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Ex-PUA member reveals the flaws in the movement


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Check this out.


About 8 years ago I was what many in the seduction community would call an "AFC". It's not a term I like, but it gets the point across. I was at that point where PUA and related concepts became very important to me to get out of this dating rut I was in. Back then "game" seemed like the ultimate answer to a poor social life and lack ofwomen in my life, but after years of experience and trial and error I have come to realize that "game" is only a life raft. If you are sinking and don't know how to swim it can help you overcome some of your biggest mistakes. But it's all relative. If you're starving even a sh*t sandwich can seem appetizing. But admittedly I did have a fair degree of success with PUA material. The only problem was the level of success was in many ways abnormal; the women were shallow, manipulative, stimulation seeking, emotionally unregulated drama queens. PUA material was merely a way to navigate a broken system, a way to get results, no matter how lacklustre those results are, and then call it success.

It's worth mentioning that the best women I met were the ones that didn't require game. Everything was normal, and went seamlessly. So it's completely untrue that good game gets good women. Overcoming obstacles is not the path to getting good women. That's why I now only screen for women who make it easy for me. The law of returns works in my favor. The same goes if you only want sex. The best lays are "foolsmate" lays, contrary to what Mystery et al believe.

Over time I began to see that the seduction community has two major flaws: The first flaw is that it teaches you the very contradictory message that you have to learn to be masculine and be your own man while catering to women and their actions. So no matter what she does, it's up to you to calibrate it for best effect. If she wants ****y and funny you better be ****y and funny. If she wants an as*hole you better be that too. If she wants entertainment and you aren't entertaining then she will move on to the next guy who is.

The second flaw is that the seduction community never or rarely addresses those things that women are doing wrong. It's like a child who throws a tantrum and instead of disciplining him or her you take the position that you have to find out what it is they want and give it to them. There's this intense fear that if you call out women on their misbehaviour you are a chump or weak or unable to take it like a man. So rather than do that, many guys prefer to just take the "spoil the child" approach to getting laid. Game is basically a coping strategy for women's rotten behaviour. If a woman has attitude and is unresponsive god forbid you tell her to open up. It's your job to figure out what buttons to push.

It's not hard to see that game and PUA material is a downward spiral. I digress...

I signed up for this forum because I can relate to its premise. Although I have not traveled much I know for sure that women abroad are better. In fact some of the friendliest most open women I have met came here from overseas. And I've known guys who moved here and have taken a serious hit in their social life. So some might say that the traveler status helps, and when guys say they do better abroad it's because of that. Now, there is likely some truth to that, but like I said, I've known guys who have moved here from overseas who suddenly found themselves dateless and having a hard time making connections.

In my neck of the woods, women follow this rigid structure on where and how to meet men. As a result I've only ever met women at clubs and through the internet. Despite many, many attempts I have almost never met anyone through daytime pickup; either at the mall, bookstore, bus stop etc. You would think it was easy. Well you would be wrong.

Some might say that I wasn't gaming right or I was doing something wrong. That may have been more true in the beginning. But now I know it's the women that are closed off. It becomes most obvious when I get much better reactions from women when I meet them through friends or acquaintances (the accepted channels), but when I meet them out in public there's this wall that comes up. Hard to explain, but it's like this polite onthe surface , but wanting to get the hell out of there vibe. And yet I am the same person everywhere, but the location makes all the difference. The PUA stuff is not a solution to this. It can help a bit but like this site owner said, they already have to be into you. I resisted this notion for the longest time but eventually I concluded that if you have overcome your shyness and are comfortable talking with strangers then PUA won't help. PUA only helps if you are very introverted; in which case PUA gives you material to work with, kind of like training wheels. There's also probably a placebo effect where you feel good about it and that shows in your overall vibe, making you more attractive.

So the only real benefit of PUA is that it's a template to get you talking, but it's no more useful than religion is to make you a better or more attractive person. Guys who cling to this are simply in life-raft mode, scared to move on to solid land or to greener pastures; which is what this site talks about.

