lost all of them due to some fights. I was miserable, I had NO friends, i had NOONE to hang out with, I had nothing to do. I didnt feel accepted by anyone in school, my grades werent that good and I went home feeling miserable every day, thinking back , the song that best described me was "I am Human" by The Smiths.
This situation continued to the point I graduated, and didnt go to prom, as I had no date and no friends to go out with. That summer I felt miserable as you can imagine, I was going to college and knew absolutley noone. To my surprise thats when it all changed.
I was accepted to the faculty I wanted to study at (architecture) and I met people with my same interests, that year I met a friend, which I care for like a brother. My life started to pick up and I turned from a sad, pissed off person to a happy person, I started to enjoy life. That hapinness seemed to pass on to people, and soon it was easy for me to meet new people, and before long I had 5 times the amount of friends I used to have before.
I am now 22, on my fifth year of college, and looking back I see that problem, which I faced at 15 (and you are facing now) to be the best thing that could have happened to me. Thanks to me loosing my friends at such a vital age, I was forced to build my inner self. I became an independent person. I would dress how I wanted to dress, listen to the music I wanted to listen to and do what I wanted to do. Loosing those friends made me become that person I am today, it molded my personality into my own values, instead of the values of popular society.
Some time ago I saw those friends from school, one of them had a daughter at 18 and dropped out of school, the other is doing drugs and might have his future affected. It makes me wonder how I would have wound up if I hadnt lost them, maybe not as happy as I am now.
My advice to you is, do not worry. Look inside yourself and find who you really are, explore your interests and spend time doing them. Dont be afraid to be alone, learn not to depend on others and work to make yourself happier without. Reach to your family, they are the ones who will always be by you, listen to them and try to spend time with them. Try and pass school and go to college to study something you really enjoy, as that will be a huge confidence boost, as well as will let you meet people with your interests.
Remember that saying " That which doesnt kill you can only make you stronger".
Finally, pick your friends wisely, althought I have many people I hang out with, there is only 1 I truly trust and consider a friend.
Ok sorry if its too long or incomprehensible hehehe, I wrote it thinking in spanish so the translation may be a bit off at times.
Best of luck man, and keep your spirit up, these years are very difficult, but you will notice a very happy change when your personal life begins to get some individuality.