F%& Me I Stink!


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
guys this is bloody embarassing

for the past 2-3 years as i've become more socially and self aware, i've noticed how bloody bad i stink, and its really been affecting my life. im always thinking of it, and unless i'm outside in the open, i become more reclusive and shy. im no longer comfortable around women - even the nice ones can't help but scrunch up their noses sometimes, and i've also noticed that people get very "thoughtful" (as in pondering) around me, and they start to put their hands over the mouth and nose as they think...

i have bad breath, stinky feet and a sweaty @ss

my coworkers are quite nice and try their best to hide their discomfort, but whenver people walk past i hear them take a deep breath as they approach, silence as they pass, and long blowing out as they walk away, and in lifts they all subconsiously breath in heavily as they try to ID the smell, and then slowly move away from me

i'm treating my bad breath moderatley successfully, by using a regime of products and brushing during lunchtime, but my feet and @ss - i dont know what to do. and its not as if i'm active, i just sit in front of a computer all day

please help me, i'm at my wits end


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
You ever go to a doctor or some kind of specialist about these problems?

Certain drugs, supplements or a complete change in diet may help.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
BO is caused by bacteria feeding on your sweat and making smelly stuff from it. So try to minimise sweating eg wear loose clothing, keep a window open if possible. Body hair also provides a large surface area for bacteria to grow on so shave your pubes. Girls like that anyway ;) . And your armpits if you dont mind. Obviously shower regularly. Try bathing in some antiseptic bath such as Dettol every so often as they are very effective at killing bacteria. Deodorants help but i'd say its covering up the problem and not actually treating the cause. I found myself to be a less sweaty person after i started exercising frequently.
For bad breath brushing twice daily obviously and I use Listerine afterwards. Only once a day thought otherwise you will get flouridosis and your teeth will get stained from the flouride. Make sure to gargle the mouthwash as most bad breath bacteria will be in the back of your mouth. I tend to do this before going to sleep as that is when bacteria multiply the fastest. Drink water frequently throughout the day too. Breath mints or breath fresheners help cover up the smell.
Anything worse than this you should probably go see a doctor. Ive heard of conditions when the liver is not capable of dealing with all the crap in your system (literally) so it stays in your blood and comes out through your skin. Look into detox if you dont want to go see a doc.

Good luck


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
Oh if you do like the idea of detoxing try this:
Im considering doing it myself in a couple of months time when I will have absolutely nothing to do. Apperently it can help cure long term problems like asthma and allergies. I hate my hayfever so anything is worth a try.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I watched on TV one night about people who suffer from a rare disorder that makes them smell quite bad. I wish I remember the name of it.

They documented two women that suffer from this. THe problem was traced down to genetics and the only solution was that they had to eat a very restricted diet that didn't involve certain foods that caused the problem.

I'm not talking about beer and other things that cause flatulence wiseasses. This is something more complex!

Sorry to say I don't remember the disorder. Nor the exact program but it was something like 20/20 Medical Oddities or something of the like.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
Eat right, lower your body fat and practice good hygiene..

you'd be a fool to go to the doctor for bad smells.
you most likely don't have any disease or disorders.
start washing better when you shower, BRUSH, FLOSS AND USE MOUTHWASH DAILY and get fit.

good luck, stinky..lol


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
had same problem but it was solved before i noticed it.how?i took some of SoSuave stuff up in my brain.
not being nervous around ppl=less sweating=less smell.easy as pie but still getting nervous sometimes when its a very stressful situation


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
Drum&Bass said:
Eat right, lower your body fat and practice good hygiene..

you'd be a fool to go to the doctor for bad smells.
you most likely don't have any disease or disorders.
start washing better when you shower, BRUSH, FLOSS AND USE MOUTHWASH DAILY and get fit.

good luck, stinky..lol
Not necessarily, check this. A forum full of people who practice good hygiene but still smell. Many have went to the doctor, only to be told that they don't smell. However in daily life they are constantly told they smell.

As for diet, most of them eat crap. They give up meats in hopes of getting rid of the smell, which only works to a certain degree. I would never give up my meats.

It's not a good idea to stay at that site for too long. The negativity can get to you.


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Like you I had bad BO a long time ago when I was still in school. Didn't get a single date from 8th grade through 11th grade and everyone called me stinky. It was probably my hormones going out of sync, though, because in 11th grade I moved to a cooler climate and all the problems went away. Now, even in the summer when it gets really hot, I rarely get bad BO.

I'm gonna try not to repeat other posts. This is what I'd suggest:

Bad breath - Listerine mouthwash, 2x a day after brushing. Get the strongest one you find. I use their new Listerine Total product (the purple one). Swish it around for at least 20 seconds, and make sure you gargle for at least 10 before spitting it out. When brushing, pay special attention to the tongue, it's where most of the bacteria in your mouth are. After meals, have a mint-flavored gum. I don't like the strong ones much, but pick them to suit your tastes. Sugarless is better.

Foot odor - Geox (sp.?) shoes and special socks that are designed to let the sweat evaporate easily. I used to have a pair of Geox shoes and they are also very comfortable and look "smart". I never tried them, but I heard that there are "foot deodorants" too. Smell is caused by bacteria - try washing your feet more thoroughly? If that doesn't do it, talk to your doctor about antibiotic foot cream - you may have foot fungus.

BO - This one seemed to go away on its own after a change of climate and a change of wardrobe, so can't really give you much advice here. Deodorants didn't seem to make the problem go away, they only made it slightly better. I think that moving to a colder climate was really what affected the BO most.
Also, excessive sweating can be a symptom of more serious conditions so you might want to speak to your doctor.


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
thanks for the help guys

i'm going to swallow my pride and go to the doctor and podiatrist, and see if they can suggest anything

most of the suggests posted thus far i've tried to no success - though the reduce body fat and things is definitley something i need to continue on for many other good benefits


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
If the regular doctor and podiatrist solution doesn't work maybe even try going to a dermatologist since they are the skin experts.