It's a shame that these so-called PUA gurus are getting so much attention, with guys spending tons of money on their products. But none of these gurus talk about the dysfunctional dating culture in North America. To do that would admit a weakness that can't be marketed, and these guys have money to make. Take David DeAngelo for instance, who does provide some good information, but also some very bad. He seems to underscore all his good advice with this one sentence: "Do this to get women". Learn hobbies, be funny and interesting dot-dot-dot because it helps you get women. You have to wonder how far along he really is in his personal development.

Then there's Mystery, always teaching coping techniques on how to deal with any and all adverse dating situations. His classic line: "Men must learn to attract beautiful women or their genes will be mercilessly weeded out of existence". Great line BTW, plays on fear. And once the fear is primed a solution is offered. Very cult like. The only problem with this classic line is that it's relatively easy to eventually propagate your genes with someone, even in this dysfunctional culture, as long as you go out enough and talk to enough women. And the whole notion of "beautiful woman" is biased because in Mystery's and his followers view, only dolled up 18-25 year olds are beautiful or "perfect 10s", and since the techniques play on these women's insecurities (typical for girls this age) they are lauded as superior; ie. they get the "best women". If the techniques don't work, and they won't on older more intelligent women it is said that these women are not the best anyway. yada yada and you can say thatthe techniques are engineered to get the highest quality women and they won't work on the lower value women (anyone over 25). It's PUA slight of hand basically. Thing is, with evolutionary biology arguments you can prove just about anything. Lots of makeup is called superior beauty and immaturity is called exceptional femininity. Therefore, the (dysfunctional) techniques work on the "most beautiful, most feminine women".

Interestingly, Mystery comes from Toronto, Ontario. So his techniques are an adaptation to the type of women there. It's very telling and I would say useful from an academic point of view. Such techniques do not work well on women who have not been exposed to feminist dogma. And since Toronto is extremely politically correct, feminism thrives there, ruining relationships between men and women. I can attest that it's a very bad city to meet women. Even the best women relatively speaking leave a lot to be desired. But if I post this complaint on a PUA forum the majority of responses are going to be, do more push/pull, qualifying, compliance testing etc. That will not work when you are up against indoctrinated fear and hatred of males. I had to move away from Toronto for that main reason, and things are better where I am. But since I'm still in Ontario, the problems still exist, but to a lesser degree.

Don't get me wrong, I do think men honestly need to look at themselves and be willing to fix their issues. But we also can't ignore that women need to do their part too. THAT is what is missing from this culture: criticism of females. The assumption is always that men need to do the self-improvement part. But learning how to meet women will only go anywhere if the women are willing to do their part. Why should I put my best foot forward and go to all these lengths to meet women when they have already made up their mind that they don't want to meet me. Why throw pearls to swine? Sure, you can argue that maybe I'm doing something wrong. And that's possible, but if it is always assumed that the guy is at fault, then is it not likely that, in the absence of forced female introspection, women will become increasingly blind to their own shortcomings? And as a result, is it not likely that the true fault will eventually shift to women for the most part.

But nope, don't criticize women. Instead cope, be a man, and keep a positive attitude. Like the site owner said, a positive attitude won't help if women have an axe to grind. One thing I've learned is that a positive attitude helps but not with women who act like stone-faced gatekeepers. I've gone into many situations with a positive attitude and gotten burned. Sh*t happens. Just tell that to the survivors of a natural disaster who seconds before were living and enjoying life. You do not have control over everything. It's a certain new-age BS that has creeped into many people's thinking that has made a mockery of rational thinking.

(continued in next post)


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Another point I want to make is that good looks don't help that much in this feminist climate. I know this because I've gotten many girls and a few guys tell me I'm very good looking, but that doesn't help that much. Most girls when they see me automatically assume I'm a player who will only use them, so even though they might be attracted they are indoctrinated to resist alpha males. So it's very ironic that if every woman assumed that I get all the girls -- but as a matter of principle I won't get her -- then I will hook up with nobody! Fortunately, I do hook up once in a while (definitely not often) but only with those few women who don't care that much who else I might be f*cking. It's funny how that works, but it's basically sexual politics. If you are a Democrat, and by definition the strong alpha guy is a Republican then you will refuse to be with them because they are your political enemy. Men, or rather masculinity in this feminized country, is the political enemy of the extreme Left. The result is a socialist unspoken tyranny against men. You see this everywhere. If you just keep your eyes open. This tyranny is most played out in divorce courts, custody battles, domestic violence, funding of women's programs vs. men's, and the whole dating sphere.

So in closing, I have eventually concluded that I need to travel to meet quality women on a consistent basis. It is not necessarily overseas, but it can just be in other cities in the province; places that for whatever reason might not be as strongly indoctrinated in feminism and male-hating. Of course, I'm sure the real improvement will be to go overseas. The truth is that I can't improve myself more than I have, so all that's left is to go where the women are themselves improved.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Another one on why PUA doesn't work. Brilliant points.


First off, I've NEVER known a person whose dating life was turned around by PUA (Pick up artist industry) techniques and could prove it. Not one. The successes exist only in the fake testimonials and scripts of PUA gurus like David DeAngelo, Ross Jefferies, Mystery, etc.

PUA shares a lot of features of multi level marketing (MLM) in that it's a lot of hype around a guru or "system" with big promises, yet the majority of followers don't get the results promised. So they are told to practice further or to blame themselves, because the system "works" and is perfect. It's like a religious belief. So any failure of the system is attributed to the followers of the system, who are told to blame themselves, rather than the system itself.

It's all a con game based on false premises and flaws designed to profit those who start the system or program.

PUA offers a hyped "system" with big promises that doesn't really deliver, giving its followers something to believe in, and taking advantage of them.

It promises a formula of techniques that will "create" attraction. Yet in reality attraction doesn't work that way. Being ****y and funny (David DeAngelo's approach), for example, may get some airhead girls to laugh at you, but it's not going to create attraction from a girl who isn't attracted to you. Get real.

They claim to help you acquire social skills, which are either defined as manipulation/persuasion techniques or tact/diplomacy skills to help you get along with others. Such may help you to get along with others, such as coworkers, the cashier at the grocery story, and help you stay on other people's good side. But again, it's not going to create attraction where there is none.

For PUA techniques to work, the girl has to ALREADY be attracted to you. There has to be a pre-existing attraction for it to spice up, in which case you don't even need PUA. But it's not going to create attraction out of nothing. Anyone who claims it does is either lying, BSing, conning you, or in denial and probably has little or no experience with real human relationships.

In reality, humans and their behavior do not fit into "formulas". Any attempt to fit them into such usually fails and lacks understanding of the complexities and unpredictability of human nature. Anyone with real experience in relationships knows this.

Real social skills have nothing to do with formulas, but are about being attuned and aware of subtle messages and body language from others and having the sense and insight to act accordingly, with tact and diplomacy. Everyone is different and require different types of communication/social skills to deal with. The social skills you need to get along with others in American settings, for instance are very different in Japan, and vice versa. It takes insight and experience to be able to "read others".

There are social skills that will help you get along and work harmoniously with others (as long as they are not like oil and water to you). But there are no "social skills" that will make you attractive to the majority of women you meet who don't find you attractive. No way. Only in PUA material does such exist, not in real life. It's a totally delusional system, made evident by the lack of results.

None of the PUA gurus have any real proof that their "system" works reliably for the majority of people, even if it really does work for them personally. Instead, they expect you to take all their big claims on faith, and many are gullible enough to do just that, cause many disgruntled men who follow them need something tobelieve in that gives them hope and gives them the illusion that they are in control.

Now, the logical defining criteria for a system to be considered to WORK is that it has to work for the average person CONSISTENTLY, not just for a small few or rarely. Both PUA and MLM fail in that criteria, as any serious independent investigation reveals. The majority of those involved in them do NOT consistently succeed or profit. Asking PUA disciples to show you actual results is like asking Amway distributors to show you their tax returns. It exposes their charade and so they quickly find excuses not to comply.

Yet they still maintain the deception that their "system works". Now let me ask you, if I designed a computer program for a company that worked less than 5 percent of the time, would the company consider that program to "work" and be satisfied with it? HELL NO! They would never keep such a program! So why should you? To claim that something that only gets results a small percentage of the time, "works" is very deceptive and inaccurate. It's time to stop the bull, hype and brainwashing. I know we all need something tobelieve in, but for crying out loud, at least believe in something REAL that works consistently for the average decent person.

On the other hand, Global dating fulfills this criteria, for you will find that expat males who have plenty of experience living or dating abroad are pretty much unanimous in their opinion that dating foreign women is a much BETTER experience than back home, regardless of whether they are in long term relationships or short term flings only.

But even if PUA did work, it would only attract low quality females and dumb airheads. Do you really think high quality intelligent women are going to fall for you just because you're "****y and funny" and you tease her and bust her balls and call her a "brat"? If so, then I have a bridge to sell you. Only the biggest fool in the world with no real understanding of human relationships or women would fall for that.

PUA is an artificial industry that produces hope for profit, but not real results or happiness or love, for it doesn't understand the first thing about human nature and attraction.

They've treated courtship as a whole "scientific field of study", which is ridiculous. This should tell you a lot right there. Why would such a natural thing like male/female courtship need to be reduced to a "technique" or "science" as though it were a difficult subject that needed to be "mastered"?!

In other countries, it's just like you see in the movies - boy meets girl, they flirt, hold hands, say "I like you" to each other, then kiss and so forth. It's completely natural and effortless. (I've experienced this firsthand many times)

The students of this industry even have to "master an art" (e.g. advanced conversation techniques) just to hold conversations with women, which ought to be the most natural thing in the world!

Now the thing is, this type of industry is unheard of in other countries. I challenge you to find another country where men pay "seduction or pick up artist gurus" to teach them how to meet women. You can't, cause in other countries, the process is natural and flows normally, not F ed up like in the US. The "chumps" in this subculture never stop to ask the obvious question: "Why doesn't thisindustry exist in other countries too?"

And suffice to say, I have yet to meet a single person who could demonstrate and prove that these PUA/seduction techniques turned his love/dating life around 180.

Needless to say, PUA is not natural. It doesn't even allow you to be yourself. So even if it worked, why follow something that requires you to be something that you are not, which is hardly even possible anyway? Trying to be something that you're not all day eventually leads to psychological imbalance and mental dysfunction. Not a good thing.

On the other hand, Global Dating is natural and is proven to work consistently, not just for a few, but for the average decent male with no major personality defects. Best of all, it allows you to get what YOU want while being yourself at the same time! It's not a technique, but a matter of geography, a global path of going where you are wanted and where you will get the women you want. You simply need to be willing to think and live "outside the box" and defy the false programming given to you. It's very easy and natural. I know all this for a certainty cause I've lived it and so have many I've met and known. This is the real thing that changes lives and transforms them. No hype, bull, religious cult systems, gurus or false promises. This makes dreams come true and I am living proof of it. Let me show it to you all, for free!

Check out www.HappierAbroad.com

See my new film "Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind" for up close PROOF of all I say: http://www.happierabroad.com/film.php

This huge photo collage is all the proof you need of how Global Dating has skyrocketed my dating from zero to infinity. Check it out. It will mesmerize you: http://www.happierabroad.com/ebook/Collage.htm

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't read all that. And I feel glad that I didnt, after finding out that it was some ad for us to see his "new film".

