I have. Empathy is a LEARNED emotion. Look it up. Some people lack it because as children they were wired differently and interpret social situations (that required empathy) differently. There’s also those who can unlearn it too, or switch it off at will. Selfish/self-centered people lack the capacity to empathize with others oftentimes. They fix this by learning how to.
Extreme emotions like rage, ecstasy, loathing, despair, etc. are not learned, along with it’s simpler counterparts (happy, sad, angry, dislike, etc.) are not learned. They are inherent. However, these too, can be ‘unlearned’, so to speak. It’s not that you unlearn them, they are just dulled out to a great extent. Some call this a form of depression because it’s so desolate, but that’s just emotions rather than your whole way of life.