Ex texts me...


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Tomorrow will be 2 weeks of officially my girl breaking up with me. She really seemed like she didn't want anything to do with me, wouldn't even look at me after... for a few days. We work together, at first she wanted nothing to do with me, then she was ok, but got pissed at everything, and the past two times I have seen her she has flirted with me, laughed when I spoke, and all that jazz... weird...

Tonight she was at work, I am off, and she randomly texts me saying "Hey =) lol, what are you doing?"

When we broke up she said that would "try again" but I figured i didn't think she was for real on that. She gave me lame excuses, saying that she has no time for a BF, and that she doesn't feel the same...

I WAS hurt, but I got over it. I DID want her back, but haven't been so sure of that... and now.. I don't know what to think.

Backstory- we met up because we work together. One day her and friend were going out they figured they would just pop up at my place and drag me along. I was cool with it, I mean, who does want to cruise around the city with two ladies? After flirting with the chick a lot, and getting positive results, she started texting me saying things like "Hey =) what are you doing?" for a while. I knew she liked me, and I knew she was hurting when she split up with me.. but.. if she wants me back, should I go back to her?

I still remember that hurt... damn. She has no right to play with someones feelings... at all.

I haven't texted her back yet, and don't plan on it either, but I have to work with her tomorrow. I guess I will see what happens.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
don't go back to her.... Put major space between you and her and for fck sake if she turns up with her friend unanounced tell them ur busy instead of tagging along like an afc.

Ask yourself this question...does this girl deserve your time and energy after she has dumped you then ignored you ?

If she wants back in make her earn it.


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Well she did that at first, thats how we hooked up... that was before. So its been over an hour and she texts me again, so finally I just say "whats up?" and she texts me back and says "sooo... what you up to?"

I think I am going to make up an excuse, its like 10:30 here, so I am just gonna tell her about to go to sleep (even though.. I'm not...) but whatever...

Your 100% right, she can't just start texting me and expect me to take her back... not at all... I am pissed that she is texting me stupid questions in the first place... !!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
don't tell her anything about what you're up to....stop texting her full stop. Shut her out completely until she begs for another chance. Even then she may be just looking for an ego stroke so you need to be careful and make her prove herself to you again....


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah. All I told her was that I was going to bed early... because I am busy tomorrow. I can't trust her... :-\