Eye Contact (why it's important)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Poland, Warsaw
Okay, a couple of things from me... Firstly, another example.

I was in school, talking with a couple of guys. I looked away for a second and saw a very pretty girl from my class standing alone. I chatted with the rest for a minute, and then they moved away, leaving me alone. I standed still, looking at that girl. But not on her breasts or butt, but on the top of her head. Then, she noticed me, and I looked her straightly in the eyes. She just smiled, and looked somewhere else. No big deal... Maybe she's waiting for her friend. But I was still looking at her, and I catched her at looking at me. That was a cue for starting a convo. I just went over to her and said "Why are you checking me out?" with a little grin. And so it goes...

When to start a convo?

- When you catch her on looking at you, just like I did.
- When she smiles a little more, or breakes eye contact because you're looking at each other for too much time

And another thing... Contact lenses. If you have those, you can get super looking eyes. I'm talking about "Eye-blends". I'll buy an eye-blend on my right eye, and a normal contact for my left eye. With that, one of my eyes will be a little darker from the other one. And that DOESN'T freak girls out. They're even more interested, if they'll notice that. Put yourself in such a situation...

You see a very atractive girl in the mall. You look at her, and she notices you. You hold the eye-contact and she smiles. You go over to her and start a convo. After a minute, she notices your eyes, that they're different. If she's quite shy, she won't ask you about it, but she WILL remember this. And is she'll ask you about them, you can tell the truth, or don't say anything. Remember, mystery is a very important thing in our lifes.

My three cents...


New Member
May 15, 2003
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Mays Landing, NJ
Yea ive had that feeling be4 when ive looked in2 a girls eyes but never thought it was that.....hmmm....ill have 2 try that more often now and with alittle kino should be pretty successful....thanks 4 the very very helpful info


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2002
Reaction score
Right behind you
Eyes with more than one color are called "hazel" eyes, if the colors are in rings. For example, mine is light brown nearest the pupil, and green on the outer half.

Others have "splotches" of color in their iris, which is very interesting (and rare, and most of the ones I've seen, very attractive). Those are called dichromatic.

Anywho, I was wondering what everyone's thoughts on glasses were. I wear them most of the time, except when writing, or on the computer (or making out, naturally). Do glasses inhibit the natural "eye interest" when someone makes eye contact with me? They're rather new glasses, and, as far as glasses go, they look pretty good.

In other words, would getting contacts and dealing with the money/hassle inherent with them appreciably increase my luck with eye contact, and resultingly, women in general?

Sorry if my english is weird, I just finished a big paper and I'm still in "convoluted academic" writing mode. ;)

DJ h2

New Member
May 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Squy
I never seen a black eye before, the colours that I've seen: blue (dark/light), brown (dark/light), and light yellow. But never green and never black.
there are no black eyes. have read this in a science journal. the darkest eyes are the darkest of brown in color.

those of you who think you have black eyes, try to stand sideways with the sun falling on yr eyes from the side and ask somebody to chkout yr eye color for you.


King Rat

Don Juan
Aug 12, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
I seem to be having a problem with this one...

When talking to women I'm interested in, I've been keeping heavy eye contact-but they seem to choose the "flight" option more often than not! Maybe my C&F is coming across as vicious insults?

Oh well, back to the drawing board...:mad:


Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
Plano Texas USA
Here is another reason why its better not to have long phone conversations with a chick... NO EYE CONTACT!! Talking for long periods of time without eye contact will subconsiously come out as more insecure then if you are with her face to face. Phones are used to arange a date, not chat. You can do that along wiht kino and kinky things on the date. Well, you can minimize the negative effects the phone gives with c/f and keeping it short. :D


New Member
May 31, 2003
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What about a wink?

After you've held eye contact for a while I think a wink is a good way to get something started.

GQ Prettyboy

Don Juan
Feb 8, 2003
Reaction score
A lot of women say I have "bedroom eyes". I guess that`s a good thing. Eye Seduction.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2000
Reaction score
Surf City
I've been keeping heavy eye contact-but they seem to choose the "flight" option more often than not!
As said before...most people will break eye contact. It's a very uncomfortable feeling to hold eye contact with a complete stranger.

When a girl breaks eye contact with you, watch her actions after she does it.

Here's another story about something that I've noticed about shy girls that have interest in you.

