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Face it, MGTOW is a Cult


Sep 25, 2014
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I'm not the only one who uses common sense in seeing Men "Going Their Own Way" A.K.A MGTOW is a cult and there is a specific poster on SS trying to recruit disgruntled men.

Face it, MGTOW is a Cult: Rocking Mr. E

There is nothing of greater importance in a just world than holding oneself to the same standards as one expects from others. In the case of the MRM the hypocrisy is rife in this sense. They understand the dangerous generalizations that come with feminist philosophy regarding male nature, but are far less inclined to see it right under their noses in the case of a cult within the MRM, known as Men Going Their Own Way, shortened to the acronym MGTOW.

Most in the MRM understand that feminists are enablers of misandric policies and theories, used as a justification to label all men as either direct or indirect beneficiaries of male power. This leads to consequentialist values that deem all men as deserving of punishment, regardless of how complicit they are. Either they are directly involved in oppressing women, or they are indirectly benefiting. Why make a distinction between the two given that both are living off the suffering of women? To some feminists this behavior is inherent to male nature, while those claiming to be moderates feel they are tolerant because they see this behavior as something that hurts men too, though still define masculinity as the root problem.

This thinking is driven from a leftist interpretation of struggle. Marx called it class consciousness. The theory is that an entire class suffers due to the tyrannical rule of the oppressive class. The consciousness of the oppressed class will eventually unite them, leading to the overthrowing of the oppressive class. Like everything Marx postulated this is highly simplistic, and a theory that appeals to the ego of the victim class, while de-humanising the oppressive class. This is called ‘othering’ in psychological circles, which perpetuates different standards for those in the group, to those outside it. Those in the group are subject to conditioning that fosters supremacy over anyone that doesn’t belong in the circle, and those outside the circle are deemed inferior, and deserving of scorn due to the shortcomings of their oppressive nature and values. This entire process is called groupthink. It was endemic in 20th century totalitarianism. Whether it was Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, both worked to foster such demagoguery, and inevitably a strong man later emerged to take charge and lead the group to utopia. The useful idiots then got more than they bargained for.

MGTOW are a carbon copy of feminism. This fit is so snug that leftists are flocking to the MGTOW banner, already accustomed to reinterpreting class struggle to different groups, be it race, sex, sexuality, or economic class. MGTOW believe that men have historically been kept down by women through obligations to protect and provide for them, and the entire system has been shaped for their benefit. By appealing to the ego of MGTOW, painting them as a victim class, this sets up the climate for groupthink. Pseudo-intellectual theories, backed by nothing but conjecture, are rife within MGTOW circles, deeming women as parasitic and incapable of virtue. Any exceptions to this rule are somehow dismissed, through talking points, as either a statistical anomaly or a case where the woman has not yet taken advantage of the man in her life. Chief among MGTOW pseudo- intellectualism is Brifault’s law, a communist no less. It’s therefore unsurprising that class consciousness is central to his thesis, and has thus become endemic within MGTOW circles.

MGTOW constantly redefine terminology and facts to suit their outlook, thus gradually building up the mythology of oppressive female nature. The acronym ‘NAWALT’ (not all women are like that) was originally created to counter the deflection that women are not all like that, when it is used by feminist apologists to side line any arguments that oppose feminist hegemony. It was supposed to indicate that while all women are not like that, this does not excuse the fact that many women can and will take advantage of men. This runs counter to the feminist notion that masculinity is the problem, not femininity. Even when feminists acknowledge that some women are part of the problem, somehow the ‘problem’ always comes back to masculine nature or values. MGTOW have appropriated this term to suggest that ‘all women are like that’, using this as a deflection against anyone that challenges their fatalistic interpretation of female nature and intent.

Even the acronym MGTOW has been appropriated in this fashion. It was originally a term that had nothing to do with fatalistic female nature and class consciousness, and certainly not the marriage and relationship strike now compulsory to the participation in the MGTOW cult. The website mgtowhistory.com shows that MGTOW was originally an outline to encourage masculinity in men, femininity in women, limited government, and personal responsibility. None of those things are acceptable to the leftist interpretation of MGTOW however.

