I think the issue is that people have realised that it's largely irrelevant what 'model' you use and even what you say. At least in terms of MAKING a girl attracted. It seems to be the case that you are either her physical type, or you aren't. If you aren't, nothing you say will 'convert' her or change her mind. (People aren't whispering 'omelette Du fromage' or poetry in girls ears and 'seducing' girls with language like a 1950's films) If you ARE her tpye, the only 'game' you need is to be brave enough to escalate on her, and not be so weird that you lose that initial attraction through a serious lack of 'game' (imagine awkward eye contact, complete inability to hold a convo etc)
For what it's worth, I think i've read about 50 PUA books and have watched just about every PUA 'program' (such as all RSD's and many others) that exists. I've tried it all, including 'the mysterymethod' (which other than a few concepts, most of which people should already know, is nothing special at all. And mystery isn't some amazing womaniser himself despite being the original PUA!)
There's lots of 'models' out there (you might want to looks at Saul's technical bible, or maybe Gabriel Grey)
However, the funny thing is that when you get through all of the fluff, the 'model' they are basically all teaching you is what we already all did is children and thus doesn't need to be 'learnt' ; Approach girl, chat and try to not be boring, and then make your feelings known/tell her you like her! That's basically every single PUA 'model' there is! Mystery's 'model' differs slighlty in that the idea is that you only state your intent only AFTER she has first shown her hand and given big IOI's and you have 'qualified' her, but in practice, that's not how it works (unless you are her type. Otherwise she won't show intent or try to qualify herself to you as she isn't SEXUALLY interested, despite yous 'negs', DHV stories, magic tricks etc.)