So most of my posting on this site is about nutrition, and my woman problems blow, and i'm still working on it, but I thought I would talk about FAD diets, and diets some of you may be on, and the truth behind them.
We all have done it, or have tried it. At least most of us any way. For me i've tried the BULKING diets so to speak, I have NO problem losing weight. But for those of you who do, here are some facts and things that may help.
Fad diets are done for one main reason, and that is to lose weight quickly. People don't want to lose 25lbs in one year, they want to lose it in 2 weeks. Here is where the problem lies in these diets.
First off is the Zone diet.
Zone Diet: This diet consists of one eating 40% of calories from Carbs, 30% from Protein, and 30% from fat. The diet is eat less carbs. Some of us think carbs are bad, and they AREN'T. Do you ever think about Chnese and Japanese people? Look how much rice they eat. Now tell me the last time you saw a 200lb chinese guy except for Sumos? I'm not going to go deep into the diets, but give you a small idea of what they tell you to do. Now, EXCESS calories promote fat storage, NOT excess Carbs. Let me stress this again. EXCESS CALORIES.
Atkins Diet: This diet is based on HIGH protein, high fat foods. What people don't get is that this diet eliminates Carbs to the extent where the body goes into KETOSIS. Ketosis is a condition where a Carb depleted body resorts to fueling the brain (so you can function) by using KETONES. (fuel that is created when protein is burned for energy) Hence eating MORE protein on this diet. Ketosis also kills ones appetite making you not want to eat hence losing the weight. Another diet that blames Carbs. Once again, EXCESS CALORIES, not carbs. Some people tweak this diet, but if your an athlete, this is one you are killing your body with.
These 2 are the main ones I wanted to list. There are shake diets, bar diets, salad diets, pineapple diets, and crap like that. Basically all crap. Everytime I go to the store and I hear someone say... I can't get that, it has 6 grams of Carbs per serving I want to beat the living....... Out of them. Society has made carbs a culprit, and people like bread companies are hurting, etc.
One needs to STUDY before they jump into nonsense. Some diets are good for very short periods of time. Research shows that something like 85-93% of people on these diets will regain the weight in a matter of years.
The main key to dieting is.... BURN MORE CALORIES THEN YOU CONSUME. Same for gaining weight. EAT MORE THEN YOU CONSUME. Its all about the calories, not the Carbs, Fat, or Protein unless all you eat is fat. There are 4 cal per gram of carbs, 4 cal per gram of protein, and 9 cal per gram of fat. (Unsaturated fat is what people need more of to gain weight) This way you are using some of that for fuel.
Remember, if someone tells you carbs are fattening, its a Myth. Excess calories are fattening. Excess fat is going to be more of a problem then excess carbs. The body is more likely to burn the carbs then it will the fat.
For now, we will leave it at that unless anyone wants me to expand more.
We all have done it, or have tried it. At least most of us any way. For me i've tried the BULKING diets so to speak, I have NO problem losing weight. But for those of you who do, here are some facts and things that may help.
Fad diets are done for one main reason, and that is to lose weight quickly. People don't want to lose 25lbs in one year, they want to lose it in 2 weeks. Here is where the problem lies in these diets.
First off is the Zone diet.
Zone Diet: This diet consists of one eating 40% of calories from Carbs, 30% from Protein, and 30% from fat. The diet is eat less carbs. Some of us think carbs are bad, and they AREN'T. Do you ever think about Chnese and Japanese people? Look how much rice they eat. Now tell me the last time you saw a 200lb chinese guy except for Sumos? I'm not going to go deep into the diets, but give you a small idea of what they tell you to do. Now, EXCESS calories promote fat storage, NOT excess Carbs. Let me stress this again. EXCESS CALORIES.
Atkins Diet: This diet is based on HIGH protein, high fat foods. What people don't get is that this diet eliminates Carbs to the extent where the body goes into KETOSIS. Ketosis is a condition where a Carb depleted body resorts to fueling the brain (so you can function) by using KETONES. (fuel that is created when protein is burned for energy) Hence eating MORE protein on this diet. Ketosis also kills ones appetite making you not want to eat hence losing the weight. Another diet that blames Carbs. Once again, EXCESS CALORIES, not carbs. Some people tweak this diet, but if your an athlete, this is one you are killing your body with.
These 2 are the main ones I wanted to list. There are shake diets, bar diets, salad diets, pineapple diets, and crap like that. Basically all crap. Everytime I go to the store and I hear someone say... I can't get that, it has 6 grams of Carbs per serving I want to beat the living....... Out of them. Society has made carbs a culprit, and people like bread companies are hurting, etc.
One needs to STUDY before they jump into nonsense. Some diets are good for very short periods of time. Research shows that something like 85-93% of people on these diets will regain the weight in a matter of years.
The main key to dieting is.... BURN MORE CALORIES THEN YOU CONSUME. Same for gaining weight. EAT MORE THEN YOU CONSUME. Its all about the calories, not the Carbs, Fat, or Protein unless all you eat is fat. There are 4 cal per gram of carbs, 4 cal per gram of protein, and 9 cal per gram of fat. (Unsaturated fat is what people need more of to gain weight) This way you are using some of that for fuel.
Remember, if someone tells you carbs are fattening, its a Myth. Excess calories are fattening. Excess fat is going to be more of a problem then excess carbs. The body is more likely to burn the carbs then it will the fat.
For now, we will leave it at that unless anyone wants me to expand more.