Chrom3y said:
She's a fvck buddy now lmao. Never had one before though. Do I just call and say "hey wanna fvck?" Or what?
When you want to fvck just call her and ask if you can come over.
When you are over if she puts up any resistance and refuses to fvck you can walk out.
She'll then get the covert message that the only time she will be getting with you (if she wants any at all) will be time spent with your balls slapping against her backside.
She agreed to this fvck buddy scenario currently because she misses you and her emotions are effected.
She thinks if she lets you just use her for sex for a while eventually she can be your girlfriend again but you will not let this happen.
When she becomes ready to persue the girlfriend role she will try withholding the sex from you with bullsh!t conversations about you just using her or why can't we go back to the way it was or do you care about me blah blah blah.
When that sh!t starts go cold no contact and wait.
Eventually like SunnyD she'll start to miss you as well her ego will be severely hurt which is what will make her desire to get you back so strongly. The ego will become bruised by your walking away and going no contact when she starts the girlfriend bullsh!t speeches. The walking away will make her realize just how worthless and unimportant to your life she is and to repair her ego she will have to get you back in her life somehow and the only way to do that much like SunnyD is to spread her legs for you.
There will be no paying for dates, there will be no dates, its just you and her getting together to fvck thats what fvck buddy means, there will be no long periods of time where you and she hang out in a friendly fashion, you are meeting with her once again to fvck and thats it. This is the mindset you have to have to avoid getting sucked back in to a relationship with her.
You also did the wrong thing by letting this fvck buddy thing happen so soon.
You should of followed Metaphysical's guide and made her beg for a month or a couple of weeks to get back into your life.
That gives the girl anxiety which the female mind processes as love which creates an attachment need for you in her as well shows the girl how valueable you are as well as how valueable your time is.
You just agreeing to start seeing her again in a fvck buddy role shows her that you are not all that valueable as when she wants you in some way you snap to it and are at her beck and call.
Nevertheless thats just information for you to use in the future, you are where you are with her now in this fvck buddy scenario so from here on out do the right thing to position yourself for maximum power and advantage and as much lack of hassle as possible.