First off, in my opinion, jobs that offer "100% Commission" are really just the wealthy's way of ensuring modern day slavery.
The hired is expected to do all of the work, as well as take on all of the effort and risk, while the business owner sits back and takes the majority of whatever commissions that the worker yields. It's just a modern-day sweatshop. That's all it is. The business owner-I'm talking about the exclusively wealthy--get to exploit the workers and take absolutely no risk in paying him or compensating him. I just personally don't understand how that's even fair.
Espi, but this isn't true. For example, I have been in Professional Sales going on 9 years and you have two different compensation plans, a W-2/Base Salary plus Commission Plan, or a 100% Commission Plan. The one with the base salary pays a much lower commission, doesn't give you payment on residuals/recurring income for the life of the client in your portfolio and once you stop "working" for the company everything is lost. The 100% Commission Plan gives you a higher commission pay-out, recurring/residual revenue off your clients for the life of their account and even if you stop producing for the company, they still pay you.
So it comes down to the fact that if you are actually a Professional Sales Rep and can sell efficiently, it makes more sense to be on 100% Commission as you make more money and you are building an actual business asset (the residual portfolio). But nevertheless, with any Sales Job, you are paid based on what you produce.
So if you produce $1 million in sales, there's a percentage of that you are going to get in terms of compensation. The different compensation plans are just the different options of paying you, with the 100% commission one being the highest payout plan.
The only way you starve in sales is if you aren't selling anything, and if you aren't selling anything, then you need to get OUT of sales and take up an Administration role somewhere.
As far as the consequences of blowing **** up in order to get things done, well just look back to 9/11 and you probably won't disagree with me that things got done. The world has changed drastically in the 15 years since the event. 2001 is largely regarded as the beginning of the end of the Capitalist Empire known as "America."
But if I could personally go back and talk to those men who flew those planes into those buildings, I'd personally ask them, Why didn't you crash them into Walmart headquarters and McDonald's headquarters instead of the World Trade Center? The reason I would ask that is because I personally feel that companies Walmart and McDonalds and other large mega-corporations have done more to fvuck up the democracy of this country than all 11 of those so-called terrorists who combined to smash those planes into the economic and defense symbols of America.
How has McDonalds messed up the world though? Is it through selling processed crap? Who makes the decision to eat the processed crap? How have Walmart messed up the world? Through offering people near wholesale prices on everything? Who makes the decision to buy their groceries and household items at these low prices rather than staying at the local Mom and Pop Store paying higher prices? These companies are fulfilling a demand in the market, it's the people in the market demanding these things that should be the issue. People rant on Walmart for charging rock bottom prices, but when you ask those same people are they willing to PAY MORE so Walmart employees can get a raise, they get veryyyy quiet
Mark my words though. Something disastrous eventually will happen to one of these large corporations. I suspect that there will be a large scale cyber attack, which doesn't bother me in the least. Anything that can cripple the large power corporate machine, I'm in favor of, because I don't believe that one guy should be earning 34 fvucking billion dollars while the people who sustain his wealth get paid starvation wages. And that's what this is about by the way. Fair fvucking wage. It's about a living wage. A wage that's respectable enough to at least feed oneself and his or her family. Even at $15 an hour, it can't be done.
Nobody is making anybody take a job for $15 an hour. If the guy can do better, he should quit and go make more. The issue is that people working at McDonalds and Walmart were a lot of these people that didn't study hard in school, had no Career Plan, created kids before they could even take care of themselves, etc.
The CEO is managing thousands of employees and getting a small cut from thousands of people, he keeps the brand of the business strong and other measures strong from a Macro standpoint, that's why he makes so much. Can one of these $15 an hour people do what the CEO does? If so, they should apply to be CEO and seek promotions to move up, OR, go work somewhere else doing something else that pays you what you feel you ought to be paid.
There's a reason an experienced RN doesn't apply and take a job at Walmart for $10 an hour, her skills are as such to where she's worth MORE in another particular market sector.