I found the article amusing at best. i wasnt too impressed with his 'observations'.
1. he seems awfully stereotypical. not saying thats a bad thing, but just a little too specific. "Heavy metal music", baseball caps ? jeeze... im surprized he didnt mention any specific teams.
2. I'd say he's a relitavley old "dude"...probably in his late 50s -60s. thtas a guess from aftr reading the article.
3. He's living in the middle ages. opening doors for women ?, etc.... im guess he hasnt heard that women can vote these days. lol.
4. It's odd but i findmyself inbetween a barbarian and a whimp according to this "dude".... except that i dont wear baseball caps and i dont enjoy shopping, i seem to have the worst/best pf both worlds
5. He seems to think men have changed since ancient greece and women have stayed the same.
6. He also seems to think that men are the problem, nd that women are the honorable, innocent and 'righteous' ones in the world today....
Me thinks he's got quite a skewed view of the world.
Just my opinion.