Excuse = not interested


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2016
Reaction score
Family emergencies aren't always valid either. Even then, I learned to delete them. And we never talk again unless that 1/256 chance happens that she calls back.

Anything other than a yes, complete with the proper actions to back it up, is a no. Treat it as such.

Case closed.
That is why I written "if it is valid". If you know that it is true you can not expect her to meet you in such situation. Good indicator is if she propose some other time. Of course you can have at most 2 grand mothers so change of something like this happening is really low. I see a lot of good advices in this topic. Most of them boils down to some rule of thumbs:
1. Judge through the action.
2. Excuse means "no".
3. Willingness to walk away.

I added small exception to second rule because it is heuristic after all and too simplified view of live a little bit fishy. Even though I think this rule will guide you well in 99% of the cases. So It is better to adopt it then not.

Often you won't even recognize her number, since you deleted it, so you can hit them with 'who's this?', which makes them get mad as hell, which is funny.
I was always afraid not to recognize girl and say "who's this" because I found it as a sign of disrespect and ignoring that person to biggest possible extent. But after your post I think it is hillarious and I will try it on closest occassion.
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