Today MGTOW is centered on a denial of objective morality, and a total fixation on self-gratification. This is called egotism (a form of narcissism) and is why I often call MGTOW nihilists. Many MGTOW will openly acknowledge their adoration of Nietzsche, who is the quintessential nihilist, no matter what some philosophers might say - anyone that rejects values in nature, deeming all worth to be centered on individual perspective and desire is, by definition, a nihilist. It’s for this reason that leftists are all nihilists. They act as though nothing matters when shaping their reality, whether it’s socially engineering a utopia, or living like nothing matters except personal desire.


Sep 25, 2014
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Such moral primitives care nothing for reason, like a gorilla moving around in the undergrowth, relying on instincts being fired within its limbic system, occasionally making use of its barely developed neo-cortex. MGTOW do not feel that reason can be used to extrapolate objective values, such as the need to conceptualize reality and adhere to rational self-interest. Essential values for life do not factor into their reality, be it eating, sleeping, or reproduction. MGTOW act as though these things are not values, even though they are essential to virtue, for without reason life as we know it will cease to exist. In this state humanity will be reduced to other primitive life. This is the biggest irony of all, since MGTOW consider themselves free of obligation, yet they stumble around like beasts in the wilderness, claiming that the world they exist in is subject merely to their hedonistic desires. Only animals lack reason in this manner. Conversely human beings are creatures of reason, capable of discerning objective values from their superior minds. Without this human beings are nothing more than animals.

Thus these morally primitive MGTOW rail against nature. They call it ‘traditionalism’ (just like feminists and leftists) and attempt to conflate religion with rational values. While religion is an attempt to explain natural values through divine intervention it does not follow that these values are created by religion itself. This is akin to believing that the conceptualization of an apple creates the apple, although the apple existed long before the act of naming it. Religion has always been a mystical attempt to explain reality. This is not the process of reason, but one based on superstition. When one steps back and examines nature rationally it’s clear that the relationship of the sexes is one based on complementation.

It is this relationship that has allowed men and women to traverse through the ages, men acting as protectors and providers, and women as nurturers. Without this survival and progress would have been impossible. It was essential that men and women accepted their strengths during periods where divergence from this could have resulted in great risk in a very hostile environment. To deny this is to deny reason. There is no war of the sexes, only survival and human progress. Those that attempt to frame this as a class struggle are like gorillas moving around in the undergrowth.

I do not use the word cult to describe MGTOW purely for dramatic effect, since the word is entirely applicable. As already demonstrated groupthink is inherent to MGTOW, but this is also a critical part of cult behaviour. It is essential that cults perceive themselves as superior, be it morally or biologically. This is the justification to alienate those outside the group, while also alienating those inside the group from anyone that isn’t a part of the collective. Cults are also renowned for making participants feel there are stages of awareness that must be reached before enlightenment can be achieved.

By going to mgtow.com we can see that this is also applicable, there being five levels of MGTOW awareness and participation. Level 0 is considered an awareness of the problems men face. These men however do not feel the need to drop out of the system. Level 1 is a rejection of all long-term relationships with women. Level 2 is a rejection of all personal relationships with women. This includes friendships. Level 3 denotes the refusal to produce anything more than is absolutely necessary for survival. Level 4 is the total drop-out of society, often called “going ghost”, and involves bare minimum contact with the “blue-pill” world (in contrast to the red-pill world, who are ‘aware’ of the truth).

It is worth noting that it is claimed on the site that these levels are not a necessary progression, although anyone with any contact with MGTOW will realize very quickly that the parroting of the risks of involvement with women are forced down everyone’s throats through hyperbole and conjecture, and that the only acceptable way to defeat the misandric system is to starve the beast through non-participation. Stoicism is rejected, and Epicureanism is at the forefront of MGTOW philosophy. Thus a realistic standard of expectation in life (the stoic approach) is vehemently opposed, and the Epicurean philosophy of doing as little as possible in life is elevated as virtuous. All these values are fiercely promoted through harassment of anyone that disagrees with this belief system. This becomes very vindictive indeed if anyone has the strength of character and integrity to refute these blatant logical shortcomings.