And come on...we're not part of any "movement." Sosuave seems to be more about guys trying to make their lives better, and through that, get women.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Mantis Toboggan said:
I didn't read all that. And I feel glad that I didnt, after finding out that it was some ad for us to see his "new film".

And come on...we're not part of any "movement." Sosuave seems to be more about guys trying to make their lives better, and through that, get women.
This is a PUA site, no doubt. You don't have to watch my film. But at least consider my points and examine the REAL evidence I present.

I guarantee you that I'm no BSer. Everything I say is backed by proof and makes sense. Nothing artificial.

If this site is about helping guys' dating lives, then my material is VERY relevant. I have a Solution that works for ANY decent male, not just for a lucky few or on rare occasions. That's the difference between my solution vs. PUA.

For a full explanation, see here: http://www.happierabroad.com/globaldating.php

The concept is simple. Go where you are wanted and where what you want is in the greatest supply.

For credit you go to the USA. For high income jobs that allow you to save most of it, you go to Saudi Arabia. For girls, you go to the Philippines (where there is a huge surplus of single dateless girls). Simple concept. The fallacy is in thinking that everywhere is the same and that if a guy can't get any dates in one community, then he can't anywhere else, and vice versa. I guarantee you 100 percent that that is ABSOLUTELY FALSE.

People are conditioned to believe that if they have a social problem, to blame or improve themselves rather than others. They also assume that they have no choice but to stay put and try to solve it. Since the problem is with them, location would makes no difference, they believe, because it is assumed that people are the same everywhere. Therefore, they presume that anyone who can't get dates in a particular community will have the same problem everywhere they go, since the problem can only be with them and not with the community, society or environment. According to their beliefs, a person who can get dates can get them anywhere and a person who can't, won't get them anywhere. This is a HUGE fallacy that almost everyone assumes to be true, but I know for a 100 percent certainty that it is completely FALSE. All the concrete evidence on my site disproves this fallacy.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
No thanks. I have no reason to dedicate my time to reading your 3-page manifesto and no one cares about your "REAL" evidence (spelling it in all caps doesn't make it more real, BTW).

Right now you're some random dude on the internet making a desperate attempt to sell a product. You're gonna need a better pitch, bro. Guys like you are a dime a dozen.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Mantis Toboggan said:
No thanks. I have no reason to dedicate my time to reading your 3-page manifesto and no one cares about your "REAL" evidence (spelling it in all caps doesn't make it more real, BTW).

Right now you're some random dude on the internet making a desperate attempt to sell a product. You're gonna need a better pitch, bro. Guys like you are a dime a dozen.
You got the total wrong idea about me.

I do sell an ebook but it's purely optional. The solution is free. And simple too.

There are NO guys like me. Guaranteed. I am the ONLY one doing what I'm doing. If you examine my site, you will know that. No other sites promote the benefits of dating abroad as seriously as mine does. NONE.

I challenge you to find any other site like mine. You can't. It is one of a kind and the most truthful dating site out there.

I do present real evidence on my site. Learn to open up your mind man.

I hate BS and would never BS anyone. My reputation as a truth seeker and truth teller stands.

I think you are just scared of having your paradigm broken.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
I have never come to sosuave in hopes of learning PUA techniques, not even once. Personally, I find Mystery silly and he has his own demons and insecurities. Neil Strauss seems more like a down to earth dude that squared himself away with help from Mystery. I only read some of the original article too.

The main reason I come here is to see why it is important to be a good man not putting up with the prettier sex's garbage. Not to mention, there are some great stories here once in a while. Some of the information has to be taken with a grain of salt.

At times, I probably sound down right down on women, but when you find a good one you hang on to her because there are some pretty bad ones out there. It is generally situational when I am down on them.

This site ultimately is about being better in your own skin and at times, there are some posters on here that take away from the site by bashing people that ask legitimate things. They would be better stepping up and steering the rookie in the right direction instead of flaming.

