I'm going to say something slightly different to the above two people here. I think people fall for the friends actually quite often, and its also sort of natural in certain circumstances (and also that girls do the same - im talking about real actual friends that get on super well, not this 'friendzone' nonsense)
Mantis Toboggan said:
The first thing you should do is realize that only children "fall for" girls who they're not having sex with.
I think its a lot less childish to fall for a person you know super well than what most of the people on here do, which is fall for strangers and imagineer the rest. someone you know v well, you are falling for the actual person not an idea
Mantis Toboggan said:
Otherwise, you're just getting all dreamy-eyed over the illusion you have of this girl.
ha well this is weirdly actually the one time where you are not falling for an illusion surely?!
Mantis Toboggan said:
It's that during the time you spent becoming this girl's best friend, you eliminated all chances of this girl seeing you as a sexual object. You became a source of comfort instead of a source of excitement.
think this really depends on the types of friendships you have, but i think of my friends (male and female) as fun and exciting, not 'sources of comfort'. i've had numerous occasions where i've ended up sleeping with a friend where i'd never really thought about it before
HoneyHitter said:
Are you telling me you 're friends with an attractive woman but never wanted to F her before? Hard to believe.
it actually isn't hard to believe imo! for me there's been occasions where i wasn't attracted to a friend in the slightest, but gradually over time, their personality kind of lit up how they looked and they became more physically attractive to me (and this has also happened the other way round, where a female friend began to crush on me where she never had before
now - despite my rather positive spin on all this, this is still something that doesn't happen all that often and can't be relied on! and as to what to do next it really depends on what type of friendship you have
if you have the kind of friendship where you are 'a source of comfort', then basically forget it
if you have the kind of friendship where the time you spend with them is fun, you go drinking, you do stupid ****, you just vibe with each other - then next time you've been out drinking or are in a certain type situation, just go for it. DO NOT say how much you've always liked them or any bull**** like this, don't turn it into mushy nonsense, either just kiss them, or take them by the hand, or say lets go upstairs. something kind of direct - do it at the right moment, and dont try turn it immediately into some kind of love thing. make it exactly as it already is, but suddenly something physical just happened "woah didnt expect THAT"
if it goes wrong, or doesnt happen, laugh the whole thing off - the best approach here is not to try change the dynamic, its to have a bit of fun but keep everything as it is, dont put a pressure on situation
ive ended up sleeping with a few of my friends this way, its not something i ever planned or intended it just kind of happened, there have also been other friends where i spontaneously decided to try something and it didnt happen at all, but it never affected our friendship - we just kind of laughed it off as me feeling a bit frisky. an ACTUAL friendship should be able to take this happening as long as you don't get all weird about it. as for the 'source of comfort' type friendships, i think theyre kind of lifeless in the first place so whatever