It is also interesting to note that according to mgtow.com “conservatives” of all stripes are not considered acceptable candidates for the MGTOW cult. How could they be, considering that they do not base their values on egotism, and respect the reality of nature and personal responsibility when upholding rights? At the same time no mention of the fact that feminism is a socialist ideology can be found on the site, or the fact feminism is entirely based on leftist thinking, through the very class consciousness already set out here. So it seems that the very left-wing ideologues that alienate men as an oppressive class are not considered out of bounds to MGTOW, while true conservatism (the belief that individuals have unalienable rights and responsibilities) are not welcome in a cult that bases all its assertions on class consciousness.

The men considering themselves MGTOW overwhelmingly give the impression of suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder, almost certainly originating in childhood. Indeed, everywhere that I encounter them online they are highly confrontational and vitriolic, repeating arguments that divorce is 50% probable, even though this is not initiated by women in every instance. The Critical G made a video explaining that, while divorce is at 50% in many places, this is not randomly assigned, and it is perfectly possible to screen potential females by maintaining standards of virtue. I have essentially been saying this for well over a year, and I would add that this can be further enforced by understanding how personality disorders operate, and generally being well informed on human psychology.

Alas, already Critical G quickly received a typically ignorant response from your common MGTOW egotist, believing that morals are subjective, and that even though divorce is not randomly assigned it is still more likely to be enacted by women. This does nothing to prove that a man has no control over the woman he associates with, much like the manner in which feminists deny agency to women. It merely denotes that where divorce occurs women initiate it more. This does not invalidate any of the arguments based on personal choice.

It is common for MGTOW to deflect in this manner, inventing acronyms like SATF (same as the feminist) to dismiss anyone that exposes the similarities between MGTOW and feminism, and reverting to the same type of apologism for extremism as feminism. MGTOW often state that people do not understand the MGTOW philosophy if they criticize it. We therefore have a situation where NAFALT (not all feminists are like that) becomes ‘Not all MGTOW are like that’. Meanwhile MGTOW, just as with feminists, do not connect the dots between theory and practice, and realize it has become exactly what it is fighting against. Feminism is supposed to be about ‘equality’ for example, but in practice it is a platform for extremely divisive class warfare. Yet MGTOW supporters seem to think that they are immune from such pitfalls.

Above all, it’s very easy to see how vindictive and hypocritical MGTOW are by dissecting this comment below, wherein I was accused of being a ‘traditionalist’ by those claiming to be supporting the adaptation of men away from traditional expectations:

"The only tradition you've broken with your wife is that you've managed to become the stay at home parasite, and she picks up your slack. I'd expect women to frame that as an equitable exchange but coming from a man it just sounds pathetic. You're a failed rocker housewife with no marketable skills, of course you'll support the traditionalist lifestyle when you don't [sic] have to actually do any of the work involved other than "homemaking" of course."


Sep 25, 2014
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This vile person is a YouTube user called ‘Tom Odd’, and the comment can be found on my video “Men’s Rights & the “Traditionalist” Smear”. The user has no activity on the channel page, which leaves me to question whether this is a sock account. I suspect this account belongs to one of the more popular MGTOW YouTubers. The account is regularly used to harass me in video comment sections, accusing me of being a parasite for looking after my daughter in the day, while my wife works. This is a common type of hostility I’ve received from MGTOW, who blatantly despise any attempt to make relationships work with women.

As it happens I do work, and run my own business in instrumental tuition, which suits my family for financial and parental reasons. However, this is unacceptable to MGTOW thugs, shedding light on the claim of MGTOW being 'whatever you want it to be'. Only by rejecting relationships with women altogether, and buying into the mythology surrounding corrupt female nature, are you allowed to be a part of the cult. If you try to point out the similarities with this attitude and feminism, or even just explain that it is perfectly possible to wisely associate with women without being exploited, then you will be increasingly attacked, until this is reduced to the type of ferocity that feminists are infamous for.

This sort of behavior is what I’ve grown to expect from MGTOW – a vicious bunch of thugs that are no doubt a product of a fatherless and broken family system, where males substitute families with gangs. We’ve seen this throughout the Western world as feminist policies have been enacted, the UK riots for example. It is for this reason that demagogic thugs like Barbarossaaaa are so popular within the MGTOW cult. He is a man that, by his own admission, was raised in a ghetto culture, and it seems that his idea of virtue is to spread this fatherlessness everywhere, in spite of the fact that it’s decimated countless communities across the Western world (Update: Barbarossaa, being as manipulative as he is has tried to suggest in a video response that this is an accusation he was raised in a single-mother home. Nowhere has this point been made in relation to him personally. He has however condescendingly suggested he has been around ghetto culture in the past, though it looks as though his attempt to deny that the area he hails from is "ghetto" is yet more manipulation of the truth for his own benefit. It is also irrelevant to the fact that he does not make the connection that fatherless homes, in the areas he has previously drawn on to make a point, are not something to model, as his values lead to). What is the difference between this attempt to destroy family life, and that of feminism? The answer is, of course, none at all. Those in the MRM that do not stand up to this are indeed the hypocrites I set out at the start, and it’s high time that any attempt to fight for men’s rights includes the ostracisation and destruction of the MGTOW cult.