There are different reasons we all come here and some d coming wanting to knock fire out of everything that moves, but I am not one of them. It is even hard for me to spin plates because of a guilty conscious. I would be better off if I did no doubt!!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Romeo, your two two initial premises seem to be wrong.

First flaw, contradictory messages. No such thing, when I read these boards I always see something completely different: teaching about female nature. That is very different than catering to her, much less catering to a particular girl's wishes. Understanding them, sure, so that the guy can decide for himself what to do.

The second flaw is even more obviously wrong. There's spades of threads about calling women on bad behaviour and proper attitude and punishment.

I suggest you lurk more, you're trying to sell ice to the eskimos.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I think the main thing that a lot of people miss when they try to critique the PUA lifestyle is that while there is no goal, at least you gain options and perspective. I've been a mainstay in picking up women for quite some time. I've had numerous one night stands, short term relationships with girls of class and girls with none, as well as juggling more then one girl at a time. While my lifestyle is definitely a point of question, the fact that I'm far more comfortable relating to girls of several walks of life then the average guy is not. From that I'm far less worried about the issue of "what should I do?" as opposed to "what do I want here?" I other words I'd much rather be trying to figure out my options with the cards face up already on the table then holding two or three and looking at a stacked deck.

If anyone takes the PUA community as a one stop shopping place do dismantle and reassemble themselves to be robotic in their approaches, then that's fine. It's attainable goal that anyone can do with some practice. After a while though, it's up to all of us as individuals to figure out what we want and, as I stated earlier, It doesn't hurt to know and understand what you're getting into. Repetition is a great skill to build towards perspective but that last step is up to the individual.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know . . I agree with some points and disagree. I agree that a lot of this is still supplication and desperation. I've been thinking about it for a while . . How effing lame is this, to come on the internet and talk about "getting a girl." Is this not the ULTIMATE PEDESTAL??

Maybe the reason so many people we know (in real life) don't have THAT much of an issue with this . . is because they DIDN'T MAKE IT AN ISSUE. It wasn't this huge goal in life that needs to be 'handled' and requires thousands of dollars and countless time studying theory!

But on the other hand, I wouldn't be here (with even these very realizations) without initially discovering all of it . . so, I don't know. I think the premise is right that its a life-raft. The AFC ship sinks and you grab onto this . . but you need to find REAL LAND, eventually.

I disagree that girls are cold and unapproachable. Very rarely do I get a flat-out b*tch. Sometimes they'll be unreactive in hopes I'll get the message and go away. But more times than I would have expected, they're receptive and nice . . or they're putting on a "This is so weird!" front (for their friends) which isn't hard to break through.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2010
Reaction score
Lodz, Poland
Anything else that I may or may not agree with notwithstanding, but the suggestion that PUA material only exists in the US and is only needed in the US is ridiculous.

I'm from effing Poland of all places, and this stuff is here as well, and while it has come here from the US, that just shows, if nothing else, that people are having difficulties with this sphere of their lives and are looking for effective ways to address them.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
killahpl said:
Anything else that I may or may not agree with notwithstanding, but the suggestion that PUA material only exists in the US and is only needed in the US is ridiculous.

I'm from effing Poland of all places, and this stuff is here as well, and while it has come here from the US, that just shows, if nothing else, that people are having difficulties with this sphere of their lives and are looking for effective ways to address them.
Exactly. As if being born in Europe is all it takes to make women will flock to you. Like guys in other countries don't have women problems.

It's also incredibly stupid to suggest that a man should change his entire life, and leave his home country just for the pursuit of women. Everything about this guy's "theory" is moronic. Travel abroad if you want to be exposed to new cultures, learn new things, and see how you'd function in a different society. Not to pick up broads. We can do that at home.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
It's also incredibly stupid to suggest that a man should change his entire life, and leave his home country just for the pursuit of women.
For the pursuit of women yes, but not for the pursuit of a wife. American/Western european and Australian women are corrupt. If you marry a woman from one of these countries you are an IDIOT. If you get to a point where you want to settle down you would be doing the smart thing by going to places where women a lot if not most women are still feminine not feminist.

