Do you live in Toronto? Could be a regional thing.
ie. A buddy of mine from Singapore commented that Toronto girls seldom check out/make eye contact. It wasn't something I noticed till I traveled to Asia and Australia and returned to Toronto.
Eye contact from strangers passing by - I noticed a lot more of it happening in Singapore. I was getting eyed by the local Chinese girls much more so than over here. Maybe I stack up well against the local dudes - there aren't many whites guys or black guys to compete with. One pretty office-worker type even smiled at me from a bus stand as I jaywalked and boarded a cab. Never happens in Toronto.
In Sydney, walk into a shop, and you're more than likely to be greeted with a loud, cheery "How you going, mate?" Also, say "thank you", and they they won't say "you're welcome"; instead, they'll say "no worries". That epitomizes the difference between polite, reserved nature of Canadians and the open, friendly character of Australians.
A blogger from DC commented on the same phenomenon -
"If you go there to pick up women, don’t expect any fools’ mates. Chicks simply do not check out guys. Stone-faced and looking straight ahead is the order of the day. They are as chilly as the climate. I was told Toronto men never approach women and most have zero game, so how anybody hooks up is a mystery. Intimate social circles where men and women just sorta kinda fall into each others’ genitalia must be the default mating method.
Many top PUAs hail from Toronto. A disproportionate number, really. I wondered why this was so. I now have a theory based on the people there. When girls give you NO approach invitations at all, you have to assume all of them love you, and go in strong. Waiting around forever for eye contact is a fruitless endeavor."
So relax bro, it's not you - it could be the women.
Is this something that those of you that have travelled overseas have noticed as well?