Fat girls crushing on me diminishes my game


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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ArtVandelay said:
You must be at least somewhat attractive, because if you're ugly like me, not even fat girls like you. In fact, I'd say that more often than not, fat and/or ugly girls are the ones pointing me out and laughing at me.

And to be honest, I could care less. I'm not happy I'm not attracting hot women, but I'm happy the ugly/fat ones want nothing to do with me either.
when a girl is out of your league they won't hit on you.

chances are you're out of the fat girl's league.


Mar 4, 2008
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A 0 isn't out of another 0's league. A fat girl with an ugly face is a 0. She has no options but someone as bad as her.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Say you got a drop-dead goregeous girlfriend! If you think you're not attracting hot chicks, get plastic surgery to where you will! Or lie your ass off about how successful you are in your business (not too much)!


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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This is a dumb thread man. I mean if you're hot you will attract all sorts of women including hot, fat, ugly, dumb, etc.etc. The only difference is that the hot and socially suave ones will not manifest their attraction for you like UG or fatties, it's that simple.

In fact if a fat girl in a group shows intrest in you in a social setting this is an amazing sign. Remember, that a fat girl in a group would never show admiration or affection for another guy in a group without the subconscious proven consent of the other girls in the group for the fear of being ostracized from the group.

* The number one thing girls value is their social group


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
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San Francisco, CA
lazikia said:
And it gets me depressed.
Jesus man, you need to man up. Fat girls dont hit on me because like the other posters said, I'm obviously out of their league so to speak.

But even if they did, getting depressed about it is a sign of weak, weak, weak inner game. In fact, I even think these fatties are preying on your weak inner game because they sense that you have too many hang ups to get with a chick in your league. If you get bent out of shape because fat girls hit on you, then this is almost certainly true.

This is the nice censored version of my real answer by the way, if a real guy I knew whined to me about stuff like this my answer would be different.

A nice guy makes problems out of nothing...and a Don Juan.. has no problems as such.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
Arsenal101 said:
In fact if a fat girl in a group shows intrest in you in a social setting this is an amazing sign. Remember, that a fat girl in a group would never show admiration or affection for another guy in a group without the subconscious proven consent of the other girls in the group for the fear of being ostracized from the group.

* The number one thing girls value is their social group
so your saying that a fat girl won't show admiration unless she can sense the other girls in the group feel the same way?

also, Technical, you say fat girls don't hit on you because your out of their league? I find this strange because even fat girls like attractive guys and try to be extra nice to them and such. I bet they don't hit on you because you don't see them as potential so you pretty much just blow them off completely. Try opening your eyes more. You'll see plenty of fat ugly girls hitting on you.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2008
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San Francisco, CA
ezily said:
also, Technical, you say fat girls don't hit on you because your out of their league? I find this strange because even fat girls like attractive guys and try to be extra nice to them and such. I bet they don't hit on you because you don't see them as potential so you pretty much just blow them off completely. Try opening your eyes more. You'll see plenty of fat ugly girls hitting on you.
Yeah dude but whats "hitting on" someone? IOIs? nice eyes? smiles? I doubt this cat would be complaining about eye contact.. they're probably kinoing him out of nowhere and escalating in convo out of nowhere. They do this to pretty guys with no game because they sense his helplessness.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Yes Ezily,

That's exactly what I'm saying. Fat, or somewhat chubby girls can sometimes have a superiority complex especially if they're friends are hot. A false sense of confidence if you will. But what i've noticed about fat girls that is not necessarily true about their hotter slimmer counterparts, that stems from self-esteem issues, is that they always subconsciously seek approval from their immediate social circle and once they get the green light they act like hungry hyenas hunting their prey without no sense of shame and with full force of desperation.

The key in this scenario is to immediately put the FG in the friendzone, and act especially nice to her so you will gain access to the hotter girls. If you fail this test and act uninterested you will surely put the rest of the girls off.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
Arsenal101 said:
The key in this scenario is to immediately put the FG in the friendzone, and act especially nice to her so you will gain access to the hotter girls. If you fail this test and act uninterested you will surely put the rest of the girls off.

Act especially nice to her? Are you serious? If I act especially nice to her then she's definitely going to think I'm a little interested meanwhile her friends will observe that I'm nice to her and try to set us up. I think acting nice to her is a bad idea.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
Technical1 said:
Yeah dude but whats "hitting on" someone? IOIs? nice eyes? smiles? I doubt this cat would be complaining about eye contact.. they're probably kinoing him out of nowhere and escalating in convo out of nowhere. They do this to pretty guys with no game because they sense his helplessness.
Haha I hate it when **** like that happens. Personally, I notice that some of the less attractive girls just have "act" differently then the hotter ones. I would say it's not that the hot girls aren't interested, but it's more along the lines that the fat/ ugly girl may not know exactly what she's doing in the sense that she's being so obvious. I don't know it's weird sometimes. I can tell if a girl is interested somewhat based on the way she responds and talks in a conversation. Fat/ugly girls more times then not seem interested more probably because they don't have as many options. Again, I really don't think some of them know exactly what their doing. Hotter girls usually act slightly differently. They do it in a more subtle way. Also, it's funny because sometimes when I pull some C&F on a uglier girl they'll get offended and take it the wrong way. Hotter girls always know that I'm joking and stuff. It's weird.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
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Los Angeles, CA
DonGorgon said:
Many men are having to do fatties due to the female shortage at hand.. I guess fat pusy is better than no pusy... right?!
how fat are we talking?