I can't really blame guys for going to eastern europe and asia to find wives. It sucks and it is horribly wrong that a man has to go so far away from home to find women that make good wives but if that's what it takes then so be it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
The second flaw is that the seduction community never or rarely addresses those things that women are doing wrong. It's like a child who throws a tantrum and instead of disciplining him or her you take the position that you have to find out what it is they want and give it to them. There's this intense fear that if you call out women on their misbehaviour you are a chump or weak or unable to take it like a man. So rather than do that, many guys prefer to just take the "spoil the child" approach to getting laid. Game is basically a coping strategy for women's rotten behaviour. If a woman has attitude and is unresponsive god forbid you tell her to open up. It's your job to figure out what buttons to push.
This is 100% bullshyt right here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
f283000 said:
For the pursuit of women yes, but not for the pursuit of a wife. American/Western european and Australian women are corrupt. If you marry a woman from one of these countries you are an IDIOT. If you get to a point where you want to settle down you would be doing the smart thing by going to places where women a lot if not most women are still feminine not feminist.

I can't really blame guys for going to eastern europe and asia to find wives. It sucks and it is horribly wrong that a man has to go so far away from home to find women that make good wives but if that's what it takes then so be it.
Sorry, man. I just don't believe in generalizations. People are people. There are f**k ups everywhere and there are good ones everywhere.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Just when i saw pickup artistry doesn't work, i decided i gotta stop reading and closed all my multiple tabs i opened on your website.

Just saying that, makes you look pretty ignorant. Saying pickup community doesn't work in this forum is like saying working out doesn't build muscle on body building forum.

We are all in the field and we can obviously see that it works, and you come here saying ITS ALL A LIE and your method is better ? Give me a break..


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
great headline...great pitch. Your internet marketing stuff is really good guy. These guys here are just pretty darn resistant to the hard sell. You have to really do what they teach on internet marketing forums...become a part of the community and lead people to your site though your good reputation. Good try though. I'm sure some lurkers will bite and you'll get some hits.

Also if you want some first hand accounts on trying to pick up women abroad, read some Roosh V. Yup, he's selling a book, but he also gives a lot of info about what it's really like going to another country and trying to meet women. (Brazil in particular). http://www.rooshv.com/ I find him less spammy than a lot of other people and he comes across as authentic.

Authenticy is the new marketing tool for this generation. So next time try to be more real and authentic in your pitch and you might get a better response. Tell us about your real adventures overseas. Show us the pictures from your life. Let us see your blog that you kept as you travelled over seas. Invite us into your world and show it to us. Don't just be a marketer. I know, I read a lot about internet marketing and I provide services for internet marketers...it seems the beginning dating and PUA marketers are always the ones struggling because they offer no real authentic value. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Brilliant post. Five Stars. The guys who don't want to hear it fit three categories: (1) Young boys (2) Guys who work at Cell Phone kiosks in the middle of malls (3) Are trying to promote their PUA products.

I would say that the UK is very similar to America and Anglophile Canada. Quebec is a bit different in that it is not totally Anglophile. So the girls are a tiny bit easier to deal with. Not much, but better than other places. The more Francophile the town is the easier it is. So maybe if you head to the small towns.

I grew up in America. Hell on earth. Even Western Europe is heaven compared to what I grew up around. Girls are easier to talk to. You are not evil the moment they see you. Men are not emasculated to the degree that American men are.

Now, Eastern Europe is more extreme. Most of it is an odd combination of the highest caliber of girl combined with a land where feminism NEVER touched down on. The Commies were a lot of things, but they were NOT for hippies or feminists. They were hard core into traditional values. There were no student protests on Tverskaya Ulitsa doing Soviet Times. This lack of counterculture movements resulted in beautiful girls who still want to give themselves to a man. The fact that things are very rough for many make it an even more appealing land for the American man.