FAT djs...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Big-J
IMO The Akins diet is something only for short term.

Get down to X weight (while working out) then rechange your eating habits so you don't eat a dumptruck of food as you get off it maybe increasing cardio/workout intensity.

I'd never wanna be on that F*ckin' diet for any extended period of time.

You may wanna check around for keto diets as well.
I agree, successful diets are only short term. After that, it's a life change that is needed so that bad eating habits won't send you back to being overweight.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Jay Fiedler
Just thought I'd share this. Was talking to a power lifter and he basically said what I've found to be true in real life. For every 10 pounds you lose in weight transforms to about a 20 pound loss in bench press weight your able to lift. I went on a cutting diet and found I went from benching 225 10 times to about 185 ten times each set. I weighed about 205 before, now 185. So, while I do look cut and trim, I am unable to bench as much. No big loss, just thought I'd share.
More mass = more power, although power doesn't equate to strength.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
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One thing I'm afraid of is losing strength. I'd rather have a 400# bench without a sixpack than a 200# bench with a sixpack. It's just me. I'm used to deriving confidence from size and strength.

I'd like to just get back to wearing 32 - 34 size jeans, running 7 minute miles. I think 200# - 210# is an ideal weight for me. I'm 5'11" and 240 now. I can get there in time for spring break.


New Member
Feb 23, 2004
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Well i dont know how of this will help you devestator. but if you can take atleast 10% of this post with you thats all i ask for. I used to be really heavy, picked up alot of weight throughout my younger years 9 years old to about 19. Then i decided enough is enough. i was 410 pounds and decided to lose the weight. Alot of reasons to many to explain why i changed but i did. I now am 21. and i am at 219 at 6"0 and trying to get down to 10% body fat. fairly close to it too. But I learned alot of things on my journey from the reactions of women to the right way to lose weight. and its not all flash or glamour ways of doing it but it gets the job done. and what i noticed with women is something i can never forget. I was heavy throughout school and had alot of guy friends but not many girls that were friend so i was generally shy around girls. Ended up dropping at about 17 years old.

Alot of reasons yet again, but my confidence took a major hit and i just picked up more weight. even when i went out i knew i wasnt very appealing. and i would get alot of looks from women that were not of the very kind looks. more of disgust. Then when i started losing weight. and toning. I started noticed women stopped looking as much and just went about there business, and i would have to start doing out of the ordinary to get noticed now. And about that time i was about 280, and i moved to a neighborhood, and my two neighbors were two drop dead gorgeous California blondes, And i thought what the hell i would ask one out. And to my surprise she actually accepted.

And i thought whoa this is different, And started to learn its good to take action on something even if you think you may be rejected. And i knew she meant it to be only friends but it was a step in the right direction. Well things fell thru, she had a bad bf who beat her, and she ran back to california 4 days before the day, no big deal i guess for me. i didnt know what happened though. a week later the other one which i knew was engaged asked me to ride with her to some errands, And i was still really shy, but still went with them. And from that point on we were pretty much inseperatable. dont ask me why, but i was in this mind set of just wanted to learn, because i had never been around a girl other then my family.

So I just tried things, said things i wouldnt usually do to get myself out of my comfort zone. And funny thing is, the less i cared about how i looked or how i acted the better we got along. And i slacked off for about 2 months on my weight loss. And thought maybe i had found someone who would like me for the way i was. and to this day i still believe that i was close. Things happened 2 months later, and i stopped talking to her, politics with stupid family members who came over caused friction. And during that time, i got more dedicated to lose my weight. i guess in some hopes to impress her. ( and in a mans head we think if we make our selves to be so great, that we cant be turned down. so i went from then 280 and dropped down to 250 in a matter in weeks ) just was excercising and cleaned up my diet, no atkins just causes alot of problems. will explain sometime.

And then we started talking about one day just out of the blue i was out side mowing my lawn, and we became friends again even closer. And i was looking fairly good then, i was happy where i was going, and i thought that was the reason why we got so close during the next few weeks. Like really close.( and when i look at it again now a days, a little more mature, was the way i handled when we stopped talking i just said ok, and turned my back and didnt call her, i was mad, and when she called me back i acted as if it was just another call nothing special and she wanted something... and i was still a little sore, but just played it off ) and i thought it was because of how i was doing. And one night came and i was out with her. And she said something to me i will never forget, She said i liked it better when you werent so full force to lose your weight, but just wanted to have fun and didnt care about what you looked like, she told right then there that if i had kissed her ( takin the initative which i really never did because i thought she was deeply involved with the guy in her life finance ) she wouldve been fine in fact many of times when she leaned in for a hug, she said thats when she wanted a kiss. But i learned that bf's really do mean nothing.

But thats when i started trying to get back the confidence that i had back then. and maintain what i had. and it took me a good year, if not more to get it back, i started to learn, if you view life as a learning process we will try anything and everything, because we will view it as a learning experience instead of a failure. But you can only say this and read this so many times you have to find it for yourself. But right now my best friend far away in another state, with a new Boyfriend, I never realized what i had when i had it because i didnt think i was good enough for it when it was here because of how i looked.

