Eye contact


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
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I used to be afraid of making eye contact and avoided it. Recently I have been trying to make eye contact before approaching, but can't seem to get that far. How do you get eye contact?

When attempting to get eye contact I try staring until it happens. If the girl does make eye contact, it is very quick, less than a second and doesn't happen again. It did happen once a few days ago however, while passing a girl on the street. I was able make eye contact for about 3 seconds. She found it threatening and responded with "you got a problem buddy?"


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2005
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I'm not there to see this going on, but from the tone of your post, it sounds like maybe your eye contact may come across out in the field as "leering". Is your face relaxed? Is your expression relatively neutral?

Try practicing in the mirror. Mimic the same face you make when trying to make EC in public. Is it a face that you would trust in? Are you freakish or weird-looking when trying to connect with utter strangers? Try fine tuning your facial expressions.


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
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As far as I can tell my facial expression is relaxed, neutral. I have been told I have an innocent face. I don't think I'm a freak or weird-looking, I haven't heard that from anyone yet;) But if thats the case, I geuss I'll have to wait a few years before I can afford plastic surgery. I know that if I try smiling it looks fake unless I'm laughing. Either way I usually get ignored or some look of discust in return. Quite frustrating.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
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You should smile,it's very important.How can a smile look fake? Imagine you and her having wild animal sex and her screaming your name in ecstacy,that should give you the look you're looking for.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Eye contact can be tricky, especially when passing by someone on the street. My technique is to scan or scope. When you're walking down the street and see HB coming your way, don't focus on her, keep looking around and where you are going. When she gets with in close range, focus your eyes on her, smile and say hi. She will notice if you focus in on her from 50 yards away and it will seem creepy.

If you are in a gathering with women, focus on whatever is right there, but then look around evey once and a while, checking out targets, but don't focus on the target. Every so ofter keep scoping around, if you see a target look over at you, make EC then smile. If she smiles back, then you're up, time to approach, 3 second rule kicks in. But don't look around and constantly stare at one or more women, this will creep them out.

Also, when you are out. practice EC, no matter who it is. When you go to the store look the cashier in the eyes, smile and say thank you. Practice making eye contact with friends and co-workers when you talk to them or pass them by. Once you get comfortable making eye contact with everyone, you will notice others who are not comfortable with EC.

Don't stare. Glance around and when you notice someone looking at you then make EC.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2006
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I saw a nun at the grocery store this morning who had the most knockout eyes. I am not making this up. She was probably in her mid-20's, in a dark blue habit, and our eyes locked as we passed each other in the aisle.

"What Order are you?" I asked, still entranced by the eyes. She didn't look away.
She told me her order and said, "You're a Catholic. No one ever knows to call it an Order."
"I am. I didn't recognize the color of your habit, Sister."
"No one does."
"You're not from around here."
"No, we're out here visiting the Diocese." EC the whole time. Big, sparkling EC, slow words, immense weight to the moment. Slight, but knowing, smile. If I'd had this kind of EC in a club I could've led her out of there by the hand. We exchanged pleasantries and God Bless You's, and I think I know what I'm going to jack about next time. Damn, she was -- not hot, because the wimple and gunnysack dress made her un-hot, but those eyes and that smile . . . damn. Beautiful face.



Don Juan
Jul 31, 2006
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I just researched her Order. From her dress, she has only taken a temporary vow. She may still leave the Order.

Fvck, I should've gotten her number. :cuss: That was my first instinct and I fvcking didn't follow it. Serious, major EC.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
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That is some funny shyt!!!!!!!!!! You trying to sarge a freaking nun!!! I am laughing my a$$ off over here. Hey, I ain't knocking you at all... I guess she may think twice about it and get with the bump and grind program.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
From my own experience, smiling when you aren't laughing is something you have to practice. Get in front of a mirror and smile. Just smile. Imagine something funny, or something that makes you happy, and smile. Whatever you have to do to make yourself smile, do it. SMILE!

Eventually, your work will pay off. Next time a girl looks at you, and you pull off a genuine smile that looks great, you'll see how much difference it can make.


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2006
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niceguydying said:
That is some funny shyt!!!!!!!!!! You trying to sarge a freaking nun!!! I am laughing my a$$ off over here. Hey, I ain't knocking you at all... I guess she may think twice about it and get with the bump and grind program.
She is a beautiful woman, dude. You wouldn't have believed those eyes, and the sparks that were flying. Kindness, compassion, laughter, confidence. . . . I knew in five seconds that she's the kind of girl I hope to marry someday. (Minus the habit and the chastity vow, mind you.) Even if she left her Order tomorrow, I'm sure she's not nearly fvcked-up enough for me to date, not where my headspace has been lately. But I should've gotten her name, at least. I could email her through her Order, keep in touch or something. They have a website! Unbelievable. :crazy:

Gotta let it go, though. I blew it. So if the universe truly wills it, I'll bump into her at Starbuck's in a couple of years after I've gotten bored with ex-sorority sluts and she's given up her vows.