I strongly disagree. 3 out of my last 4 lays have been through FB messenger. 1 of which added me and sent me the first message. Fvcked her on the 2nd date. It is an EASY tool for getting chicks. The key is, just like with texting, show some interest and then see how she reacts. If doesnt show interest, walk away and do message her to death.
If she accepts your friend request it doesnt necessarily mean she is interested.
After she accepts the friend request, I normally send this (unless I actually know her or have met her IRL):
"I thought you looked familiar but now I realize that we dont know each other yet IRL".
If she responds back, and not all will, I just let it play out. Normally she will say something like "yeah I dont think we know each other lol". At tha point I say "I am Glassguy, so I guess now we have been formally introduced

I had a very cute chick add me on fb yesterday, today I sent her this message sequence:
Me: I thought you looked familiar but now I dont think we actually have met
her: I thought the same about you lol
Me: Oh yeah? I'm Glassguy. At least now we have officially met. Nice pics btw
her: Thank you, that is very sweet.
Her: So what do you do?
Me: I own a glass business. And youre welcome
Her: Oh that sounds cool.
Her: So where are you from?
Me: Yeah it pays the bills. I am from _____. You?
That was over the course of about 3 hours as I spaced out my responses. When they start asking questions, its a good sign.
Once she responds back I will either ask her what she likes doing for fun based on her pics or something about how she knows a mutual friend who I know would give me a spot on review. And take it from there. If she keeps showing interest, I will ask her what her drink of preference is and tell her I know a place that stocks it and set up a meet up for drinks.
Bing, bam, boom. Simple.
Its just like ANY other interaction with a woman. Gauge her interest and proceed accordingly. Minimal chit chat and try to set up the date, proceed accordingly.
One problem I might encounter with this one is that she works with a chick I am meeting up for drinks with on Friday lol. Hopefully they arent that close but I know they are in each other's fb pics