rubbish, the day i see a chick give a guy solid , logical advice on how attraction works, relationships etc in the real world to a guy whos struggling for answers is the day I will buy the girl a drink and a pat on the back.
So considering maybe 9 times out of 10 a guy will get the stock standard "just be yourself" or something equally retarded when asking a chick for advice make the chances of finding women who tells it like it is sounds pretty rare to me.
with that being said, wouldnt it make sense to just tell an AFC who wants some answers to just steer clear of womens advice altogether? (yes of course it does )
like it or not, most womens advice on relationships is garbage and ALL should be taken with a grain of salt, this is just the way it is, like everyone keeps saying men and women just think different :ie chicks dont have a clue what they want most of the time, with emotion and wishful thinking getting in the way of logic almost all the time.
If that is your logic, then I'd say "ALL advice from ALL PEOPLE should be taken with a grain of salt". And isn't that really the truth!? I've read a lot of really really really horrible advice on this site from guys... I would never try to generalize and say "Guys give bad advice" but WOW have I read some garbage here. Now you might say "Oh those are the AFCs"... but you can't always tell an AFC from a DJ right away; just like you can't always tell a woman with good advice from one with bad advice. I don't doubt that it has been your experience that women give bad advice, but that only proves my point... you are getting advice from the wrong women; no wonder it's bad advice and no wonder you wouldn't take it. I'm not saying you should take ALL women's advice, because a ton of women really DON'T know what they're talking about (or just aren't going to give you the truth even if they did)... but there are plenty of guys out there who would do the same thing. If you and I ever met in the "real world" you'd be buying me a drink and patting me on the back.
Have you ever seduced a woman? What's that? Did you say "no"? Look: you're like a virgin talking about sex, you have no clue what it takes to seduce a woman or how to deal with them because you've never been in a romantic relationship with one.
I said this before too... you don't have to be able to seduce a woman to know what it takes to seduce a woman. I'd say sometimes women know MORE about how to seduce a woman, because we KNOW what it takes for US to be seduced. Think about it... if you were an actor trying to audition for a casting agent, whose advice would you think would be more helpful? Another actor or a casting agent?
... They could be equally helpful (if they want to be)... the real issue is not whether women CAN give good advice... it is whether women WILL give good advice. It really comes down to knowing the right women (women who know what they're talking about, are trustworthy, are on your side, etc)... Not all guys know women like that, so to THOSE guys I'd say "DONT TAKE ADVICE FROM WOMEN." But I'd never say that to ALL guys about ALL women... There are plenty of guys who don't know any MEN who are trustworthy, etc, etc... so in that case I'd say "DON'T TAKE ADVICE FROM THOSE MEN." You all know who you are in this scenario... so you all know who you have in your life that is worthy of giving good advice and who is not... male/female...
Since you all know your own life and there is not cut and dry answer of "DO THIS" or "DON'T DO THAT", this thread is a waste of time...... And on that note, I will not post again because I won't contribute any more to this waste of time.
PS: JustDoIt... I could easily take all of your statements and turn them around to describe certain MALE posters on this site, but I'm not going to waste my time doing that.