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2007
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Okay, I have decided to bump this since it has become a frequent problem recently. The other day I was at a swimming area and every single fat girl I passed checked me out. It was ridiculous.

This is depressing me so much that I'm thinking of going to therapy. Any advice?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2008
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Wow man, I feel for ya. Maybe it is a case of weak inner-game like others suggest. If so, instead of taking their interest as a bad thing, put a positive spin on. Use that attraction to boost your self-confidence, just don't act on it with a fatty. Believe it or not, fat chicks are attracted to the same guys hot chicks are. If fat chicks dig you more-than-likely hot girls dig you too, maybe you're just not seeing the signs.

I've had this problem before. HB8 is digging me and so is her friend fatty. In addition another chick at the same party (different social circle than the other two, HB8ish). HB8ish begins to flirt with me by starting a silly game. Well, needless to say fatty decides to join the game without invitation. HB8 (fatties friend) literally backs off and leaves me to fatty (who just came out of a divorce). So I've now got a dilema. HB8ish and I escalate, begin to make-out, heavy kino, etc. I know I've sealed the deal. Then disaster strikes.... fatty runs off crying. HB8 immediately ****blocks me to defend hers friends honor/ego/self esteem. So I then have to go comfort fatty and her friend before I can proceed with HB8ish. I ended up sealing the deal but not without the evil-eye from fatties friends the whole time (I ended up hooking up with HB8 later too:D ).

So yeah I know what you're goin through. I wouldn't say fat chicks don't hit on guys "out of their league" though. I've noticed that once fat/ugly/low self esteem chicks realize they have nothing more to lose they grow a pair and hit on you anyways. Just something you have to learn to deal with. Sadly I had to learn how to do it the hard way.... experience. Just befriend a few fatties. Every group of hot chicks has a few ugly friends. Maybe fatty could be your key to the Forbidden City (since we're running with the Seinfeld references:p )


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2007
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Usually when a fat girl likes me she does have attractive friends, but the attractive friend always tries to set me up with her fat friend. The attractive girl will say "you have to go out with -insert fat girl name here-" or "-instert fat girl name here- really likes you"
The funny thing is that these fat girls don't even know me at all. They have no idea what kind of guy I am and I get the feeling that they only like me because I'm skinny, which I think makes them shallow and not me


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2008
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Yep, been there too. I wish I could give a good how-to guide on how to prevent it/avoid it from happening, but I haven't even really figured out how to avoid it as it still happens to me occasionaly. Try just acknowleding the hot chicks attempt to set you up (ie "Oh really....) and continue to game the hot one. I would say not to completely toss the idea infront of hottie because that will more than likely just give the hot one something to argue with you about. We all know that getting a chick into argue-mode never gets you anywhere sexually. Just roll with the punches then go after hot chick. The hot ones have an idea of how the game is played and chances are she'll catch the hint and drop the date-fatty subject. However, if fatty is around while this is happening you may have a ****blocking bomb to defuse.

I wouldn't really say that it makes the fatty shallow (although that may be the case) it just shows shes playing a numbers game. If her and her friend ask enough guys, chances are one will eventually take the deal. She probably has her hot friend asking for her because most guys have a really hard time denying a hot chick what she's asking for (kinda like guys buying hot girls things thinking it'll get 'em somewhere). Maybe that (sheer luck) is all the fat girl has to fall back on?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
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Wow, some really interesting replies to such a simple concept.

Two things I think you need to take away, along the lines of what MooseGod and Nighthawk said:

Hot chicks are liked by ugly guys, do you think this damages their self-esteem?
You extrapolating the type of woman that's going for you, that you didn't even try to pick up, as your "worth". That's silly. If I found $50 in the parking lot, would I consider that my "earning potential"? No, it was just a little extra that's not gonna change my life, but it's not a bad thing either.

I thought Joe's comment about them liking you means you're too nice was an interesting theory (which sounds somewhat plausible), but I think it's too much of an individual thing to apply to all girls that are overweight. There are some girls who are fat who still think they deserve better than what they do, and most of them still don't want AFCs-not even the fat ones.

The way I see it is, if this 1/10 monstrous fat girl likes me then why would some HB 8 be interested in me at the same time. It doesn't make sense.
Again, same applies as said before. Ugly guys and good looking guys both like hot girls. How is this any different?

Also, you're foregoing one of the basic principles of being a DJ, by making this solely about your own looks-when the reality is, if you're game is tight personality-wise, of course they'd both like you.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
There's nothing wrong with the "fat girl" liking you. The more desired you are, the more desirable you become. Chubby girls tend to be more abrasive to compensate for the lack of beauty. Just because she's the first to voice her interest, doesn't mean she's the only that's interested. Get in there, and practice, practice, practice.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Same problem man, and her close friends are super hot. Really sucks balls and you have to play your cards right.

I'd advise you to gradually let her know how you feel, NOT VERBALLY, but through body language, the way you interact with them as a group, tonality etc...

Make sure you're still on good terms with the fat chicks because they can be MAJOR ****blockers.