I walked into a fast food restaurant and lock eyes with a cute girl. She stopped dead in her tracks and just stared at me. (Kind of like the doe in the headlights look.) I broke eye contact and looked at the menu to see what I wanted to order.

During this whole time the girl never moved and I could just feel her staring at me. This is a possible sign she might be interested. I finally looked over at her, and she snapped out of her trance and scatted back behind the counter to take my order.

So she takes my order, avoiding eye contact thoughout the whole process. I give her a $5 and while making change her actions confirm my suspicion that she might be interested.

What's the sign you ask? The sign is a "GRIN" on her face. While making change, out of nowhere she gets this shyt-eating grin on her face.

OK, I can hear you all now. Come on Surfboard, she could be grinning about anything. A grin doesn't tell you anything. Those used to be my thoughts also, but the thing is I've seen this exact same behavior from another shy girl. Actually it's the shy girl that works at the Supercuts mentioned toward the beginning of this whole thread.

Well once again, I have to go and test this theory to see if it holds water or not. So I go back to Supercuts to get my hair cut and observe the actions of the shy girl.

My findings were just as I thought. I watched the shy girl as the other male customers paid for their haircuts. She would avoid eye contact with them, but she never got that "GRIN" on her face. Now it's my turn to pay and sure as hell she gets that same shyt-eating grin on her face just like the other girl.

Just because a girl doesn't hold eye contact with you, doesn't mean she's not interested. Keep watching for her actions. A "GRIN" is just something to look for. Combine this with other actions, and you should get a good indication of the girls interest in you. ;)


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Due to the chance of this being deleted due to time, Matrix has requested me to bump this for it to stay in the High School bible. Thank you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
damnit surfboard great post.

Just searching through the DBJ and refound this little gem.

Wish I would have remembered this post because the same thing happened with me.

I was out at an ice cream stand (some people buy coffee to stay up late while they drive I buy a milkshake to keep me awake) and I noticed that there was a girl that wouldn't give me eye contact at all. I didn't think that she was interested. I chat a little bit with the cashier and then I pay for my ice cream and walk out the door. I get in my car and turn around to pull out. After accomplishing that I look back to make sure that the side of my car was alright to accomplish the rest of the turn. The girl that was sitting at the table was now staring at me. She could see me and I could see her. BUSTED!!! But I am in my car already and half way out of the place. What am I supposed to do. So I just drive away because I feel walking all the way back in would look quite desparate IMO.

Great freaken tip surfboard great tip

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
This sounded pretty interesting to me, so it was time to put it to the test.

So, one night I head out to the local strip club. I told myself that I would hold constant eye contact with one of the girls during a table dance.

The first couple of dancers wouldn't hold eye contact with me. Maybe they were just shy or something. Then I finally got one who held it with me throughout the whole song.

Other than a nice body, I had no interest in this girl at all. About half way through the song, I start getting butterflies inside of my stomach. I don't know what effect it had on her, but by the end of the song, I felt a sense of being in love with her.
After I read this, I put this to the test at my buddy's bachelor party, back in march. I observed the same things happening to me. I tried to get eye contact with a couple of stippers who were doing their stage routine but they ignored me. The third one I was able to get eye contact with and I held it the whole time, and she looked right at me the whole time. The feeling was exhilarating. Looking back, I wonder if I could have pulled off an f-close, I didn't bother to really attempt a close.

The feeling I got was exhilarating, like driving 120 mph on the freeway.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
definatly a bible worthy post,

something similar happened to me yesterday in class, this one girl who i had my eye on was watching me from across the room, we had been split into different groups and i was the alpha in my group ( there was 5 girls and me so yea :p) and the points i was making were so good that even the other girls group was trying to get in on the discussion lol. so theres me looking at all the signs i could think of and she was doing them all

she was playing with her hair scratching her face facing me the whole time legs crossed, then i realised i would catch her in the act. i then waited and locked in eye contact for 4-5 seconds and she starts looking at the ceiling :trouble:

anyways i smile and look away feeling the electricity that just happened. the thing is the girl never shows interest at any other time, like when the class ended she went with her friends like normal, i would of thought shed at least wait a bit so i can go and spit my game :p but that electricity i felt was probably the flight fight thing and it felt good, it doesnt happen with every girl though