Men Going Their Own Way



Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Didn't really read it cuz I thought it was too long, but did I read the first 3 paragraphs though (lol)

You're calling out Poon King aren't you? Hahahahaha.

I don't know dude, I mean people like Ponn King and Danger are good for helping out the newbies cuz they don't sugarcoat anything and will bring out the negatives till you stop caring about women for a bit to get your head straight. Then the newbies will start wanting to get back into the game again and seek advice elsewhere. So I mean, they aren't too bad.

What we should all do is go our own way. And I mean really go our own way. If MGTOW is your thing, then do it; if you are into 'red pill' and stuff like that, just do it; generic PUA with speed seduction 'techniques, hey it's your choice. Or you can do your own thing that doesn't even have a label because it's a conglomerate of all of the above :up: :up: :up: :up: ; I mean sh!t, it could even be none of the above :D :D :D :D :D

Whatever you want to do at any given moment at time. That is when you are your true self; the 'Man', as Pook would say. Because by then, social dynamics would become second nature. And there would be no need for thinking! :yes:

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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In the current climate of feminized men and manginas, MGTOW is a blessing since it's helping men reclaim a bit of sense and awareness that their masculinity isn't inherently evil.

Of course, there has to be a balance which is why one has to use a filter when consuming material on the internet or elsewhere.

To label MGTOW a cult is to simply throw out the baby with the bath water.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
At least MGTOW is taking away some of the security women have from men. No more emotional support, or free rides. The great thing about it, is I don't have to go mgtow, but the loss of that support will make it easier for the men who don't go full mgtow.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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There are two types of people in life. There's hammers & There's nails. You decide which one you want to be.

In other words, humans, people, MEN especially need to stop being so willing to conform to a label, and join a group. Men these days are way to much in pursuit of someone to lead them, a group or person to explain how to be a man.



Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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MGTOW is a carbon copy of feminism? You're insane. It's the antichrist to the feministic religion in the church of modern America.


Sep 11, 2013
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Op is right. Mgtow is a male version of feminism. All it does is stir the paranoia and insecurity of men.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Sep 25, 2014
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VladPatton said:
MGTOW is a carbon copy of feminism? You're insane. It's the antichrist to the feministic religion in the church of modern America.
It's the "masculine" mirror image of feminism. Both claiming "victim" status. Both against nature. The more they "oppose" each other the more they're the same. I didn't write the article nor do either video but all the points are dead on.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo

2922 words essentially whining about men dropping out, refusing to feed the machine and keeping their own money?:rolleyes:

That's time well spent. What are you some fat welfare queen with 5 sproglets who relies on male productivity or some sh!t?

TarantulaHawk said:
Misogynist MGTOW's
You could of just save us this rambling gayathon and written the word "misogynist" 3000 times.


Sep 25, 2014
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( . )( . ) said:
2922 words whining about men dropping out, refusing to feed the machine and keeping their own money?:rolleyes:

That's time well spent. What are you some fat welfare queen relying on male productivity or some sh!t?

You could of just save us this rambling gayathon and written the word "misogynist" 3000 times.
The article pointed out MGTOW for being a cult. If they want to "drop out" that's their prerogative. No one's missing them. Funny enough they aren't going anywhere and constantly complain about the same thing they claim to already "know" about as if they haven't even convinced themselves yet. I mean sh1t since they're keeping their own money yet continuously say they're "leaving" they should have enough money to just leave and not continue to threaten to as if they're "punishing" the same chicks who don't want them in the first place. Those who go just go. They don't just threaten to in countless videos, forums, blogs etc.

Are you experienced with dating fat welfare queens?


