Falling for your best friend.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
This chick has been my best friend for quite awhile. We are both 15 (I'm 2 weeks older). I'm rather interrested in dating her. We are together most of the time at school and do stuff together on the weekends (Ice skate, roller blade, watch her soccer games/movies etc).

The problem is, she believes if we break up our friendship will degrade and die out. We are *really* good friends.
I believe that is ******** for "I'm not interrested in you" but I'm getting mixed signals too! I know she enjoys spending time with me and usually tries to get her friends away from us so we can go to wherever we need to go alone. We have great convo and alot of fun together.
This chick will not go out with or hook up with some one she doesn't have feelings for but trying anything on her won't work cause she likes people, especially her close friends, to be straightforward. That means to let her know you like her before attempting anything.
I tried to get with her earlier this year but as I said, she wanted to but was afraid of the aftermath.

How to get over this barrier? I've been practicing DJ for about a year and a half to 2 years and I can get most chicks easily but this one is proving to be tougher then the other girls.
She's smarter then most of the other girls (we all know how they are at this age...) and has a wonderful personnality.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Alright....let me put it to you this way...DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!

Why? Because I had a 10 month relationship with my best friend, it does not work. At the end of it you will not be friends, you will not talk to her, and you will never see her. Forget about her, stay friends, because some girls are just that, friends, and thats all they ever will be. So do not worry about it, if I could, I would go back in time and NEVER have dated my friend if I knew it would turn out like this. Because the relationship of 10 months ruined a relationship of 5 years. Thats all I have to say....


Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
we have almsot the smae prob except she tries to get her friends away mine case she doenst want to spend time alone with me and when we cna have some time alone she lways calls my "friend"


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by YouArentMe
Alright....let me put it to you this way...DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!

Why? Because I had a 10 month relationship with my best friend, it does not work. At the end of it you will not be friends, you will not talk to her, and you will never see her. Forget about her, stay friends, because some girls are just that, friends, and thats all they ever will be. So do not worry about it, if I could, I would go back in time and NEVER have dated my friend if I knew it would turn out like this. Because the relationship of 10 months ruined a relationship of 5 years. Thats all I have to say....
Dude, that is exactly what I needed to hear. I've been "feeling" something for her but that's because of how special she is to me and you're right she isnt worth losing and ever since the begining, I was never really interrested in banging her. I'm happy as it is, thanks!


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2003
Reaction score
Oh My God

LikRetsam??? the same one from Tribes 2!? Holy Crap! If it is you buddy, hey! Long time no talk! What a coincidence!
Just to add my two bits, it's not too too difficult to get a girl that is your (best) friend, but it take a long time, and afterwards you definitely WILL NOT be the same. Take it from me man, I've been there and done that.

edit: (Wait, it must be you, since that is a very unique name...duh.)


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2003
Reaction score
CA, as in California
Think about it this way... when you two go to college (unless you're going to the same college, of course) you'll stop being friends anyway. So go for it!