failed neghit attempt badly


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.
Krang! said:
Good post :up:

The techniques are tips and opinions to get you thinking in the right direction, but in the end it all comes down to who you are and how much of the stuff you really integrated into your personality. It's like Michael Jordan writing a technique-article on how to slam dunk - sure you will get the general idea if you never seen it done but in the end you need to practice and work on your skills - when you achieve this it comes naturally. It's not like Jordan conciously thinks - "Ok, this would be a good time and place for a slam dunk, lets see how this goes - left foot first, then right, and now jump..." it just happens!
I have to return your compliment for this post as well.

That's a ****ing great analogy people, really get this. No matter how many times you read that book no how to slam dunk you aren't going to hop up and go, "Alright, I've got page 35 internalized, LETS GO!" and just start reverse allyooping and doing double backflip slam dunks, it doesn't work that way. I'm starting to see the PUA books as what they have really become, distractions and curses upon men, holding them BACK from the very thing they are reading about. Stop doing all this. YOU CAN READ THESE BOOKS AND GET TECHNIQUES, AFTER YOU HAVE CHANGED UP YOUR MINDSET, BELIEFS, ATTITUDES, LOOKS ETC, YOU SHOULD NOT READ ANY OF THEM BEFORE (except maybe Double your dating or his attraction isn't a choice book since it's more like the DJ bible then techniques). Besides any of David D's self help stuff (and toss out his techniques and **** as well), don't get techniques. Work on yourself, then get the skills.

Edit: And to expand on what he said, even if you did have the perfect form and KNEW how to make a slam dunk, if your body was frail and weak and you had no power in your legs to jump up there, no amount of knowledge is going to "fix" that.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
We need a special-ED section, so that clueless posters can have an environment where they can learn at their own pace.
:crackup: :up: :crackup: