My routine is about to change anyway, i've been taking the time to try out a bunch of different programs. Planning to work my way up to 170 (At 5'7) and then cut through a bunch of interval work, I have been bouncing between 165 and 155 due to missing meals. I was working out 4 times a week, but may cut to 3 and then box on my 2 days off (I find lifting weights is not psychologically satisfying enough -- i like sparring, wrestling, etc).
Freezing leftovers is a great tip, health frozen meals are good too. But I eat too much to have leftovers mostly! I've been trying to cook (which is nice for impressing the girls) but I keep finding it locks me into my apartment (in a pretty dull neighborhood).
Chicken breast and fish can add up pretty quickly too budget-wise -- I know there are some good guides (UD2.0, Precision Nutrition, Power Eating) but I thought I would ask around before buying a $80-100 nutrition plan.