When i started caring about my look i started caring about how i acted too. and it wasnt a good thing at all. now a days i meet alot of women, just because, even though i dont see any signs of interest i still go up and say hi, cant hurt anything. But Weight is a part of the opening, but if you can convey something without saying something. And the thing you convey is about how good of a person you are the man you are its great no matter how you look, but its also in how you treat yourself, when you change yourself always change it for yourself not for someone else. But every now and then its good to have a push in the right direction. and every now and then you run into woman who dont play by the rules of shallowness. And people like me when talk themselves out of it. because of who they are.

now for some tips on weight loss. Take calcium, have alot of protein, healty types from fish to tuna, whey protein is a good thing if you got nothing else. Stay away from pork and bacon bad fats.

At the time when i was 400 pounds i was around 220 pounds muslce. When i lost all my weight i did a body fat % test again and was at 150 pounds of muscle and i was mad to when i found that out. Because i didnt have many proteins, and i was doing cardio, my body became like a runners body, slender pretty much. If you want a runners body do things like a runner, and do cardio all the time. If you want a musclar body do what a body builder does and then find a good medium ( it takes time to get bulk alot of times. just find the happy middle and stay there you will learn how to maintain it, if you want to send a me a msg go right ahead ) If you want a big bulk and big build its going to take time but just follow a good routine and build every muscle group. Im in the gym for 25 mins a day. and i have ONE cardio day to mix up the days so my body doesnt adjust to my routine. and on the cardio is just 30 mins of keeping my maxium average heart rate. and dont worry about time, ANY time is good as long as you get it done. Some times i was just doing a tape routine at 2am. If you want something you will make it happen.

i could tell you something to lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks, 20 pounds of fat easily, but the body is like a balloon, If you blow it up and let all the air real fast, it doesnt go back to original shape. But if you put a slow leak in it, eventually it will return to its shape. I ended up bulking up a bit more then i wouldve liked so i could achieve a cut look. Because i lost my weight so fast. so time is a good thing. In the beginning if done right you can lose 20 pounds safely in a month to 30 easily because the body is like what is going on, and it burns calories needlessly till it becomes efficent, then it platueas and readjust its self. And the body then when you go thru the platuea the body loses weight fast again for awhile. then it stops to readjust. The body is a funny thing.

But now a days i get good looks- from people, i have confidence and i walk like i have it, but i have a walk and a attitude of someone who has fun. And because of that women have fun around me. always act like the life of the party is you, and people want to be around you, laugh louder, talk a bit louder, have a bit more fun, exaggerate things, and people want to know whats going on and will come over. Just dont become obnoxious, and stuff on yourself. and you dont need to to drink to relax. when your around an atmoshpere enough you get used to it and relax in it. I felt so out of place and slowly i adjusted, and now im as relaxed as can be around alot of people. just laughing and having a good time. But it comes in time. Its not over night, nor will it ever be over night act. a very famous line my friend uses is, fake it till you make it. :) i wish i could type more but this is long enough. I got enough advice and help if you want any tips or advice on things, it make not be all the right answers to you, but they can point you in the right direction, and thats all i ask.

New poster, Man with alot of long years, and the beginning of a new life.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
Reaction score

Very inspirational post. And 220# of muscle is awesome! Hope you get it back.

One fat dj that comes to mind is Rueben of American Idol, but when you're famous, these rules don't matter much. Fat Albert is another. His "Hey, Hey, Hey" thing is charismatic and confident.

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
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Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Ah yes, the usual ignorance being posted regarding Atkins by the people who know the least about it.
Apr 3, 2003
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1. Arn't you the guy who posted about some gay dude thought you were attactive??? Maybe he wanted to get between those fat buns of yours.

2. I'm happy to see that you own responsibility for your weight. That is a good start...but your very stoopid if you ask why to girls like slimmer cut men.

3. There is hope for you. You need to focus on your confidence while your loosing weight. Focus on the person your going to become and how much more attractive your "going" to be.

4. Becuause your ranking is low on the physical scale you now have the perfect opportunity to develop the mental side of this game. Learn how to get at women with just your words.

5. Chat up every girl you see...learn to develop your personality, because that is what will win in the end. Looks only get a fella in the doorway.

6. Look at this as a life lesson and apply yourself while your losing your weight. I'm also glad you work out....just make sure you do atleast 4 intense cardio sessions a week...try the spin classes at your gym...they will definetely rev up your calorie burning machine.

good luck


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hey you guys can say what you want about me but im just keeping it real.

Fat people are looked down upon its simple as that. Unless your a Chris Farley people will treat you worse then they treat people of normal weight.

I mean, you dont want to a fucc a fat chick, do you?

So what makes you think a chick is gonna want to fucc a fat guy.

Props to you tho for trying to lose weight and better yourself i wish success to all the overweight fellas here who are looking to get in more shape.

Im the exact opposite i got a very thin build and im trying to put on like 20 lbs of muscle so whatevers clever.



Don Juan
Oct 24, 2003
Reaction score

Sometimes your posts are supportive and helpful, when you're taking a break from being rude. I'm not so much repulsive or ugly as, well, invisible. After 225#, I just stopped getting looked at. I went from hottie to anonymous.

Prolly the hit to my confidence was a bigger hit than directly turning people off with my looks. I've seen guys fatter than me get hbs. Wanted to know how is all.

Yeah, and I like the challenge to develop personality and confidence with a handicap. When I'm down to 200, I'll have much better game.


Thanks for the support! I can do a pretty good Chris Farley when I'm drunk. And some women f*ck fat guys with good personalities cause women think differently from men.

I like fat women anyway if they got big tits and ass.