Sep 25, 2014
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( . )( . ) said:
With all the legitimate problems currently plaguing Western countries you could crusade against you've decided men basically saying "fvck it" to a system that despises them is going to be your target?

You rebel you. Sosuave.. the new muffington post.
Embarrassingly enough women are doing more for their rights than those "rebellious" MGTOWELS who are basically throwing the towel in while circle jerk whining about it on the net. Smdh.

You essentially upped your VALUE in her eyes by showing her that, if she wants you, she has to at times do things that you like to do. You are SOMETHING after all. You are NOT FREE. If she wants to hang with you, it's going to cost her something — time, effort, money.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Jan 8, 2015
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TarantulaHawk said:
It's the "masculine" mirror image of feminism. Both claiming "victim" status. Both against nature. The more they "oppose" each other the more they're the same. I didn't write the article nor do either video but all the points are dead on.
You say MGTOW is a replica of feminists? No?


Sep 11, 2013
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Peña said:
You say MGTOW is a replica of feminists? No?
Both portray each other as some harmless romanticized group victimized by the other sex. Go on ROK and you will find some article on how men are superior at this and exceptional at this blah blah while females aren't. Go to a feminist webpage and you will see the same thing reversed. It's blatant propaganda at it's fullest. Men know how ***** other men can be and we definitely know women know how ***** other women can be.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I don't think the Men's Rights Movement is the same thing as MGTOW. MRM aims to correct the wrongs inflicted on men by feminism, misandry, and outdated chivalrous intentions. Maybe some proponents will go too far, but you will find that in any group.

Maybe MGTOW is a cult, but I've always thought the PUA community was very cultish in itself. There is a certain groupthink you are expected to go along with, and if you dare to question it, the group will attempt to shame you.

I think what we need is another group called MWHGUOWE (Men who have give up on women entirely), lol.

By the way, I agree with ImtheDoubleGreatest, that was too long to read. Is there a condensed version?


Sep 11, 2013
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zekko said:
I don't think the Men's Rights Movement is the same thing as MGTOW. MRM aims to correct the wrongs inflicted on men by feminism, misandry, and outdated chivalrous intentions. Maybe some proponents will go too far, but you will find that in any group.

Maybe MGTOW is a cult, but I've always thought the PUA community was very cultish in itself. There is a certain groupthink you are expected to go along with, and if you dare to question it, the group will attempt to shame you.

I think what we need is another group called MWHGUOWE (Men who have give up on women entirely), lol.

By the way, I agree with ImtheDoubleGreatest, that was too long to read. Is there a condensed version?
You are not going to end this unless you can get to the center of the problem. You can blame all your problems on tinder sloots, bar sloots, sloots at work, and etc. However, will not result in anything. Powerful men created the game and you are just hating the players because the creator gave certain players an unfair advantage over others.

In addition, I would like to point at another similarity between mgtow and feminism. Feminists will shape up a story and make it seem one sided. Like a helpless female getting abused by her husband and how she saved herself from him. One, we would not sympathize so much for the female because she should have chosen a better partner in the first place. Two, we think some women are messed up and are naturally attracted to guys like that in the first place lol. In conclusion, we are quick to call bull *** while women eat that **** up. The same women in that type of relationship will even be sympathetic for the woman even if she's a hypocrite for doing so.

Now for mgtow lol. They will give a story on how a harmless hardworking gentleman is getting cheated on by his wife, divorced, child support, and you know the rest lol. It is all the girl's fault pretty much while the guy was some harmless hardworking guy. See the similarities. We do not know the guy at all. He could have been a piece of **** lol. Why was he married to a slut in the first place? Most guys try to live in denial and force a relationship with the first sloot that talks to them and get butthurt when they sloot out on them. Good looking loser pointed this out about our forum. We never know the full story most of the time. I'm not saying every poster on here is a liar lol. However, I've read topics where it took 4 pages to find flaws/red flags in the op because he left so much **** out in his op.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
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Even if its a cult why does it matter that much to you? I seriously think you've wasted time writing this long silly post in just showing your hatred towards guys who are not living their life according to you. If you were such a don juan or some rockstar or **** you wouldn't care.

All I sense is a lonely guy hiding behind his computer screen whining all day long on the forum.

If you can't add something productive to this forum at least don't spread hatred among the members.