Expectations and Reality - LTRs


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2014
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This may start out as a slightly cynical post but please bare with me. This post is meant to give hope, clarity and peace of mind on some points. I'm sure I'll be echoing some other users ideas. These are my personal opinions. (feel free to disagree) I believe my statements below to be pretty accurate in most cases though.

MY own personal opinion is depression isn't so much a pit you fall into but more like quicksand that slowly devours you. I see a lot of men both online and in my personal line who suffer from depression. A lot of men are upset about being alone/single/not having a spouse. This isn't the case for every man. Some just want sex, but many want someone to come home to every night. They wonder why in the world there single. Why they can't keep a girl. Why she flakes after the first few dates. You felt like you had chemistry (you most likely did), thought you gamed her perfect all to no avail. You may have even slept with her. Then she is gone and your search continues for the LTR, feeling even more depressed than before. Why did this happen? Were you not attractive enough? Did you do some beta stuff? Maybe..but there's a lot more to it than that.

LTRs are a lot about logistics, especially when it comes to women. Higher class women look not only at your looks but your potential as well. Are you living at home? Are you struggling to pay rent? Are you in debt up to your eyes? What kind of car/clothes do you drive/wear? Are you working a dead end job? Did you never start your own business/go to college? How old are you in comparison to her? Will her family approve of you? Are you better than her exes? These are questions they will start asking after several dates with you. The younger the women, the less this happens. As they get older(and are more focused on marriage) they all tend to gravitate to these questions. Overall this is what love is to them. (what do you provide them)
It may not be fair but that's reality for a lot of women. SO take heart, that beautiful girl may have actually liked you, however you just didn't meet her list. In a different time and place with another setting, she may have been yours.

Now that you know that, take blame for being single. YOU ARE the problem. You're bad choices, not God or any one else, have landed you where you are. Yes, some people have easier breaks (being born rich etc). That's for sure.

That being said, get accountable for your current state. Don't blame life or women on how unfair things are." When you have the dominos aligned they will all fall with a push."
It's a hard pill to swallow but the first on a road to recovery.

Where you are now is your fault, yes. Now say f uck the past and start new today. Don't get discouraged about where you are. It happened, learn from it and move on. Only worry about things you can currently control. Progress. Succeed.

Start working on yourself - (get a job/look for better jobs/start a business/go to college etc etc) (Hit the Gym) (Work on your fashion/grooming) (Enjoy hobbies) I promise when you do these things, with game, QUALITY women will fall into your lap. They have expectations just as you have expectations about there looks.

In the meantime my single friends, as you are climbing, DO NOT get discouraged. Nothing good comes easy. Building yourself up from nothing is the best feeling in the world though. Suffer through being a lone, let it drive you. When you see yourself in the mirror. Tell yourself your to blame for your current state, let it drive you onward. It's in the hardest times we grow the most.

Good luck to you all and if anyone has anything to add or comment on please do.

Culture of ME

Don Juan
Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, MA
+1 Rival - very well said. Reps coming your way.

Personal responsibility is one absolutely necessary ingredient to making substantive changes in tour life.

It's also key to long-term success for high quality women. They want they same thing we want, a high quality partner. Not many of those people left, whether male or female. Become one and you'll have many options, stay average and you're left with the scraps (attention *****s, sluts, whales, etc.) that life throws your way.

There is simply no good reason to not become the best man you can be, none. Do it for yourself; you'll thank you later.



Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score

Learn to be comfortable alone, because you shouldnt be looking to women (or anyone or anything else outside of yourself) for fulfillment. We are all ultimately "alone", women and everything else comes and goes. Spending your days and all your activities in life to look good and make money so that you can be appealing to women sounds about as beta as it gets.

Follow your heart and your dreams, because YOU want to, not to win approval from a woman.. Stop worrying about what they find attractive and just do your thing. Id rather be a content bum enjoying each day than a hustling little rat spending all his time chasing and fighting for another little piece of material wealth or physical beauty, missing his whole life.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Depression is a symptom of low testosterone which many guys suffer from due to all the xenoestrogens, pollution, plastics and chemicals wreaking havoc on our endocrine systems


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
Rival said:
f uck the past and start new today.
This stood out the most for me and I think it is the one that hits home for many as the norm is to wallow in self pity before we move on. But yep, clean slate starts today. We get so caught up in our own little worlds we don't realise we could step off the road tomorow and get hit by a truck and die. Yet we lack the balls to simply walk up to a woman we are attracted to and game her.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
jurry said:

Learn to be comfortable alone, because you shouldnt be looking to women (or anyone or anything else outside of yourself) for fulfillment. We are all ultimately "alone", women and everything else comes and goes. Spending your days and all your activities in life to look good and make money so that you can be appealing to women sounds about as beta as it gets.

Follow your heart and your dreams, because YOU want to, not to win approval from a woman.. Stop worrying about what they find attractive and just do your thing. Id rather be a content bum enjoying each day than a hustling little rat spending all his time chasing and fighting for another little piece of material wealth or physical beauty, missing his whole life.
I agree with you on everything you said but the reality is a lot of people do want a family one day, which at least for awhile, will require a LTR to some degree minus adoption/knocking a girl up and having a kid. So it's good to have the realization of what LTRs with quality women require. Everything you said is spot on though.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score
Culture of ME said:
+1 Rival - very well said. Reps coming your way.

There is simply no good reason to not become the best man you can be, none. Do it for yourself; you'll thank you later.

love it