explain this to me...


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
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i've been hanging out with this girl for 3 weeks now, I like her and she seems interested...

this weekend we end up goin out to karaoke , her and her friends and me and we all have a good time, I flirt with her all night here and there and she seems to be enjoying her self a lot, even ends up sitting really close to me at the coffee shop , almost facing me... so I do some kino and she seems to like it... I mention we should do something the next night and she seems very enthusiastic about the idea, but I end up having a busy day and I dont end up calling or talkin to her... so I come online that night and she says how she didnt do anything that day because she was "sick", so we talk for a bit about other things and right before she goes I tell her I want to call her the next day to ask her something... she seems very excited and asks me why I didnt call her to hang out that day... so I tell her i was busy and i didnt even know she wanted to... anyway so after three weeks of gettin to know her and feelin her out I decide to ask her out... so i call her , we talk for a bit and I do ask her out.... she ends up saying yes.. wow iam feelin good.. almost seems to ez with my luck... so I tell her i'll talk to her later.. we say bye , day goes by and tonight I log on msn and we end up talkin for a bit and all of a sudden she says she wants to talk to me about earlier... tells me how shes not sure how much she likes me because she doesnt know me that well yet... so iam thinking wtf... anyway i tell her its all good .. she says shes really sorry she didnt say it on the phone and what not... but she still continues talkin to me , and I try not to seem dissapointed which i em lol... so ... she knows how I feel about her now, and I tried to make it some what obvious over the past three weeks... I made myself seem busy, I didnt let her control me around and I tried to play it well whenever I got the chance. So now I dont know what to do... I dont know what to say to her, I dont know if I should forget about her and move on or if I can still possibly do somethin in this situation... I dont want her to think iam gonna be chasin her now because she knows I like her... cuz that wont be happenin but Iam jus not sure how to go about it from here on out with this girl... any suggestions?


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2002
Reaction score
Morristown, NJ, USA
Jeez, you ask her out and she acts like your in love with her, so immature.

Here's what you do. Stop giving her a lot of attention, block her on your MSN chat thing. Don't wait for this dumb chick to make up her mind. Go out and meet other girls. Flirt with other girls infront of her if possible and flirt only a little with her to get her biting. Forget what she thinks, it's not important, your important and what you want, you get, your the man. If she did like you or still does then she will most likely get jealous and try to get you back.

You need to get some levarage and power back in this situation. Pretend like you never even asked her out, like nothing happened. DOn't show any weakness!!! Don't talk about your feelings with her or mutual friends. Your not on her time, she's on your time. (Btw, you should have asked her to hangout earlier)

Be completely cool, be don juan my friend.

DJ Alejandro

Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2001
Reaction score
Southern Philippines
nuff said.

MacdaddyJr got it all right. do it.
just think: oh well, u had ur chance. be a good girl and maybe you could have another chance with me... if you're lucky.

i get that attitude sometimes. it works


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2002
Reaction score
^ MacDaddy's advice sounds great to me. I'd be careful blocking people on instant messengers though. It's not as much of a problem on MSN as it is on AIM where everyone has like 101 screen names but if she discovers you have blocked her she could get pissed and ruin your chances with her.


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
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i think iam jus gonna next her... w/e.. more girls out there... thanks all.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
It's not too late. She has baggage that is all. The fact that she doesn't know what she wants is normal with chicks. She's just overwhelmed you asked her out. Play it off. tell her to not get her panties wet, you just wanted to go on a little outing, nothing more. tell her she's the one who started thinking sexual and you wonder why.

Otherwise just live your life. She'll come to you soon. Trust me.



New Member
Feb 2, 2004
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ok.. so she still wants to hang out but uhmm she insists on me calling her, I told her to call me but she tried to get out of it and gave me some bull****... I don wanna be callin her more then twice in a row... I don know why she insists i call her...


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by RaMar
^ MacDaddy's advice sounds great to me. I'd be careful blocking people on instant messengers though. It's not as much of a problem on MSN as it is on AIM where everyone has like 101 screen names but if she discovers you have blocked her she could get pissed and ruin your chances with her.
I have made blocking work for me a few times as if you blatenlty act like you blocked her and she knows, it will piss her off, give you the power and make her feal a failure as she thinks shes(or has) done something wrong.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
Reaction score
Your story is a perfect example why you shouldn't ask the girl to be exclusive. Keep playing with her mind till you've got it locked and she WILL bring it up. Just next time, keep patience and don't jump the gun. Nexting this one is a good idea, or just ignore her. If she really was interested she will somehow make you see that and come to you, and if she doesnt chase, it wasn't worth your time anyway.