There's this woman I knew from way back that used to hang in my social circles. She popped up on my radar on POF and recently on Meetup, but her dating profile is a lengthy diatribe regarding the toxicity of meat, pats herself on her back giving testimonial of being a 2 year " first" then later vegan lifestyle.
She boasts how she's into all this crap to even include a good amount of her dating profile talking about the most boring thing and little of herself. She's pretty hot for a late 40s woman and nice curves/juggs...but...I dunno, it's a toss up to even bother that she's kind of smug about her lifestyle a little too much...all the way to her rants on Monsanto....that GMO's arent' the problem, it's not eating organic that IS the problem....and that by not going organic, you're feeding your kids/family wrongly.
As if she's on a high horse or something. Brags about being completley plant-based and that meat is "acid"
Kind of explains why she's been single all her life though...late 40s, never married, no kids.
I know of another like this, but...when it comes to politics instead. It's a lengthy rant in their profile regarding politics.
Ever come across women like this that when it seems within the past couple of years of taking courses in subject matter material they think they are an expert and it looks like they more so are regurgitating, much like a college student cramming for a test, their knowledge via a social avenue?
It's like "Look at me, I know all about GMO's, Organic food, and took courses in the stuff!"
In her "Work/Studies" section of her FB page she only has what she studied, no work history. Just that she took 2 years in detoxification and Qigong Science (Whatever that is).
I mean, can you not just say in your profile that you're a vegan and eat healthy and not try to give a college course in your dating profile or ON an actual date? lol
She boasts how she's into all this crap to even include a good amount of her dating profile talking about the most boring thing and little of herself. She's pretty hot for a late 40s woman and nice curves/juggs...but...I dunno, it's a toss up to even bother that she's kind of smug about her lifestyle a little too much...all the way to her rants on Monsanto....that GMO's arent' the problem, it's not eating organic that IS the problem....and that by not going organic, you're feeding your kids/family wrongly.
As if she's on a high horse or something. Brags about being completley plant-based and that meat is "acid"
Kind of explains why she's been single all her life though...late 40s, never married, no kids.
I know of another like this, but...when it comes to politics instead. It's a lengthy rant in their profile regarding politics.
Ever come across women like this that when it seems within the past couple of years of taking courses in subject matter material they think they are an expert and it looks like they more so are regurgitating, much like a college student cramming for a test, their knowledge via a social avenue?
It's like "Look at me, I know all about GMO's, Organic food, and took courses in the stuff!"
In her "Work/Studies" section of her FB page she only has what she studied, no work history. Just that she took 2 years in detoxification and Qigong Science (Whatever that is).
I mean, can you not just say in your profile that you're a vegan and eat healthy and not try to give a college course in your dating profile or ON an actual date? lol